Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 737: black and white(medium)

 “Off-road, many things”

 “It’s not something you can just agree to!”

Listening to the conversation between Cross Country and White Snake Immortal, especially when Cross Country said that if White Snake Immortal could guess his purpose, Cross Country was preparing food for the snake tribe in Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru frowned and deliberately reminded him in a low voice. Off-road.

 On the contrary, it was off-roading, just because I felt that the snake clan in Longdi Cave needed some meat.

Therefore, he smiled at Orochimaru, and cross-country used the ability of mental communication to directly connect with Orochimaru, and said: "Orochimaru, you don't have to worry about me, it's just some food. With the national power of the country of Waves, , Could it be that I can't even get some food together? I know that there are many snakes in Ryūchi Cave, but with the development of the country of Waves, I will definitely be able to successfully deal with the food in Ryūchi Cave. If you have a good relationship with the burrow."

“It will also be beneficial to the future country of Waves, isn’t it?”

“Off-road, you don’t understand how huge the consumption of Longdi Cave is, and you.”

During the spiritual communication, Orochimaru sighed deeply and said: "And if you know what the food in Ryūchi Cave is, you will definitely break the contract. There is one bad thing about the deal with Ryūchi Cave, and that is Wan You must not break the contract, otherwise the consequences will be very miserable. You don’t understand how terrifying the White Snake Immortal is, Cross Country, and now I suddenly regret bringing you here.”

"I feel"

 “It was me who hurt you!”


 Orochimaru is actually scared?

Is the White Snake Immortal really that scary? Are you so afraid of the White Snake Immortal?

I am very surprised by Orochimaru's current attitude, and I never thought that Orochimaru might give in in front of the White Snake Sennin. First, he glanced at Orochimaru in surprise. Because Cross Country and White Snake Sage had something to discuss, Cross Country planned to inquire about Orochimaru's situation when leaving Ryūchi Cave to see whether Ryūchi Cave was reserved for Orochimaru. What a shadow cast.

 As Orochimaru said, it is impossible for White Snake Sento to be afraid of others' breach of contract, because no one can bear the cost of breach of contract. Moreover, just like the auxiliary ability of the cross-country Yin Escape brand, which can see through other people's thoughts, the White Snake Sennin just glanced at the cross-country and said lightly: "Nara cross-country, the shadow mage in the ninja world, if I were If I guess correctly, you should have three purposes for coming here this time.”

“First, you want to treat the eyes of the guy next to you, right?”

“Second, you want to know the true secret of Immortal Mode, so prepare to get the cultivation methods of Immortal Mode from me.”

 “As for the third.”

There is no doubt that when the White Snake Immortal said this, Cross-country felt that the White Snake Immortal in front of him was not simple. After all, the purpose of Cross Country coming to Ryūchi Cave was not even told by Orochimaru. Now White Snake Sennin can know the thoughts in Cross Country just by looking at Cross Country. What kind of secret escape technique is that?

For a moment, Cross Country seemed to understand why Orochimaru was afraid of White Snake Sennin, and even more so what the words Orochimaru said earlier meant.


  What the White Snake Immortal said before was just something that surprised Cross Country.

What the White Snake Immortal said next shocked Cross Country!

 “Third, hum.”

“Nara Cross Country, you actually want to annex my territory in Ryūchi Cave. Do you really think that I don’t dare to kill you?”


I was very shocked that the White Snake Immortal could even know the hidden thoughts in his heart.

When Cross Country stared at the White Snake Immortal in shock, suddenly Cross Country found that the world in front of him was collapsing bit by bit, collapsing with the power emerging from the White Snake Immortal!

 What kind of power is that?

the answer is..

 Natural energy!

The White Snake Immortal's ability to use natural energy is completely beyond the imagination of Cross Country. It actually directly manipulates the natural energy to cover the body of Cross Country, trying to directly suppress Cross Country in this way. And if Cross Country hadn't had any understanding during the battle in Konoha Village, facing the suppression of White Snake Sage's manipulation of natural energy at this time, he might have been suppressed by White Snake Sage in an instant.

 On the contrary, during the battle in Konoha Village, the Hungry Ghost Path ability he learned once again helped cross-country.

Therefore, when the White Snake Immortal invaded with natural energy, Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to turn into the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, and directly swallowed up the natural energy controlled by the White Snake Immortal.

 However, the natural energy controlled by the White Snake Immortal is really extremely powerful. Therefore, when Cross Country used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to swallow up the natural energy, apart from dividing the spiritual energy in that part of the Yin Escape brand, it was impossible for Cross Country to use the spiritual energy to shape the power of the Hungry Ghost Path. Because of the natural energy it is filled with, if Cross Country absorbs it, it is very likely that it will turn into stone directly in front of White Snake Sage and Orochimaru, or it will explode and die.

  followed by.

Forcibly dividing that part of the spiritual energy, Cross Country suddenly clenched his fists and was about to fight the White Snake Immortal in front of him.

However, the character of Immortal White Snake is really unpredictable.

Previously, the White Snake Immortal was still in a tense situation with Cross Country. Who would have thought that the Cross Country just showed off the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao and defended against the White Snake Immortal's first round of attacks. The White Snake Immortal spit out the snake letter and obviously smiled. Laughing, he immediately said: "Very good, strong and ambitious, such a young man is very good. Orochimaru, as a reward, you don't need to cultivate food for my Ryūchi Cave. From now on, your responsibility will be handed over to Nara Cross Country Come and get it done.”

 “Let’s talk about your Nara off-roading”

"You have ambitions, I don't care. If you have the ability to annex our Ryūchi Cave in the future, then you can just come. I welcome you to lead your army at any time. Let me see if the ninjas in the ninja world can do it." He has the qualities of those ninjas back then.”

"Also, now I know what the purpose of your coming to Longdi Cave is, but you have to say something ugly earlier. If you want to get something from me, you need to pay something of equal value. This belongs to me, Longdi Cave. rule."

 “You can ask Orochimaru what he got from me and what he paid for.”

 “Now I’ll give you some private space to have a good talk.”

“I’m getting older, and I feel a little sleepy after doing a little exercise. I’ll take a nap first, and you guys can talk!”

 After saying that, the White Snake Sage curled up again, just like the snake clan in hibernation, and soon fell asleep in front of Orochimaru in the cross-country.

While the White Snake Sage was sleeping, Cross Country asked Orochimaru if what the White Snake Sage said was true.

After that, the answer to cross-country is undoubtedly yes.

It was just what Orochimaru said in his reply that suddenly made him feel that the White Snake Sage in Ryūchi Cave was an undoubted "Demon King" level figure!

“Off-road, what the White Snake Immortal just said is true.”

“But I advise you not to trade with the White Snake Immortal, because if you trade with him, you will feel guilty.”

 “It’s a deal with the devil!”

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