Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 702: The culprit (Part 2)

  What does The Twilight of the Third Hokage mean?


Of course it can't be the Third Hokage who also joined the "Twilight" organization, right?

 In fact, what cross-country really means is that the twilight of the Third Hokage is the final peak period of the Third Hokage. No matter how strong a ninja is, he cannot withstand the passage of time. For example, the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage. If such strong men were not channeled through the reincarnation of dirty earth in the original book of Hokage, it is estimated that everyone would be able to do so in the future. Without eliminating the first generation Hokage, how strong is the second generation Hokage? In the same way, if the third generation of Hokage did not finally explode his power in the beginning of the Chunin period in the original Hokage

No one knows how powerful the old man, the Third Hokage, is!

The period when he traveled cross-country happened to be the period when the strength of the Third Hokage began to weaken.

During that period, it was impossible to say that there was no sadness in my heart as I watched the former "forbearance hero" turn into a guy who was greedy for power and wanted to play politics.

 When was the real peak period of the Third Hokage?

 If you want to go cross-country, it should be during World War II!

 During the First World War, the Third Hokage did not really grow up. At most, he was the First Hokage and the Second Hokage's little follower. It was very similar to the relationship between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage during the Third War. Even though he showed some signs of prowess, the Third Hokage has never really been able to shine because of the more powerful presence above.

 Only during World War II!

 The first Hokage died, the second Hokage died, and the burden of the entire Konoha Village fell on the third Hokage.

 However, in the end, the name of Hokage still restricted the development of the third generation of Hokage.

 Otherwise, the name of the Third Hokage must be more powerful than the legendary Sannin. This may be the real reason why Orochimaru wanted to kill the Third Hokage in the original Naruto novel!

Because the Third Hokage changed so quickly, Orochimaru couldn't even see that the Third Hokage had any shadow of the original "Ninjao". Unable to bear that his teacher had changed over time, Orochimaru's final idea was to kill his former teacher with his own hands so that he could leave the best impression in his mind.

At this moment, the Third Hokage exploded with his own power. He did not need to use Kagura's inner eye to perceive cross-country. It was shocking to find that although the strength of the Third Hokage had some regression, it was still the power of a peak Kage level powerhouse!

Since it is the power of a peak shadow-level powerhouse, that’s good.

 Ask yourself, Cross Country is not in the mood to bully an old man, even if he has just finished fighting the nine-tailed demon fox, his current condition is not very good.

 But being able to compete with the Third Hokage who was at his peak, it felt very satisfying to go off-road.

  When he felt the terrifying aura bursting out from the Third Hokage, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Third Hokage, as expected, you are just like Jiraiya. You feel that I am the culprit of everything. This gives me the feeling that when two people quarreled, one person went to break up the fight, but failed to do so. The last two The person who was quarreling actually put all the blame on the guy who broke up the fight. It felt like without the guy who broke up the fight, they would not have ended up fighting. "

“I am just a person who breaks up the fight. Who is arguing with whom? Lord Third Hokage, can’t you see?”

“Well, you are just like that guy Danzo Shimura, you are a guy who can’t see who is arguing with whom.”

"But there is one thing I must tell you, the Third Hokage."

  "Playing with momentum in front of me, playing with some secretive words."

 “The consequences you will face in the end are very miserable!”


Almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand suddenly moved in the direction of Cross Country, overwhelming the Third Hokage!

 There is no doubt that it is momentum.

The so-called momentum is just a kind of Yin Escape secret technique. Since the Third Hokage can play with it, then Cross Country, who is a Yin Escape master, must be able to play with it at will.

  followed by.

In a fierce battle, needless to say, the winner is definitely the one who goes off-road.

 As for the failure of the confrontation in the momentum, the disadvantages that the Third Hokage will face will definitely become bigger and bigger. Fortunately, the Third Hokage encountered countless difficulties during World War II, so now that he is facing a slight disadvantage, the Third Hokage can still control himself.

Soon, in the battle of momentum, when it was considered a failure, the Third Hokage's pupils narrowed slightly and he was about to form a seal with his hands. I never thought that Cross Country had already seen the Third Hokage's ninjutsu how terrifying it was. Therefore, when the Third Hokage formed a seal and wanted to use ninjutsu, the shadow under the cross country's feet turned into a stream of light and directly invaded in front of the Third Hokage!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Hand of Shadow!”

 That’s right!

The light that turns into shadow under the feet of off-roaders is the shadow hand of the secret technique of shadow escape.

 It is not the strongest state of defeating the enemy, but the true victory of others.

 Fights in the ninja world are never fair, and when practicing, a person's master must teach him how to quickly enter the state and how to quickly enter his strongest state. It can be said that the slow-heating and explosive ninjas in the original Naruto are in very unstable states.

 Only those ninjas who can steadily exert their own strength can eventually become strong.

Like off-roading, he knew that the Third Hokage's Ninjutsu skills were very strong, so he wanted to stop the Third Hokage from using Ninjutsu.

Who would have thought that just when the shadow at the foot of the cross country turned into a shadow hand, it invaded in front of the Third Hokage like a stream of light, and was about to block the Third Hokage's seal. Suddenly, when the Third Hokage was forming the seal, it turned out to be... Got a weird mark!

As for that mark, Xue Yue could only catch a glimpse of it, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.


  The seal formed by the Third Hokage is actually the secret seal of the Nara clan!

  That is to say, the Third Hokage, like Cross Country, actually also masters the secret techniques of the Nara clan!

Next, it was exactly what Cross Country imagined again. When the Third Hokage used the secret seal of the Nara clan to seal, the shadow under his feet turned into the form of the Shadow Hand, and directly collided with Cross Country's Shadow Hand. Together. However, Cross Country was shocked to know that the Third Hokage actually went to secretly learn the secret techniques of the Nara clan in order to deal with him.

 But now, seeing the Third Hokage trying to use the Nara clan's secret technique to defeat his own secret technique of Shadow Escape, the corner of Zi Yue's mouth could only raise a sneer!

 "Third Hokage, you are indeed an old fool."

“Have you forgotten what makes you strong?”

“Wanting to compete with me on the secret technique of Shadow Escape?”


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