Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 699: Tame the tailed beast

 tailed beast cannon!

 The tailed beast’s signature forbidden technique!

Even in the original Naruto novel, the jinchuriki can borrow the power of the tailed beasts, and there are very few people who can fire tailed beast cannons. In the impression of cross-country, it seems that except for a few jinchūriki, no one can borrow the power of tailed beasts to fire tailed beast cannons, and Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto can only master it in the later stages. The essence of Tailed Beast Cannon.


 When talking about tailed beast cannons, we have to talk about the Rasengan.

  In the original Naruto novel, the Fourth Hokage developed the Rasengan. What was his ultimate goal?


 It’s the Tailed Beast Cannon!

Uzumaki Kushina is the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails, and she is the wife of the Fourth Hokage, so in addition to the Jinchuuriki, the ninjas who can understand tailed beasts, except for those monsters who have lived for a long time, must say off-road The teacher is the Fourth Hokage. It was precisely because of his understanding of tailed beasts that the Fourth Hokage was able to slowly understand the secrets of tailed beast cannons while slowly doing research with Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas. It took him three years to research the form of chakra. The ultimate change comes with the ninjutsu called Rasengan.

 Unfortunately, the fourth generation Hokage in the original Naruto novel died during the Battle of the Nine-Tails.

 Otherwise, the Fourth Hokage will definitely become the first person who is not a jinchuriki but can fire tailed beast cannons!

At this moment, controlling Naruto Uzumaki's body, the nine-tailed demon fox is going to control Naruto Uzumaki's body to fire the tailed beast cannon while maintaining the tailed beast's clothes in the five-tailed form.

That is a huge chakra, and it is a terrifying chakra!

Controlling Naruto Uzumaki's body, the power of the nine-tailed demon fox has improved a lot, just as Cross Country imagined. Even the tailed beast cannon, which needed a period of time to condense, was slowly condensed under the control of the nine-tailed demon fox. There was not even time for cross-country to stop it. The embryonic form of the tailed beast cannon was condensed in In front of Uzumaki Naruto controlled by the nine-tailed demon fox.

  followed by.


  Forcibly swallowing the huge chakra that he had gathered, when the nine-tailed demon fox controlled Uzumaki Naruto, he locked the direction of the cross-country with his sinister eyes.

 It only takes a second

 No, not even a second!

The tailed beast cannon of the nine-tailed demon fox is about to arrive in front of off-road, so off-road can feel the terror of the tailed beast!

 However, we are about to face the tailed beast cannon of the nine-tailed demon fox. What is it like to go off-road?

 To be honest, facing the tailed beast cannon of the nine-tailed demon fox off-road, I was actually a little nervous. After all, none of the Kage-level warriors in the original Naruto novels could resist the power of the Tailed Beast Cannon!

  But if we tell the truth


 In fact, there is no feeling at all when going off-road!

 Because of the cross-country trip some time ago, I happened to have mastered the secret technique of Shadow Escape to resist the power of the Tailed Beast Cannon!

 So, along with the roaring sound, when the nine-tailed demon fox controlled Uzumaki Naruto's body, a tailed beast cannon was fired.


 Darkness is coming!

The spiritual energy in the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand was output in a surge, and it condensed into bones in an instant. There is no doubt that it is the shadow dragon technique of cross-country, and it is also the secret technique of shadow escape that cross-country has the confidence to withstand the power of the tailed beast cannon. It's just made of condensed bones. Off-road controls the dark bones like ribs, blocking him in front of him.

 The next second, there was another "bang" sound!

Utilizing the defensive ability of the initial form of the Shadow Dragon Technique, Cross Country only used the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand to condense into the ribs of the shadow dragon figure. The power of the Tailed Beast Cannon was blocked by Cross Country. before.

Even when the nine-tailed demon fox controlling Uzumaki Naruto watched the dark ribs emerging in front of the cross-country and blocked the tailed beast cannon, there was a person's existence in his head, and endless haze echoed.

Who is that guy who can make even the nine-tailed demon fox feel scary?

 It is undoubtedly Madara!

 At the beginning, Madara was able to control the nine-tailed demon fox with the help of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Moreover, Susanoo happened to be formed by borrowing the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan Eyes. Madara tamed the Kyuubi forcibly, allowing Susanoo to combine with the Kyuubi's power, showing a Susanoo is stronger than Susanoo in his perfect form.

Looking at the cross-country Shadow Dragon Jutsu, how similar is it to the Mangekyō Sharingan's Eye Technique Susanoo?

Because of this, when the Shadow Dragon Technique first emerged, the nine-tailed demon fox had an unpleasant feeling.

 Then, with the output of spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand, the Shadow Dragon Art gradually transformed from the initial form to the perfect form.


With a roar, he recalled the nightmare of the nine-tailed demon fox, and subconsciously controlled Naruto Uzumaki's body to escape.

 Because its head is filled with the terrifying figure of Master Ban.


As soon as the nine-tailed demon fox thought about escaping, the cross-country figure descended on top of the nine-tailed demon fox.


 It should be said that it is above Naruto Uzumaki!

Immediately, the palm that controlled the shadow dragon figure in perfect form slowly fell down, and directly held the body of Naruto Uzumaki.

The hot and violent chakra of the nine-tailed demon fox is as soft as cotton candy in the palm of the shadow dragon figure. With the sound of "click" and "click", the palm of the shadow dragon figure forcefully crushed the nine-tailed demon fox, not to mention the tailed beast's clothes constructed with its own chakra.

Then, when the nine-tailed demon fox condensed its power again and wanted to burst out with more powerful power, the ferocious dragon hovering on the shadow dragon figure roared and was enveloped in the vortex controlled by the nine-tailed demon fox. Above Naruto. The dragon's pressure swept over him. How could a mere fox resist the dragon's majesty?

Therefore, when the giant dragon was circling, no matter how the nine-tailed demon fox tried to output the chakra in its body, it could not escape the palm of the shadow dragon figure. It could only slowly succumb to the shadow dragon figure and fight with that figure. Under the majesty of a ferocious shadow dragon. Instead, he was off-roading, staring at the cowering nine-tailed demon fox, with a confident smile on his lips.

But when I saw that I had to use the shadow dragon technique to tame the nine-tailed demon fox in the cross-country, and complete the great achievements like Madara before.


 Sudden changes occurred!

The shadow dragon figure, who had always been under the control of Off-Road, gradually turned its attention to Uzumaki Naruto in the palm of his hand as the spiritual energy output in Off-Road's Yin Escape Brand.

 There is no doubt that what the Shadow Dragon figure is looking at is not Uzumaki Naruto at all.

It's the nine-tailed demon fox inside Uzumaki Naruto's body!

At that time, Cross Country did not notice anything strange about the shadow dragon figure, so the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand he output was only used to maintain the shadow dragon technique.

It is also because of this that when Cross Country discovered the strange changes in the shadow dragon's figure, and found that the shadow dragon's figure seemed to be out of his control.

The shadow dragon figure suddenly raised his palm and directly put Naruto Uzumaki, who had the nine-tailed demon fox sealed in his body, into his mouth!

 “Damn it, what’s going on?”

 “How could my Shadow Dragon Technique lose control?”

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