Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 74: A strange combination of circumstances (Part 2)

 “Team members?”

“Shadow, who are the members of your team?”

Kakashi was completely surprised when he listened to the cross-country report of breaking out from the Mist Ninja defense line in order to solve the problem of Konoha's medical ninja troops.

 Because, Kakashi, like Iwahi, is a person who understands the identity and age of cross-country. At the same age, Kakashi was still studying in the ninja school. On the contrary, his cross-country ability shouldered such an important task and endured such heavy pressure during the critical war period. It can be said that he far surpassed Kakashi at the same time. Performance.

What's more, off-road can lead the team members to break out under the strict defense of the mist ninja. For the safety of the team members and the smooth execution of the mission, is he willing to take risks and fight for them alone?

So, when Kakashi expressed his worries about his team members in a solemn tone, looking at the many injuries on his body, Kakashi looked apologetic and at the same time secretly admired him.

On the contrary, they were off-road and did not notice the change in Kakashi's eyes. After Kakashi asked, he silently glanced at the Mist Ninja ANBU Captain who was lying there, and whispered: "There should be no one else around. Well, then I won’t follow the ANBU rules and call you captain, I’ll call you senior instead.”

"Kakashi-senpai, there is one person in my team who is an old acquaintance of ours, and that is Iwahi. The remaining two members were also recommended to me by Wasi. One is Yuhi Kurenai. He's a genjutsu-type ninja. As for the other one, Sarutobi Asuma is a troublemaker."

“If it weren’t for him, maybe I wouldn’t have been separated from Vashi Hong during the breakout.”

 Having said that, Off-road couldn't help but laugh at himself. In fact, he was just testing Kakashi's attitude.

In the process of breaking through the Kirin ninja defense line, Sarutobi Asuma really caused too much trouble for off-roading.

 If some things are not reported to the superiors, let alone going off-road, it is estimated that even Yuri Hong and Dieyiwaxi will feel a little uncomfortable.

Furthermore, the progress of cross-country missions must be reported to the superiors. That is the responsibility of being an ANBU and a ninja of Konoha Village. Therefore, before reporting Sarutobi Asuma's outrageous matters to the superiors, Cross Country was prepared to seek some help from Kakashi to see how to report Sarutobi Asuma's matters so that the superiors would take them seriously without disturbing the situation. The Third Hokage, the father of Sarutobi Asuma, was offended.

 As for Sarutobi Asuma?


 Do you still need to be afraid of offending Sarutobi Asuma when going off-road?

At this time, let alone the rebellious Sarutobi Asuma in his childhood, what about the Sarutobi Asuma in the original plot?

Possessing the strength of a half-step jounin, and even defeating the fog ninja jonin Kiden Mangetsu, Cross Country already has the confidence to resist in front of the jounin.

 Hence, what Cross Country is more worried about is nothing more than the attitudes of the Third Hokage and Fourth Hokage. There is really no need to worry about a little Sarutobi Asuma.

 After hearing what Cross Country said, especially after knowing the members of Cross Country’s team, Kakashi’s eyes towards Cross Country became even more different.

 Are you a monster?

 Or was he sent by "god" to save Konoha Village?

Breakout fog defense line, asking for help for the Muye Medical Forces, sending you a four -year -old dark part to execute it is shocking!

 If you can complete it smoothly, it will shock people and even make their mouths "drop"!

Now you say that when you broke out, you actually brought three people who were also young and could be called a burden?

 Are you sure you're not joking?

  Listening to the cross-country words, Kakashi felt that his whole body was not well.

However, he did not ignore the things that off-road deliberately mentioned, and then asked: "Asma, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

He sneered secretly. Cross Country must be blunt in front of Kakashi, and said with disdain: "Disobeying orders, leaving the camp privately, and preparing to carry out a mission alone needless to say. Being captured by the Mist Ninja, we still need to go forward." Go rescue him."

“Kakashi-senpai, don’t say it’s a war now, it’s in a special atmosphere.”

“Just say it’s peacetime, that guy Asuma has died ten thousand times, right?”

“That’s right, but Asuma is. After all.”

 As he spoke, even Kakashi couldn't help but sigh deeply, thinking that this matter was really difficult to deal with.

However, when Kakashi thought that Kakashi was helpless and could not solve Asuma Sarutobi's matter, Kakashi's eyes suddenly turned cold after sighing.

 Following that, Kakashi only used a gesture, and his eyes became firmer.

 Obviously, Kakashi used that gesture to tell Cross Country that as an ANBU of Konoha Village, he must demand himself according to the ANBU's standards.

No matter whether Asuma Sarutobi is the son of the Third Hokage or the Hokage, as long as he disobeys an order, he must report it to his superiors. It was also with Kakashi's reply that Cross Country firmly decided to report the matter to the Fourth Hokage, but after saying this, both Cross Country and Kakashi fell silent.

It’s just that the two of them were thinking about different things when they were silent.

While Kakashi was silent, the question he was thinking about was whether to help cross-country return to the Konoha camp.

 In any case, Kakashi is always performing secret missions. If he is sent back cross-country first, his mission will inevitably be affected. But after a moment of silence, recalling the words of Uchiha Obito who "died in battle", Kakashi closed his eyes slightly and was ready to temporarily give up the current mission for the sake of his companions.

 Because as Obito said when he "died in battle", those who abandon their companions for the sake of missions are really worse than useless!

  As for off-roading, he had more trouble on his mind.

He had long wanted to change Kakashi, Lin, and Obito who "died in battle", but now he was accidentally involved in the mission that Kakashi was going to perform. The first thing that cross-country thought about must be About something that changed the lives of three people.

 It’s a pity that both Off-Road and Kakashi are outside at this time. As the saying goes, walls have ears, Off-Road doesn’t feel the need to talk too much to Kakashi here. Therefore, just when Kakashi made up his mind and prepared to help the seriously injured Cross Country return to the Konoha camp, in order to avoid the tragedy, Cross Country said to Kakashi in a serious voice before the two of them became strange:

"Kakashi-senpai, I found an important clue during my mission, about the Mizukage in the Mist Ninja Village. I don't know if you have discovered it. The strategies Mizukage has recently formulated are very abnormal, so if I hadn't guessed If it’s wrong, then the Mizukage in Mist Ninja Village must be facing some difficult problems. I hope you can report it to the teacher when you go back!”

 “Yeah, no problem.”

Undoubtedly, what Cross Country said at this time was to allow Kakashi, the Fourth Hokage and others to gradually find out the truth behind the Mizukage's control and prepare in advance to fight against Madara.

But after saying these words to Kakashi, Cross Country hurriedly disappeared in place, and quickly returned to most of the camps in Konoha, he probably didn't even think that what he said before would have consequences for the future. What impact. Because, not long after Cross Country and Kakashi disappeared, the Mist Ninja ANBU captain who had been solved by Cross Country before suddenly opened his eyes!

Moreover, the moment the Mist Ninja Anbu Captain "pretended to be dead" and opened his eyes, his eyes fell on the direction where Cross Country and Kakashi were leaving. The Mist Ninja Anbu Captain muttered as if to himself. murmured:

“Mizukage-sama, is there really something wrong?”


"I won't bother you Konoha ninjas to investigate, let me, Zabuza, investigate the things hidden behind Mizukage-sama!"

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