Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 764: A round of confrontation (middle)

 “This pure power, it feels so good to swallow it!”

“If I could swallow it a few more times, my Yin Escape Brand might be better.”

 “Maybe we can develop to a higher level!”

 Successfully used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to turn into the hungry ghost's ability to devour Master Banner's Wheel Tombside Prison.

At this moment, the confident smile that raised from the corner of Xue Xue's mouth suddenly became a bit more intense, because he was able to smoothly use hunger without sensing the "shadow" in the prison world at the edge of the wheel tomb. Kidō's ability to restrain Madara's Ring Tombside Prison undoubtedly gave Cross Country a slight advantage in the first round of confrontation with Madara.

 In the subsequent battles, cross-country only needs to be able to expand some of its advantages.

So, defeating Master Ban is the result of this battle that Cross Country faces!

  Instead, it’s Mr. Ban.

In the first round of fierce cross-country battle, when the advantage turned into a disadvantage, the samsara eyes in his pupils tightened severely, and they were full of solemnity. Because, when Madara's mood changed from shock to calmness, relying on his excellent analytical skills, Madara suddenly understood why his Wheel Tomb Border Prison could be absorbed by the cross-country Hungry Ghost Path ability. The reason turned out to be that Cross Country saw through the fourth weakness of the Wheel Tomb Border Prison, or rather

 It is a weakness included in all space-time ninjutsu!

 Can the Rinnebana Prison be considered a space-time ninjutsu?

  Generally speaking, the Ring Tomb Prison should have a certain relationship with the time and space ninjutsu.

The real power of the Reincarnation Prison is that those who master the Samsara Eye can create "shadows" that others cannot perceive in the world of the Reincarnation Prison to attack. Because of this, if people who also master the power of the Six Paths can perceive the "shadow" in the world of Wheel Tomb Prison, to be honest, Wheel Tomb Prison is just an ordinary clone secret technique, and it is not very powerful. If Nine A tailed beast can sense the "shadows" in the world of the prison on the edge of the wheel. In the original Naruto novel, Madara couldn't kill nine tailed beasts smoothly, right?

 So, the top priority of the Rinnebana Prison is the world of the Rinnebana Prison. Since there are differences in the world, it is okay to say that the Rinnebana Prison is a type of space-time ninjutsu. When Cross Country confronted Madara, he undoubtedly thought of this earlier than Madara, so he recalled all the time and space ninjutsu in the original Naruto novel, including the Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes that are very similar to the Rinnebana Prison. When using the "Kamui" technique, Cross Country suddenly discovered that all space-time ninjutsu has a weakness!

Just like in the original Naruto novel, Obito Uchiha uses the Mangekyō Sharingan to cast the "Divine Power". When defending, he can place his body in the space of the "Divine Power" and turn his body into nothingness for defense.

 But when attacking.

Even Uchiha Obito, who uses the Mangekyo Sharingan to cast "Kamiwei", must get his body back from the "Kamiwei" space.

That is, Uchiha Obito, who is proficient in "divine power", must reveal his true form at the moment of attack!

 This is Uchiha Obito's weakness when using "Kamui"!


 It is a weakness that all time and space ninjutsu have!

 Why do you say that this is a weakness that all time and space ninjutsu has?

 Because, all the time and space ninjutsu in the original Naruto novels, or seen in cross-country, must appear physically when attacking. Like Uchiha Obito's "Divine Power", or the off-road Rasengan in time and space, even when moving, it can be dropped into another time and space, giving people a feeling of being unpreventable. But when exerting power and launching an attack, it must appear as an entity, and the entity that appears at that moment is actually a weakness.

During the confrontation with Madara, because he failed to perfectly master the power of the Six Paths, Cross Country was unable to use his own perception ability to directly perceive the "shadow" in the prison world at the edge of the Wheel Tomb.

However, after understanding that the "shadow" of the Rinnebana Prison may have the weaknesses of all time and space ninjutsu at the moment of attack, Cross Country thought of another way to crack Madara's Rimbura Prison!

That method is to use the armor of shadow to sense the "shadow" in the world of the prison near the wheel tomb!

 Use the secret technique of Shadow Escape, which was originally used for defense, to use it for perception!

“I see, Nara Cross-country, you actually used this method to break into my wheelhouse!”

Staring at the off-road in front of him, Banye secretly analyzed the previous confrontation in his heart, and murmured in his heart: "When the "shadow" of the Lun Tomb Prison is attacking, it must appear physically. You have to see through this first." That's why you use your secret technique of Shadow Escape for defense, because your perception cannot detect the "shadow" in the world of Wheel Tomb Prison, but the "shadow" in the world of Wheel Tomb Prison will unfold. To attack, the entity must appear, so you only need the moment when the "shadow" in the world of Wheel Tomb is transformed into entity, and comes into contact with the secret technique of shadow escape that you use for defense. In that case."

“You will be able to truly perceive the existence of the “shadow” in the **** world next to the Wheel Tomb, and then use your secret technique of Shadow Escape to cast the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path!

"However, if you want to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path in the Six Paths of Reincarnation at the moment when the secret technique of Shadow Escape is attacked by the "shadow" in the world of Hell, it requires amazing reflexes."

“You must have gone off-road in Nara because you practiced the secret art of Yin Escape, so you have that amazing perception ability!”

“Generally speaking, there is no doubt about the power of the Ring Graveyard Prison. It’s just that your Nara cross-country ability is stronger than the Wheel Graveyard Prison I used, which led to the failure of the Wheel Graveyard Prison I used.”

 “Then next, Nara Cross-country, let me see your ability!”

"In our first round of confrontation, I was the attacker first and you were the defender. Now in our first round of confrontation, I have already entered a disadvantage and it is time to switch offense and defense."

“Then let me see what method you are going to use to continue to expand your advantage the moment you transform into an attacker!”

Having thought to himself, Master Ban also raised a confident smile on his lips.

 Because, he is enjoying the fun of fighting.

 This is the measure of a strong person, and cross-country also has this measure and this mind.

 When facing a disadvantage, you are completely experiencing the joy of fighting, and you are completely looking for hope in a desperate situation. Only you who have this mind can become a truly strong person.

 Otherwise, if you always think about victory or defeat, you will feel that your hands are **** in combat. How can you use 100% of your strength in combat?

However, at this time, just as Ban Ye thought, if Cross Country wants to expand its advantage and defeat Ban Ye, it must play the offensive role in this round of confrontation and inflict heavy damage on Ban Ye.

With the fusion of the remains of the heretic golem and mastering the secret technique of the first Hokage's wood escape, to be honest, Madara is not afraid of using any attack off-road.

  After all, no matter what method he uses to attack off-road, Banye is confident that he can defend it.

But what even Madara never expected was that when Cross Country successfully cracked the Wheel Tomb Prison and had a slight advantage, on the offensive end, Cross Country did not use his best secret technique of Shadow Escape to fight back. .

 After successfully cracking Banye’s Lun Tombside Prison, the secret technique that Cross Country suddenly unleashed turned out to be...

 It turned out to be "moon step"!

“Huh? Nara Cross Country, are you preparing for close combat?”

 “Then I’ll have fun with you!”

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