Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 711: Drawing clear boundaries (Part 2)

The older a person gets, the more likely they are to be confused.

 The blessings are like this, and the same is true for the Third Hokage.

 When did it start to change?

It has been too long, and Cross Country has somewhat forgotten about it. He just knows that when the Fourth Hokage began to rise strongly, the Third Hokage began to guard against the Fourth Hokage.

 It’s like a rich man who nurtures his children with care, and suddenly one day finds that the children have grown up and can seize his own property. The Third Hokage had such a mentality and quietly changed. To this day, the Third Hokage has not been able to wake up. Even when he was about to nag for a moment while preparing to go off-road, the Third Hokage still smiled coldly and asked:

 “If I don’t have the intention to rebel, what can I do if I persecute?”

“Off-road, all I can say is, are you really not going to kill me today?”

"Do you know that even if you let me go today, your Nara clan will have no place in Konoha Village?"

"Whether I can stay here or not has nothing to do with me, Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Staring indifferently at the Third Hokage in front of him, Cross Country sneered and said: "I have the Country of Waves, a country, and you only have a Ninja Village. Back then, for the sake of a mere village, the First Hokage could fall out with his good friend. , can fall out with the partner who founded Konoha Village with him. Now, it is just for a mere village. You, the Third Hokage, are willing to eliminate so many people. You will know sooner or later whether it is worth it. "

“This village is everyone’s village, not your Hokage’s village.”

“Similarly, for the sake of a village, you force all the people in the village away, how do you feel?”

“Is a village like that still interesting?”

"The will of fire is slowly withering. What you call the will of fire is no longer the will of fire that everyone in Konoha Village imagined. Today I am not going to kill you, not to let you give me face, but Killing you will do me no good at all. If one day, killing you does me good."

"Believe me, Hiruzen Sarutobi, you will be the first to die."

"I'm leaving now. You can't stop me. Just roar and suffer!"

“When I bring the head of your friend Danzo Shimura to you, I hope you will..."

“I can still remember that today it was your fault that you lost one of your companions, a confidant, and another one.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the off-road figure disappeared directly in front of the Third Hokage.

Moreover, just when he returned to Konoha Village, Cross Country handed Naruto Uzumaki to the hidden Orochimaru, and soon he arrived at the battlefield, where the Uchiha clan was stationed.

In the Uchiha clan's camp, when he caught a glimpse of Shimura Danzo, he knew that Shimura Danzo was no longer a human being, but a monster.

Now, I find that Shimura Danzo still feels that the identity of a monster is more suitable for me. Off-road, I know that Shimura Danzo has gone crazy and has no thoughts of talking to his comrade Danzo.

Undoubtedly, what needs to be done in cross-country is very simple. You only need to eliminate up to three more people to end the purge.

The three tribes of Nara, Yamazaka and Akimichi are irreversible. Having learned the lesson of being tricked by Nara Seal, Yamazaka Seal and Akimichi Seal, Cross Country is no longer willing to trust those three tribesmen who have no ties with themselves.

Being able to save Shikaku, Haiichi, Dingza, and another Uchiha clan member is what Cross Country hopes for.

 Among the three people who need to be solved by cross-country, it goes without saying that Hinata is the one that cross-country must solve. There is also no doubt that the other guy that Cross Country must deal with is the monster that combines Byakugan, Sharingan, and the cells of the first Hokage in front of Cross Country, that monster named Shimura Danzo.

 The punch just now was a "Bang Fist" used in cross-country.

However, a "collapse punch" only caused Shimura Danzo a bit of pain. It can be seen that Shimura Danzo fused the cells of the first Hokage, which is indeed a very terrifying thing. Moreover, when merging the Byakugan, Shimura Danzo actually had no side effects at all, and even when fusing the Sharingan, there was no side effects at all. Cross Country really feels like the cells of the first generation Hokage, who is simply the most amazing in the ninja world. existence, it seems that there is nothing that the first generation Hokage's cells cannot solve.

But no matter how magical something is, it all depends on who is using it.

Slowly stroking his fist with his hand, thinking that when he covered his fist with Samehada before, he felt that Samehada was devouring the chakra in Danzo Shimura's body. Cross-country is Without any hesitation, the "Moonstep" suddenly struck, aiming in the direction of Shimura Danzo was the condensed blast-flow secret technique!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”


 Just like the Third Hokage, many ninjas lose their chakra and their combat power will be reduced.

It is true that Shimura Danzo is a fusion of the cells of the first Hokage, the Byakugan, and the Sharingan. Now he is like a monster. Even Uchiha Fugaku, who awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, is not an opponent of Shimura Danzo. However, Shimura Danzo has the cells of the first Hokage, and the Byakugan and Sharingan can be perfectly integrated. The consumption of using them is the same as that of ordinary members of the Hyuga clan and Uchiha clan. However, in terms of the cells of the first Hokage, Shimura Danzo's fusion was not so perfect.

In the original work of Naruto, Danzo Shimura fused the cells of the first Hokage in order to suppress the power of the cells of the first Hokage. Otherwise, the cells of the first Hokage may produce backlash at any time. This was clearly demonstrated when Danzo Shimura fought against the two pillars in the original Hokage.

Now, Off-road used Samehada to swallow up the chakra in Danzo Shimura's body, and the cells of the first Hokage will naturally start to cause trouble. Therefore, Cross Country's sharp spear was used just right. When Shimura Danzo was desperately suppressing the cells of the First Hokage in his body, Cross Country suddenly used a sharp spear, which directly penetrated Danzo Shimura. Hidden chest!

Off-road firmly believes that if Shimura Danzo suffered a fatal injury, there would be no way to repair it due to the backlash of the first-generation Hokage's cells.

Unexpectedly, Cross Country's sharp spear had penetrated Shimura Danzo's chest. Shimura Danzo, who had immediately suppressed the cells of the First Hokage, suddenly looked at Cross Country with violent eyes and said lightly:

“Nara Cross Country, do you think these are my trump cards?”

 “Don’t underestimate me!”

“I just revealed part of my trump card in front of you!”

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