Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 704: Disaster in Nara (Part 2)


 Still old and spicy!

Danzo Shimura, the conspirator in the original book of Naruto, cooperates with Hyuga Hizashi, the head of the Hyuga clan, in an attempt to destroy the alliance of the four clans, first to eliminate the "rich" Uchiha clan, and then to deal with the three families of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka. . However, Shimura Danzo and Hyuga Hiashi never expected that the Four Clans Alliance would have the power to crush them early on. Therefore, Shimura Danzo and Hyuga Hiashi's plan failed. Now they have become an alliance of the Four Clans. of prisoners.

 Compared with Danzo Shimura and Hinata Hinata, the Third Hokage's secret plan is undoubtedly more perfect.

 Why, when Danzo Shimura and Hinata Hinata came to invite the Third Hokage to carry out the purge, the Third Hokage did not agree?

 Is the Third Hokage really old?

 Is the Third Hokage really afraid?


 The Third Hokage's scheming was completely beyond what Danzo Shimura and Hinata Hinata could have imagined. No wonder, even in the sluggish period in the original Hokage, the third generation of Hokage was able to steadily suppress Shimura Danzo and prevent Shimura Danzo's plan from completely succeeding. It turns out that the Third Hokage's ability to see clearly is much stronger than Shimura Danzo's. The Third Hokage's perspective on things is also much more grand and far-sighted than Shimura Danzo's.

Shimura Danzo just thought that after solving the Uchiha clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Akimichi clan, all the forces in Konoha Village would be stabilized.


totally not!

Just like the Third Hokage looks at things from the same perspective, the Third Hokage knows that the real "culprit" of the Four Clans Alliance is Cross Country, the Shadow Mage Cross Country in the ninja world. Therefore, when the cross-country did not return to Konoha Village, the Third Hokage had no idea of ​​​​initiating a purge. Now, after returning to Konoha Village cross-country, and expressing his intention to take away Uzumaki Naruto and the Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village, the Third Hokage started to attack the "culprit".

 First, he took advantage of the cross-country confrontation with Uzumaki Naruto, no, it should be said that it was the nine-tailed demon fox, and came to delay the cross-country. Before returning to Konoha Village cross-country, the Third Hokage used the Nara Seal, the Yamazaka Seal, and the Akimichi Seal to control most of the elites in the Yamazaka, Akimichi, and Nara tribes.

 The purge started from within. The Third Hokage really didn't believe that off-roaders could have any ability to make a comeback.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the Third Hokage wanted to delay the cross-country return to Konoha Village, then the cross-country would be considered a shadow mage in the ninja world, but the third Hokage is after all the peak shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world.

If you don't even have the ability to delay the cross-country return to Konoha Village, it is very normal for the Third Hokage to really feel that his plan has failed.

After all, a guy who can't even stop a peak shadow-level powerhouse is no longer something he can solve, right?

 At this moment, the main purpose is to delay the cross-country journey, and the Third Hokage is naturally not in a hurry. Especially when he discovered that Cross Country had discovered the truth of the matter and was about to take Uzumaki Naruto back to Konoha Village to assist the Nara clan, the faint smile on the lips of the Third Hokage suddenly became a little stronger.

Immediately, when he once again resisted the invasion of Cross Country, the Third Hokage put a faint smile on his face and said: "Xiao Cross Country, do you know how many moves I took in order to deal with you, or to disintegrate the alliance of the four races? ?"

 “Do you need me to count for you?”

 “No need at all!”

Knowing that the Third Hokage was stalling for time, Cross Country stretched out his right hand and flew directly in the direction of the Third Hokage with his sharp spear. It's still a pity. The Third Hokage wanted to delay time. Now he just dodges a sharp spear, which is very easy. After all, the Third Hokage knew that his battle with Cross Country had nothing to do with victory or defeat. Even if he could not successfully kill Cross Country and could eliminate the powerful forces in Konoha Village, the Third Hokage would be considered a winner.

 So, after dodging the cross-country's sharp spear, the Third Hokage began to roam around and fight against the cross-country.

 Even if the cross-country can rely on its own strength, it can move towards Konoha Village little by little.

 However, when fighting the nine-tailed demon fox previously, in order to avoid hurting the civilians in Konoha Village, the cross-country was too far away. Therefore, even though he can move little by little in the direction of Konoha Village, the speed of cross-country movement is still very slow. When he arrives at Konoha Village, I am afraid that the Nara clan will disappear in Konoha just like what the Third Hokage said. Inside the village.

 As for using the Shadow Flash Technique, return directly to Konoha Village?

It’s not that I haven’t thought about cross-country, but in that case, what should Uzumaki Naruto do?

Because of this, it seems that there is only one road left in front of the cross-country.

 That is to quickly fight the Third Hokage, and then return to the Leaf Village to assist the Nara clan.

 But how to defeat the Third Hokage?

Looking at the Third Hokage in front of him, an idea suddenly echoed in Cross Country's mind. And when Cross Country was confident of defeating the Third Hokage in front of him in the shortest possible time, the Third Hokage's confident voice echoed in Cross Country's ears, and he slowly told his three-step secret chess move!

“When playing chess, you must have a secret chess, otherwise how can you achieve the final victory?”

"Cross Country, you guessed it right. My first secret move is to use the rights of the Hokage to regain control of your Nara clan, as well as those in the Yamazaka and Akimichi clans who are still willing to be loyal to the village. Now, there must be a war. Has it already started? No matter how powerful Shikaku, Haiyi, Dingzao and the others are, with so many tribesmen rebelling and their families being threatened, they must all lose, right?"

“At this point, you may be thinking that the Uchiha clan is still in the village anyway, isn’t it?”

“But you forgot, off-road, I still have a second secret move!”

"That is"

 “Hyuga Hizashi of the split of the Hyuga clan!”

 Helidian difference?

 Damn it, I forgot about that guy!

  When the Third Hokage mentioned Hinata Hizashi, the cross-country mood undoubtedly became worse.


 Because in the current Konoha Village, it seems that except for the Itachi God of the Uchiha clan and Shisui, no one can stop Hyuga Hizashi's progress, right?

There is no doubt that Hyuga Hizashi is the killer weapon of the Third Hokage. The former Hyuga Hizashi was very terrifying. Now Hyuga Hizashi has been hidden for a long time under the arrangements of the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo and others. Who can know that Hyuga Hizashi How terrible is poor strength?

 So, when the Third Hokage talked about Hyuga Hizashi, Cross Country couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to use his trump card against the Third Hokage.

 But at this moment, Cross Country suddenly wanted to hear what the Third Hokage had to say.

 After all, off-roading, if I remember correctly

 The dark chess that the Third Hokage mentioned has as many as three moves!

"The Third Hokage, everyone, including Danzo, looks down upon you."

 “A man’s heart never grows old.”

“Is this disaster for the Nara clan your final act of madness?”

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