Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 713: Above film level (Part 1)


  also is a human being.

 It’s just that God can do things that humans can’t do, so he became God.

Just like the Six Paths Sage of the Ninja Sect, he is obviously just an ordinary human being, but he can do things that countless people cannot do, and he has become a **** in the ninja world. Therefore, the so-called immortals are not real immortals, not the immortals we knew before cross-country travel, but ninjas who are stronger than ordinary ninjas, or ninjas who can use natural energy and magical chakra. He is a so-called immortal.

On Shimura Danzo's chest, a person's head can be clearly seen in the cross country at this time.

That person's avatar is naturally not that of Madara, let alone the Sage of Six Paths, but a guy who feels strange even when he is off-road.

However, from the top of the avatar, when Shimura Danzo used the power of the "star" to begin to explode the chakra in his body, Cross Country could clearly feel the breath of natural energy filling the inside of the avatar.

For a moment, his pupils narrowed slightly, and Cross Country suddenly guessed that there was probably a mysterious guy helping Danzo Shimura. Otherwise, with Shimura Danzo's little research ability, how could he complete the experiment that Orochimaru couldn't complete? It was also because he felt that there was someone helping behind Shimura Danzo, so Cross Country subconsciously wanted to harvest Shimura Danzo as soon as possible. life.

  followed by.


 Sharp bladed spear!


At this time, Cross Country's left hand used a sharp spear, which was clearly going to penetrate the right side of Shimura Danzo's chest and directly smash the immortal's head. Cross Country knows that it is the existence of the immortal's avatar that allows Shimura Danzo to absorb and most likely use natural energy. Otherwise, as Cross Country said before, Shimura Danzo is not a person with experimental talent, and it is impossible to develop the use of Sage Mode in just a few years.


 Off-road still underestimated the power of Shimura Danzo.


To be precise, it should be that Cross Country still underestimated the power of the mysterious man behind Danzang Shimura!

When Cross Country's sharp spear was about to land on Shimura Danzo's right chest, Cross Country was able to ensure that his eyes were correct. When he pressed the image of the immortal on Shimura Danzo's right chest, it was clearly pointing in the direction of Cross Country. A strange smile appeared. Immediately, when Cross Country's sharp palm-blade spear landed on the immortal's head, there was just a "buzz" sound. The physical energy and mental energy that Cross-country used to condense the sharp palm-blade spear were completely absorbed in it. Inside the immortal's avatar.

Moreover, just when the off-road condensed the physical energy and mental energy used in the palm blade sharp gun, it was completely absorbed and swallowed up.

 Instead, it was Danzo Shimura!

 The white eyes he had obtained from Hinata Hiashi slowly turned into a hollow look.

Almost as soon as the white eye in Shimura Danzo's eye socket completely disappeared, turning his eye socket into a deep hole, the immortal head on Shimura Danzo's chest opened one eye in an instant.

Those eyes, if they weren’t Hinata Hinashi, or Shimura Danzo’s Byakugan, what could they be?

After devouring the power of the cross-country, the immortal's head also swallowed the power of Danzo Shimura, and turned to stare at the cross-country with his white eyes.

That look in his eyes, what else is it if it’s not greed?

“What a weird guy, what is he, or rather, what is he greedy for?”

 “Could it be.”

 “Is it my Yin Escape Brand?”

Just relying on the gaze of the immortal avatar, Cross Country guessed that what the immortal avatar needed was his own Yin Escape brand. That is a feeling of practicing the secret art of Yin Escape. With this feeling, Cross Country can guess a lot of things, and he can also guess what the immortal avatar wants.

Then, just when Cross Country vaguely guessed what the Immortal Avatar wanted, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country's secret technique of Shadow Escape was used again!

 The dark shadow beneath my feet climbed up.

Previously, it was just to imprison Shimura Danzo with the shadow suture technique. Now the cross-country shadow suture technique has suddenly changed again. The black shadow that was originally connected under Shimura Danzo's shadow has slowly turned into pitch black. The shadow wrapped around Shimura Danzo's body, looking like it was going to swallow Shimura Danzo completely.


 It is impossible for Off-Road to completely devour Danzo Shimura, because Off-Road's Yin Escape brand does not have that ability.

Now, Cross Country just wants to devour Shimura Danzo's spiritual energy, because with the cells of the first generation Hokage, it is difficult for Cross Country to kill Shimura Danzo physically. On the contrary, in terms of spiritual energy, Cross Country wants to It was somewhat easy to kill Danzo Shimura in front of him. However, just when Cross Country used the secret technique of Shadow Escape to devour Shimura Danzo, a strange smile suddenly filled the ears of Cross Country.

That is a sound that makes people shudder just by listening to it.

That is the sound that echoes in my mind, making waves in the mental energy of cross-country.

 Faintly, when he heard that sound, he discovered that there was a personal spiritual energy, connected to his own spiritual energy, and used spiritual communication.

Who could that person be?

It must be the sage’s head on Danzo Shimura’s right chest!

 What is he going to do?

 Are you ready to communicate with me?

The pupils in his eyes tightened severely. If it hadn't been for the secret technique of Shadow Escape that had completely restrained Danzo Shimura, the cross country would have been really unsure of communicating with that weird immortal avatar. Now, he barely managed to subdue Shimura Danzo with the secret technique of shadow escape. Cross Country used his own Yin escape brand ability to absorb Shimura Danzo's spiritual energy, and at the same time, he began to secretly guard against the power of the immortal avatar. There is power.

Very unexpectedly, the image of the immortal on the right side of Danzo Shimura's chest, which he regarded as his trump card, turned out to be surprisingly friendly.

Feeling that the cross country was devouring Shimura Danzo's spiritual energy, the immortal avatar actually used its own natural energy to condense the senjutsu chakra, which began to suppress Shimura Danzo's power, and soon his strange voice began. It echoed in Cross Country's mind, and he said: "From Danzo Shimura's memory, I know your name is Nara Cross Country, right?"

"Nara Cross Country, do you know that you have embarked on the road to becoming a **** step by step. Gods and humans are different. In the eyes of gods, humans are just ants. I lost my body in an accident , so I want to live in this human being named Shimura Danzo. I am actually very happy to meet you who will become a god, because you have the ability to give me a body again. "

“So Nara Cross Country, are you willing to help me?”

"If you are willing to help me, I am willing to help you become a god. Look at this deal."

"How about it?"

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