Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 707: Danzo's eyes (middle)

 The **** Sharingan.

 Plus the Byakugan of Hinata and Hinata, the cells of the first Hokage!

 Comprehensive analysis of the three powerful abilities in the ninja world, Danzo Shimura must be an idiot. Now he has the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse, right?

What's more, Shimura Danzo is a good friend of the Third Hokage, and a disciple of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, how can he be a idiot? Therefore, the Third Hokage can make Shimura Danzo his third secret move. Now is the moment when the secret move is ready to work. It is also now that the Uchiha clan is really facing the crisis of annihilation!

Outside, Kakashi, "Meng", Nara, Akimichi, and the elites of the three mountain clans led by Hyuga Hizashi have already invaded the Uchiha clan's residence. Within the Uchiha clan, Shimura Danzo has surprisingly gathered the three powers of Sharingan, Byakugan, and the cells of the first generation Hokage. Now he is preparing to carry out a beheading operation. The targets to be dealt with are Shikaku, Choza, Haiichi, In addition, the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, who also holds the Mangekyo Sharingan!

The crisis is coming, but Uchiha Fugaku, Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi, the main leaders of the four-race alliance, actually don't know about it.

Even inside Uchiha Fugaku's home, Shikaku and others were enjoying a meal.

Unexpectedly, just when Uchiha Fugaku and others were about to have a few drinks, several members of the Uchiha clan's security team suddenly entered and directly reported the situation outside to Uchiha Fugaku.

Knowing that people from the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans actually came to attack the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku's blood-red eyes were filled with angry murderous intent.

 In an instant, murderous intent enveloped them, and Lu Jiu, Hai Yi, and Ding Zuo all froze there.

  followed by.

 Knowing that the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka clans were the first to be purged, the murderous intent that surrounded Uchiha Fugaku finally disappeared. The smart Shikaku was the first to guess what might happen. The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely and he asked Uchiha Fugaku: "Fugaku-kun, what happened?"

 “Brother Shikaku, you are part of the elite of the Nara clan”


Slowly telling the facts of what happened in the outside world, Uchiha Fugaku kicked the table outside and said indifferently: "It's the old guy from the Third Hokage. It turns out that the person who really wants to eliminate us is the Third Hokage, not Danzo Shimura. . He secretly contacted you Nara, Akimichi, and the elites of the three mountain clans, and must have used some special method to control them. Now, you Nara, Akimichi, and the elites of the three mountain clans have completely controlled you. Fallen."

“Brother Shikaku, brother Haiichi, and brother Choza, you should be happy that your family members are now in the residence of my Uchiha clan.”


 “You are about to truly become alone!”


Nara, Akimichi, and the three tribes in the mountains actually fell?

 The moment they knew the truth, even the smart Shikaku, the friendly Haiichi, and the rough Ding Zao were all dumbfounded. Obviously, they never expected that the Third Hokage would actually use the Nara Mark, the Akimichi Mark, and the Yamazaka Mark to directly control the elites of their three clans, leading to a rebellion, or in other words, a purge.

And after knowing the news that the family has begun to split, even if the family is not harmed, how can Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingza be happy?

 Do you regret it?

 Do you regret the alliance between the four races?

 The answer is no, it is the alliance that leads the three tribes of Yamazaka, Akimichi and Nara to the top.

Similarly, Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingzao are allies that they can never regret.

The only thing I regret is why my ancestors chose to be loyal to the Hokage, and why every Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka clan ninja were cursed by the Hokage in their childhood.

Hands clenched his fists tightly, even Shikaku looked angry, let alone Haiyi, Dingzuo looked angry.

However, Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingza were not given too much time to be angry. Soon, a ghost-like figure suddenly entered Uchiha Fugaku's home from the outside.

  With the sound of killing, Shimura Danzo arrived.

 Left eye Sharingan, right eye Byakugan!

The body contains the cells of the First Hokage, causing the skin of the body to turn into a strange white color.

 Danzo Shimura suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Fugaku, Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi, which naturally surprised the leaders of the Four Clans Alliance. But after being surprised, Shikaku was the first to calm down. When facing Shimura Danzo, Shikaku's eyes shone with wisdom, and he said slowly: "It turns out that Hokage-sama's dark chess has always been... Is there you, Danzo-sama!”

“Rebel Shikaku, are you ready to capture him without mercy?”

After listening to Shikaku's words, Shimura Danzo slowly faced Shikaku and asked: "Shikaku, you have always been a smart person and a person loyal to the village. If you are willing to withdraw from the so-called Four Clans Alliance now , then I can forgive your crime now, of course, if you can serve your purpose and follow me to eliminate the rebellion of the Uchiha clan."

 “How about you still being the leader of the Nara clan?”

As soon as Shimura Danzo finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku, who was beside Shikaku, stepped back cautiously.

 Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What if Shikaku, Haiichi, the first person in Dingza, follow Danzo Shimura's footsteps and come to purge the Uchiha clan?

However, Uchiha Fugaku has forgotten that anyone can withdraw from the Four Clans Alliance, but Shikaku cannot, because Shikaku is Shikaku's nephew, and Shikaku is his uncle who loves Shikaku the most. Now that Cross Country has taken that step resolutely, even if Shikaku wants to go back on his word, it is impossible.

It's just that Danzo Shimura's plan to alienate Shikaku, Kaiichi, Dingza, and even Uchiha Fugaku planted a nail. Especially Uchiha Fugaku, after listening to Shimura Danzo's words, he showed his trump card without any hesitation and awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan!

That is a very weird pair of Mangekyō Sharingan!

 When the three magatama are connected together, it is like dividing the scarlet eyes into three equal parts.

 There is a small black spot filling the three-part fishy red eyes.

Suddenly, feeling the change in Uchiha Fugaku's aura, Danzo Shimura's eyes slowly fell on Uchiha Fugaku. Soon, he discovered that Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan was actually different from the Sharingan of ordinary Uchiha clan members. After learning some secrets about the Uchiha clan from the Second Hokage, a faint smile appeared on Danzo Shimura's lips!

 “Uchiha Fugaku, your Sharingan is very interesting.”

“Since it cannot exert its true power in your hands, let it become the eyes of Danzo Shimura!”

 “White eyes!”


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