Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 724: The Path of Hungry Ghosts (Part 2)

 Lujiu, Dingzuo, Haiyi.

 They are the chiefs of the three tribes in Nara, Akimichi and Shanzhong respectively. They are also one of the closest people to Cross Country.

 Needless to say, Shikaku, as an off-road uncle, helped him a lot on the road of cross-country growth. If there is one person in the world of Naruto who makes off-roading feel like a family member, that person must be Shikaku. Moreover, Shikaku is said to be Yuchi's uncle, and from Yuchi's point of view, he is almost like a father-like figure in the Naruto world.

 So, one can understand Shikaku's mood when facing those traitors. Even if Shikaku didn't say anything, Cross Country would have to judge those traitors of the Nara clan.

 But wouldn’t it be too wasteful to simply kill these traitors?

 In this case

Then Cross Country will use the power of these traitors to strengthen their former patriarch!

Almost in an instant, when the dark shadow of the secret technique of Shadow Escape shrouded these elites, or traitors, of the Nara, Akimichi, and mountain clans, Cross Country once again used the forbidden power of the Hungry Ghost Path. It was the power that made these traitors from the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka tribes disappear forever from the ninja world.

Because all the chakra has been devoured by the Cross Country, to be honest, apart from the flesh and blood on their bodies and the souls inside their bodies, these elites from the Nara, Akimichi, and Mountain Tribes have nothing that can become food for the Hungry Ghost Path. .

Because of this, the main purpose of using the power of the Hungry Ghost Path in cross-country is to devour the flesh, blood and souls of the traitors from the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi and the mountains.

 First, transform the souls of these traitors from the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi tribes into the purest spiritual energy.

  followed by.

Suddenly, the shadow under Cross Country's feet was connected to Shikaku's body, causing the surrounding Choza, Haiichi, Uchiha Fugaku, Shisui, Itachi God and others to be shocked. They thought that Cross Country was preparing to usurp the throne. Are you going to attack your uncle?

 Only Shikaku believes in off-roading.

Especially when he felt the pure spiritual energy being input into his body, Shikaku's pupils narrowed slightly and he shouted directly at the cross-country in front of him:

 “Off-road, no!”

 “It’s okay, Uncle Shikaku, that’s not my power.”

With a faint smile on his lips, Yue Yue used mental communication to connect with Shikaku, and said with a faint smile: "Uncle Shikaku, to be honest, I don't know how to deal with these traitors. They are controlled by the Nara mark, so they obey orders. To the Third Hokage. But, as Shisui said just now, since they chose their own lives between loyalty and life, they are our enemies and traitors to the family. "

"As betrayers, they should have known what the consequences of betrayal would be. So, Uncle Shikaku, let the power of these betrayers become your power! As the leader of the Nara clan, you must Let all betrayers know what the consequences of betrayal will be. Besides, if we want to discover the country of Waves in the future, Uncle Shikaku, we will all need your strength."


 “Yin Escape Brand!”

 “Give me some condensation!”


Almost at the moment when Xue Jiu finished speaking, he manipulated that pure spiritual energy, and Xue Qiu suddenly began to condense the Yin Escape brand for Shikaku!

 That’s right!

Since Banye can artificially create shadow-level warriors, why can’t off-roaders create shadow-level warriors?

 In terms of Yin Escape skills, Cross Country is far superior to Banye.

In addition, I had condensed the Yin escape brand for Uzumaki Kushina when I was off-roading. Now when I condensed the Yin escape brand for Shikaku, it has undoubtedly become easier.


 There are certain disadvantages in artificially creating a shadow-level powerhouse like this.

 First, the artificially created shadow-level warriors are much weaker than the real shadow-level warriors.

  After all, artificially created shadow-level heroes are equivalent to spending money to directly upgrade some characters in the game to become full-level characters. A person who has never played this kind of game, even if he suddenly has a full-level account, may not be able to use all the functions of a full-level account. There is no doubt about this.

On the contrary, it is a person who cultivates step by step to become a shadow-level powerhouse. He is a person who fights monsters step by step, upgrades and completes tasks, slowly becomes familiar with his game account, and slowly improves himself to the full level. Such an experienced being can be as cruel as ten inexperienced beings at least. However, Shikuka has not been able to break through as an elite jounin for so many years, and has basically eliminated the possibility of becoming a shadow-level powerhouse.

How to put it this way, the older a person gets, the more likely his strength is to recede.

Therefore, knowing that Lu Jiu’s hope of becoming a shadow-level powerhouse was slim, Cross Country had to use this artificial method to condense the Yin Escape brand for Lu Jiu and help him become a shadow-level powerhouse.

 Second, the second shortcoming of artificially creating shadow-level powerhouses is the problem of growth.

 Using pure spiritual energy off-road to condense the Yin Escape brand for Shikaku, it can indeed make Shikaku a shadow-level powerhouse. However, Shikaku, who wants to further become stronger on the road to becoming a shadow-level powerhouse and has condensed the Yin Escape brand, only has slim hope. Because, the Yin Escape brand that Shikaku now obtained was obtained through cross-country cheating.

 In the future, unless cross-country helps Shikaku cheat again, how can Shikaku, who has no experience in condensing the Yin Escape brand, further improve?

 But it’s just like what I thought before going off-road.

Shikaku's hope of becoming a Kage-level strongman is slim, so now he is trying to encourage his efforts and forcibly help Shikaku become a Kage-level strongman. Even if Shikaku has no room for improvement in the future, it is still better than being stagnant at the level of an elite Jonin. Bar?

 So, Shikaku's Yin escape brand was shaped into the original Yin escape brand of his own, which was the emblem of the Nara clan.

After off-road help Lu Jiu condensed the Yin Escape brand, he then controlled the body's energy and began to enhance Lu Jiu's physical fitness.

 The mental energy and physical energy captured from the Hungry Ghost Road were consumed by 30%. Shikaku's physical energy and mental energy were strengthened, and the cross-country was finally successfully completed.

After successfully improving Shikaku's strength, needless to say, Cross Country must have used the same method to improve the strength of Haiyi and Dingzuo.

 Just a few seconds later.


Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingza, who were originally elite jounin-level ninjas, all stepped up to become shadow-level strongmen in the ninja world.

After helping Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingzuo improve their strength, they thought about becoming a god-level powerhouse. Off-road was no longer interested in talking to the "meng" in front of them.

 Instruct Zhishui to go and capture "Meng".

 With the cooperation of Shisui and Itachi, "Meng", who had previously thought about negotiating, became a prisoner of Cross Country.

 However, when facing former companions, off-roading does not mean to be "violent".

 Even as "Meng" said before, when the victory of the war is beyond doubt.

 Next, it’s time to negotiate!

 “The Third Hokage, whether you can save the fierce life depends on you”

 “How much blood can be shed!”

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