Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 695: Tailed Beast Public Enemy (Part 2)

 Previously, the words of the nine-tailed demon fox must have made Cross Country wildly imaginative.

Because, as early as when the Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country was condensed again and turned into the appearance of the Six Magatama of Samsara, Cross Country secretly guessed that the secret of the Six Paths Immortal’s Samsara Eye was probably related to the condensation of the Yin Escape Brand.

 However, when the speculation reaches this point, a problem arises.

What is the status of the Uzumaki clan inheritance that was obtained cross-country?

 Could it be that the Uzumaki clan discovered the secrets of the Six Paths Sage and started to create the secret technique of escape?

Although the current cross-country strength can crush Kushina Uzumaki, to say that the Uzumaki clan understands it, it must be Uzumaki Kushina who was the princess of the Uzumaki clan at the time.

At this time, what Cross Country urgently needed to accomplish was to suppress the nine-tailed demon fox in Uzumaki Naruto's body.


 The reason is

When the nine-tailed demon fox began to burst out its terrifying power, Cross Country suddenly discovered that Uzumaki Naruto's mental space was a bit unstable!

"what's the situation?"

"Naruto in the original Naruto novel was originally able to suppress the nine-tailed demon fox. Why does the nine-tailed demon fox actually want to crush Naruto's mental space now?"

“Could it be that as early as the time of Naruto’s original work, the nine-tailed demon fox had the ability to escape from trouble?”

"It's just that the nine-tailed demon fox doesn't want to hurt Naruto? How is that possible? It's a tailed beast and it can't have any feelings for humans!"

 In his heart, Xue Xue did not hesitate at all. He condensed the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and instantly released the cold energy of the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea.


 The cold air of Poseidon in the Demonic Sea is indeed one of the most terrifying cold air in the ninja world.

When the spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand slowly transformed into the cold energy of the Devil Sea Sea God, the hot and violent atmosphere in Naruto Uzumaki's mental space gradually disappeared, and was replaced by the cold energy of the Devil Sea Sea God. extinguished. However, when the aura of the nine-tailed demon fox gradually disappeared into Uzumaki Naruto's mental space, observing the situation in Uzumaki Naruto's mental space, the corners of Xue Yue's mouth twitched fiercely.

 Sure enough.

 Fighting fiercely in Naruto Uzumaki's mental space is not a good choice.

Because at this time, cross-country is just using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to cast the cold air of the Devil Sea God. Uzumaki Naruto's spiritual space is frozen there by the cold air of the Devil Sea God. Seeing Uzumaki Naruto's The mental space was about to be completely eroded by the cold air of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea, causing Uzumaki Naruto to suffer trauma.

 Instead, it is a nine-tailed demon fox.

 Looking at the heartbroken look on Xue Chuang’s face, the smile that raised at the corner of his mouth became even stronger!

 “That’s right, that’s it!”

"You are worried about that brat Uzumaki Naruto, right? Since you are worried about that brat Uzumaki Naruto, you can't fight with all your strength! Even though I encountered a seal in Uzumaki Naruto's body, I can use all my abilities His strength is only one-tenth of his power. However, with the limitations of Uzumaki Naruto's body, why can't you only fight with one-tenth of his strength?"

“Since the power that everyone can use is basically the same, then I”

 “How can defeat be possible?”

Thinking of this, the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly roared in the direction of the cross-country!


Accompanied by the roaring sound of the nine-tailed demon fox, the chakra radiated from the body of the nine-tailed demon fox condensed into the shape of an arm in front of the cross-country.

That is the materialization of chakra, the somewhat off-road Shadow Dragon Jutsu, and the meaning of Susanoo's Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique.

Just showing one-tenth of its strength, the nine-tailed demon fox wants to tell Cross Country that its nine-tailed demon fox is not that easy to bully, and the strongest one among the tailed beasts is also no joke. However, it was just the materialization of chakra, but it was not a problem for Cross Country. Therefore, when facing the attack of the nine-tailed demon fox's chakra, Cross Country turned to the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Mark to condense it into the Hand of Shadow. It looked like they were fighting fiercely with the hands of the nine-tailed demon fox's condensed chakra.

 In just a few seconds, how many rounds did the cross-country and the nine-tailed demon fox fight?

the answer is..

 Hundreds of rounds!

 No wonder ordinary shadow-level experts have no ability to resist in front of the nine-tailed demon fox. Let’s just say that the nine-tailed demon fox’s attainments in physical skills are beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas.

 Physical skills?

 The tailed beast is actually capable of taijutsu?

 It’s really ridiculous if you say it out loud, isn’t it?

 However, the training of tailed beasts is not just about the use of chakra, and what they can use is also not just tailed beast cannons. As a tailed beast that existed during the Warring States Period, the experience of each tailed beast and the skills of each tailed beast are beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas, or ordinary shadow-level experts.

It's like the nine-tailed demon fox in front of the cross-country. Its physical skills are very high, and they are vaguely comparable to those of the cross-country who practice the secret technique of Yang Escape. Moreover, with the tailed beast's immortal body and unlimited amount of chakra, the nine-tailed demon fox's ability to consume is also very amazing. If the cross-country uses the spiritual energy in its own Yin Escape brand, it can be compared with the nine-tailed fox in front of it. If the demon fox is more exhausted, it is estimated that the person who loses in the end must be Cross Country, not the nine-tailed demon fox in front of him.

What's even more disgusting is that the nine-tailed demon fox is sealed in Uzumaki Naruto's body.

 Even if you want to get rid of the nine-tailed demon fox, it is impossible to go off-road now.


 He directly unlocked the seal of the nine-tailed demon fox and released the nine-tailed demon fox.

But in that case, wouldn't Uzumaki Naruto be dead?

The pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly, and for a moment, Cross Country actually realized that if he fought the nine-tailed demon fox, there would be no possibility of victory. At best, it would be a miserable victory. The price of such sacrifice would still be the death of Uzumaki Naruto. Therefore, when Cross Country discovered this, he no longer had any intention of competing with the nine-tailed demon fox.

Immediately, he used the hand of shadow to tightly wrap around the arm of the nine-tailed demon fox condensed with chakra. When he completely imprisoned the nine-tailed demon fox's arm with chakra, he took a deep breath. While imprisoning the nine-tailed demon fox, he exploded the power in his Yin Escape brand, and left Naruto Uzumaki's mental space with a "boom".

The spiritual will returned to his body, and the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was used to concentrate on the cross-country, which was to use the sealing technique taught by Uzumaki Kushina to seal the nine-tailed demon fox for the second time to prevent it from harming Uzumaki Ming again. people.

I never thought that the reaction of the nine-tailed demon fox would be much beyond the cross-country imagination.

 Next second!


 The aura of Nine Tails enveloped Uzumaki Naruto's body.

Even when Off-Road failed to condense the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly took control of Naruto Uzumaki's spiritual will and prepared to use Naruto Uzumaki's body to fight off-road!

 “Nara Cross Country, let’s fight!”


 “Fight for the future of our tailed beasts!”

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