Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 709: Drawing clear boundaries (Part 1)

 “Nara Off-Road.”

 “You are finally here!”

  Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Danzo Shimura stood up slowly and stared at the crossroads indifferently.

 Very strange.

Shimura Danzo is clearly one of the Third Hokage's secret chess players. Why does he seem to have predicted that the Third Hokage would fail and that Cross Country would come to fight him?

Similarly looking at Danzo Shimura, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but think that the situation just now was really dangerous.

  The Third Hokage’s dark chess is really powerful.

Either you have to be secretive and deal a fatal blow to the enemy when you take action.

The arrangement of the Third Hokage this time is undoubtedly very exquisite. If it were not for the cross-country confrontation with the Third Hokage, he revealed the trump card he obtained in the Kingdom of Water.

The cross-country may not be able to stand in front of Danzo Shimura now, and he couldn't help Uchiha Fugaku, Shikaku, Haiichi, and Choza before, right?

 In this way, what is the trump card of cross-country?

 Look back in time!

 That was when the fierce battle between Cross Country and the Third Hokage had just entered the stalemate stage.

 The Third Hokage is very confident. He has arranged a lot of secret moves and has done a good job in preparation. In addition, Hinata Hizashi, Shimura Danzo, and the elites of the three tribes of Yamazaka, Nara, and Akimichi have been controlled by the Yamazaka Seal, Nara Seal, and Akimichi Seal early on. As long as they can delay the cross-country, the Third Hokage will definitely not fail. possible. Therefore, an important point is whether the Third Hokage can successfully hold off the cross-country and restrict the shadow mages of the ninja world outside the Leaf Village.

It is also because he understands his job, which is not to defeat the cross-country, but to delay the cross-country. The Third Hokage appeared to be very patient during the battle.

Moreover, it’s like feeling excited about the future victory.

The Third Hokage, who is already an old man, suddenly breaks out in front of the cross-country again and again, preparing to use the strength of the peak shadow-level powerhouse "Ninja" to completely suppress the cross-country in front of him!


The momentum is like a rainbow, and the Third Hokage bursts out with the strength of a peak shadow-level powerhouse, which is very powerful.

Even though Cross Country is a master of the secret art of escape, no one can beat him in terms of momentum. However, at this time, the Third Hokage seemed to be rejuvenated, and the turbulent momentum invaded, making even cross-country people feel some threat. Especially when the Third Hokage suddenly started to form seals with his hands, the hot breath filling the air made Xue Yu's eyes tighten slightly.

 Next second!

 It was "bang" again!

 “Fire Release·Fire Dragon Technique!”

It's just a fire escape and fire dragon technique. After the third generation of Hokage unleashed the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", it was as powerful as an S-level forbidden technique. Moreover, if you think that the Third Hokage only casts a fire escape and fire dragon technique, then you are really looking down on the Third Hokage. It was only a single seal, but the Third Hokage surprisingly cast the Fire Release and Fire Dragon technique nine times in a row in front of Cross Country!

Nine ferocious fire dragons invaded and launched their fury in the direction of the cross-country. Even though the cross-country was also a peak shadow-level powerhouse, when faced with the ferocious fire dragon controlled by the Third Hokage, the third Hokage's fire escape skills were still quite shocking. However, when he saw the fire dragon under the control of the Third Hokage attacking, the cross country whose pupils were slightly contracted returned to his calm appearance.

  followed by.

 Yin escape brand, spiritual energy explodes!

The cold air of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea condensed into dark blue light in the palm of Cross Country's hand, and suddenly rushed towards the fire dragon in front!



 The cold air of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea is worthy of being the cold air that even off-roading suffered at the beginning.

The cold air was released, and the entire nine water dragons were suddenly frozen there, unable to move forward any further.

 But just when Off-Road was ready to cast "Moon Step", he got close to the Third Hokage, and used his trump card, he never thought that the Third Hokage's speed was actually faster than Off-Road. In an instant, the Third Hokage suddenly rushed in front of Cross Country. Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to sense. When he found the Third Hokage's figure, he was shocked that the Third Hokage was so fast. However, being surprised is the most useless thing in the world, so facing the invading Third Hokage, Cross Country took a deep breath and couldn't help but secretly think:

"Third Hokage, if I get close to you, or if you get close to me, the trump card can be used."

“Let me show you now how much the things I obtained in the Kingdom of Water can restrain you ninjutsu-type ninjas!”

 I thought to myself secretly, cross-country is about to reveal its trump card.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to reveal his trump card during the cross-country trip, the fist of the Third Hokage suddenly attacked.

no way.

After all, it takes some time to reveal the trump card. The Third Hokage's offensive is like a tide. Cross-country must control the Shadow Shield to defend against the Third Hokage's attack anytime and anywhere. On the contrary, when the Third Hokage burst out with the power of a peak Kage-level powerhouse, he even used Taijutsu better and better.

 Faintly, when Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to conduct insight, he actually discovered that inside the body of the Third Hokage, the secret of the human body was about to be opened!

That is to say.

 In the original book of Naruto, the third generation of Hokage who has never used the Eight Gates Dunjia is very likely to have also mastered the cultivation methods of the Eight Gates Dungeon, and it is very likely that he also has the ability to open the Eight Gates Dungeon!

 It’s just that the Third Hokage never developed his abilities in the original Hokage.

 Sure enough!

Just when Off-Road was secretly thinking about whether the Third Hokage could unlock the secret of the human body and open the Eight Gates of Dunjia, suddenly Off-Road felt another "boom" in his ears!

 Soon, the roar of the Third Hokage echoed in Xuan Yue's ears!

 “Eight gates of Dunjia, the first gate!”

 “Open the door!”


 The aura of terror continues to rise!

Off-road's guess is indeed correct. It turns out that the Third Hokage, who can unlock the secrets of the human body, really masters the Eight Gates of Dunjia worn by Matt. It goes without saying that Matt Dai has always been a ninja of Konoha Village. When he was practicing, no matter what kind of training he performed, he would definitely not be able to escape the eyes of the Third Hokage.

 When Matt created the Eight Gate Dun Armor, the Third Hokage probably went to ask Matt how to use the Eight Gate Dun Armor.

Facing the Hokage, how can Matt Dai refuse to teach?

So, the Third Hokage is very likely to be the ninja in Konoha Village who has the best command of the Eight Gate Dunjia except Akai.

Recalling the scene in the original book of Naruto, when Akai blossomed with the power of youth, fully opened the Eight Gate Dungeon, and brutally abused Madara, Cross Country knew that if he didn't finish off the Third Hokage, then the Third Hokage would not be able to delay him. It's simple, but he used the Eight Gate Dunjia to torture himself severely!

With this thought in mind, Cross Country took a deep breath again.

 Then, just when the Third Hokage opened the door to the Eight Gates of Dunjia, released the limitations of his brain, and showed stronger speed in front of off-road...


 Instead of resisting the Third Hokage's fist, the Third Hokage's iron fist landed heavily on his abdomen.

 His abdomen was injured, and a trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of Xue Xue's mouth.


When Off-Road was injured, the Third Hokage, who was about to unleash his Eight Gate Dungeon, suddenly knelt down in front of Off-Road!

"in the end."

"what happened?"

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