Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 697: Fierce Battle with Nine-Tails (Part 2)




 Confusion and hesitation are the true reflections of cross-country travel.

Facing Uzumaki Naruto under the control of the nine-tailed demon fox, Cross Country really didn't know how to fight. Because, if Uzumaki Naruto is hurt, then Cross Country will not be able to explain to his teacher, the Fourth Hokage, and his master, Uzumaki Kushina. But if Uzumaki Naruto is not hurt, Uzumaki Naruto under the control of the nine-tailed demon fox, really It's very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, when there is no other way, the only way to go cross-country is to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape, and take Uzumaki Naruto under the control of the nine-tailed demon fox little by little away from the territory of Konoha Village.

The cross-country battle with the nine-tailed demon fox naturally attracted the attention of many people.

For example, the Third Hokage in the Hokage's office suddenly sensed the fluctuation of the Nine-tailed Chakra for the first time. Accompanied by several Anbu, the Third Hokage had already left the Hokage's office and was preparing to go cross-country to fight the Nine-tailed Demon Fox. place.

 As for the other side, inside the Uchiha clan’s residence.

In the dark dungeon, when Hinata Hinata faintly sensed a hot and violent chakra aura, Hinata Hinata's lips raised a faint smile, and then said to Shimura Danzo next to him: " Danzo-sama, it seems that what you are worried about is about to happen. A mere brat cannot suppress the Kyuubi in the body. It is a pity that our plan to eliminate it failed."

 “That brat, I’m afraid he’s about to fall into your hands!”

 “Huh, didn’t you succeed?”

A faint sneer appeared on the face covered with bruises.

Listening to Hinata Hinashi's words, Danzo Shimura's eyes slowly looked into the distance. No one knew what the conspirator in the original Hokage was thinking.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

While using the secret technique of Shadow Escape to contain the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox, the fierce battle between Cross Country and the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox continued.

The previous loud noises accompanied by "bang" and "bang" sounds were clearly the best proof of a fierce cross-country battle with the nine-tailed demon fox!

 “Shadow Escape! Shadow Hand!”

"The secret technique of shadow escape cannot restrain me. Nara cross-country, don't you just want to take me out of the leaf village? I won't!"

During the confrontation with the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox, Cross Country wanted to take the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox away from the Leaf Village. Even in the first moment, he used the secret technique of Shadow Release, called Shadow Hand.

Manipulating the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country materializes his own shadow and turns it into an arm, trying to wrap around the nine-tailed demon fox tightly. Although, the confinement ability of the shadow escape style secret technique may not have any effect in front of the nine-tailed demon fox. However, when the cross-country entangled the nine-tailed demon fox with the hand of shadow, he only needed to take the nine-tailed fox out of the territory of Konoha Village. Wouldn't the idea of ​​​​cross-country be realized smoothly?

 However, it is of no use at all!

The Shadow Hand, the secret technique of Shadow Escape, cast from across the country, almost immediately wrapped around the nine-tailed demon fox. The nine-tailed demon fox that controlled Uzumaki Naruto also used its own chakra to condense into The arm looked like it was directly directed towards the Shadow Escape Secret Technique condensed from the cross-country, and the Shadow Hand invaded it.

Chakra's arm collided with the shadow's hand, and the sound of "bang" and "bang" was naturally heard.

And when the nine-tailed demon fox's chakra arm collided with the hand of shadow, even when he cast the secret technique of shadow escape, he not only cast a hand of shadow.

 But the arm formed by the nine-tailed demon fox's chakra is also more than just one!

In addition, when controlling Uzumaki Naruto, the nine-tailed demon fox condensed its own chakra to form the Tailed Beast Clothes, which was already the reason why Uzumaki Naruto had a fiery red tail floating behind his body.

When the cross-country shadow hand collided with the nine-tailed demon fox's chakra arm, there was a sudden "boom".

The nine-tailed demon fox actually used the fiery red tail floating behind Uzumaki Naruto's body to hit the top of the cross-country hard, and suddenly smashed the cross-country into the ground.

Fortunately, when Xue Yue used Kagura's inner eye to perceive, he had already predicted the attack of the nine-tailed demon fox.

 However, the nine-tailed demon fox's offensive ability is really strong.

Just when controlling Uzumaki Naruto, he used chakra to condense into a floating red fire tail. The nine-tailed demon fox's attack with that red tail actually completely shattered the cross-country shadow armor. .

 Even when the nine-tailed demon fox controlled Uzumaki Naruto and exerted terrifying combat power, off-roading could not help but have a guess.

 That’s the tailed beast.

 Does it have to be inside the human body in order to show its true terrifying strength?

"This was the case with the original Two-Tailed Mata Brigade. Even if it could escape and fight with me, it would still have to control Yukito's body to fight with me. The same goes for the current Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Since it can control Naruto to this point, To this extent, the nine-tailed demon fox should be able to break away from Kushina-sama's seal, right? However, the nine-tailed demon fox has been hiding in Naruto's body, saying that he wants to use Naruto as a shield, but how do I see it and how do I feel? , the nine-tailed demon fox must rely on Naruto's physical strength to become so powerful."

 “Is my guess really correct?”

“The real strength of the tailed beast is when it is hidden inside the human body and controls the human body?”

Hand inwardly, he felt that the nine-tailed demon fox in front of him became more difficult to deal with.

However, in the continuous battle between the off-road and the nine-tailed demon fox, the off-road still has the upper hand. Even if the Nine-tailed Demon Fox could see that Cross-Country hoped to take it away from the Leaf Village to fight, under the powerful shadow escape technique of Cross-Country, in the end the Nine-tailed Demon Fox was still under the constraints of Cross-Country and slowly broke away from the Leaf Village. Within the territory of Ye Village.

Arriving at a dense forest, Xue Xue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this would finally not affect the Leaf Village.

 However, the feeling of confusion and hesitation is still filled in the head of the cross-country. Especially when looking at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, Uzumaki Naruto was controlled by the nine-tailed demon fox. The tail on the back of his body slowly changed from one to two fiery red tails. When he was slowly floating in it, he recalled the original work of Naruto. The sight of Tiandao Payne being tortured so hard that the pupils in Cross Country's eyes contracted slightly, and then a flash of light flashed through it quickly!

 “I seem to know”

 “It’s time to fight!”

 The confusion and hesitation in his eyes disappeared.

 It turned into a look of determination!

 Obviously, watching the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox controlling Uzumaki Naruto to become stronger and stronger, Cross Country knew that if he always worried about Uzumaki Naruto, it would be impossible to solve the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox's troubles.

So, when Cross Country had already made up his mind, he faced the direction of the Country of Waves, and murmured:

 "Minato-sensei, Kushina-sama, maybe I want to have a word with you."


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