Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 78: blue pill


Familiar laughter came from outside the ward. Before the person appeared in the ward, Shichigo knew that the person was the Fourth Hokage, the current commander of the Konoha ninja army!

 However, listening to what the Fourth Hokage said later, Off-road couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Especially when his eyes fell on Shikaku, and when he saw the faint smile raised at the corner of Shikaku's mouth, and the wise light in his eyes, Shijiu couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then thought to himself:

"Could it be that what Uncle Shikaku said before was all for Teacher Minato to listen to?"

"If that's the case, then Uncle Shikaku is really awesome. He guessed that Minato-sensei was coming when I woke up early!"

 She thought to herself secretly, on the one hand, she secretly admired Shikaku's plan, and on the other hand, she secretly sighed that there were indeed many shady secrets inside Konoha!

Almost at the moment when Shikaku saw through Shikaku's plan, and with the arrival of the Fourth Hokage, Shikoku understood why he handled his official business so well, Shikaku even came to scold him deliberately.

 Isn’t it just like Lu Jiu thought, it is for those who are interested?

Originally, Cross Country thought that Sarutobi Asuma escaped only after returning to the Konoha camp, and no one who cared about it could make a fuss about it. Who knows, in the history of internal strife in Konoha, as long as a person is really serious, just a small stain can send a person to the eighteenth level of hell, and he will never be able to recover.

It seems like Konoha White Teeth and Kakashi's father Hatake Sakumo in the original plot, didn't they "commit suicide" because of a trivial matter?

 Therefore, the real reason why Shikaku discussed official matters with Cross Country was, firstly, to silence the mouths of those who were interested, and secondly, to gain the support of the Fourth Hokage.

 As long as there is the support of the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage can support cross-country.

  Don’t look at the monk’s face, look at the Buddha’s face.

In order for the Nara clan to protect the Hokage for generations, the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage should give face to the Nara clan leader Shikaku and handle certain things more leniently, right?

 At this time, the idea of ​​cross-country was indeed correct.

Originally, I just listened to the conversation between Shikaku and Shikaku outside, but when I heard that Shikaku was "teaching" Shikaku due to official business, the Fourth Hokage couldn't help but walked in.

  First he looked at Shikaku with a smile, and then he set his sights on Cross Country.

Discovering that the bandage wrapped around the off-road shoulder was still soaked with a little bit of bright red, the Fourth Hokage who was smiling before couldn't help but shrink his smile, and said to Shikaku apologetically:

“Shikaku, I’m so sorry. It’s my fault for not protecting the off-road.”

  "You're out of touch with this, Minato."

Hearing what the Fourth Hokage said, Shikaku smiled nonchalantly and replied: "You have to deal with so many things every day, how can you worry about cross-country matters?"

After saying that, Shikaku stood up slowly, first secretly stuffed something into Cross Country, and then said to the Fourth Hokage: "Okay, Minato, I have other things to deal with, so I won't hinder you master and disciple here. The two had a heart-to-heart talk.”


 “Walk slowly, Uncle Shikaku!”

 “Okay then, Shikaku, see you soon!”

Watching Lu Jiu leave, Yuexiu glanced at the thing in his hand with his peripheral vision, and unexpectedly discovered that Lu Jiu secretly gave him a blue pill.

 Pills, or blue ones?

Recalling some kind of medicine before traveling through time, Cross Country looked at the blue pills, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

The Fourth Hokage was still more sharp-eyed. When he saw the blue pill in Yujiu's hand, he smiled and said: "Jiujiu, Shikaku really values ​​you very much! Don't underestimate this blue pill. This kind of secret medicine is even for your Nara." The clan's annual production is very small, and only a few are given to the village. The last time Kakashi was seriously injured, I got the secret medicine from Shikaku after long time."

“Otherwise, even if Obito gives the Sharingan to Kakashi, without the effect of this secret medicine, Kakashi’s Sharingan may be useless!”


  When mentioning Uchiha Obito who "died in battle", the Fourth Hokage couldn't help but sigh deeply.

 Instead, he was off-roading, staring at the blue pill in his hand, what kind of shocked expression did he have?

 Are you kidding me?

 Kakashi’s eyes were severely injured and he was hastily installed a Sharingan. This blue pill can work wonders and help him heal.

 Now I only have an injury on my arm. Uncle Lujiu gave me such a precious secret medicine to heal the injury?

 His head was filled with Lu Jiu's kindness to him. He held the blue pill in his hands and regarded it as a priceless treasure. He was afraid that the blue pill would melt away when he held it in his hand.

 The Fourth Hokage, after sighing about the "dead in battle" Uchiha Obito, was also ready to talk business with Cross Country.

First, he looked at the change in Cross Country's expression and nodded secretly. In his heart, Cross Country was indeed a person who valued affection and righteousness. The Fourth Hokage went straight to the subject and said to Cross Country: "Xu Cross Country, your identity is just a temporary ANBU. Even if It’s for meritorious service on the battlefield. I’m afraid the village won’t be able to give you too many rewards. I hope you can understand the village.”

 “Is this how temporary workers are treated?”

Seeing the Fourth Hokage telling this story at the beginning, Cross Country sneered secretly in his heart. On the surface, he still looked enthusiastic, and replied excitedly: "It is the duty of a ninja to complete the mission."

"Minato-sensei, if you talk about any merit, wouldn't you be overestimating it?"

"Off-road, it's great that you can have such an idea at such a young age. You are worthy of being my disciple of Minato Namikaze. But you have to know that not everyone in the village has your kind of consciousness, just like Yu."

 “Forget it, just don’t mention it!”

As he said that, the Fourth Hokage could not help but shake his head secretly, and then said to Cross Country: "Moreover, Cross Country, because of Asuma's matter, the rewards that the village can give you may not be many. I hope you can understand!"

“Of course, as I said when I first came here, I have completed the task for the village, how can I not be rewarded?”

“Even if the village doesn’t reward you, as your master, can I still treat you badly?”

"So, from today on, you should stay with me. Whenever I have time, I will give you some guidance on your next step of practice!"

 After the Fourth Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country didn't have much thought, he could only nod silently.

But as long as I think about all the things, they were all caused by Sarutobi Asuma. Thinking back to Sarutobi Asuma's pulling appearance, I really want to strangle him to death!

"Sarutobi Asuma, if you have the guts, never return to the Leaf Village!"

"Also, even if you died in the original plot, didn't you just "create" a Sarutobi future like Kurenai? Now that I'm here, your Sarutobi future will become my Nara future!"

 “Just wait and see!”

As a member of the Nara clan, off-roading may not be able to take revenge on Sarutobi Asuma.

 But knowing the plot of the original work, cross-country can always block Sarutobi Asuma's emotional path, right?

What's more, Yuhi Kurenai is a beauty at a young age. Even if it's not for revenge against Sarutobi Asuma, but for his own future, it's not wrong to have the idea of ​​​​taking Yuhi Kurenai, right?

It's a pity that Cross Country is only four years old now, so we can only talk about winning Yuhi Hong later. At most, we can just strike first and lay a solid foundation for the future of ourselves and Yuhi Hong.

While Xue Yu was thinking wildly and his mind was filled with Yuhi Hong's childish face, the Fourth Hokage's words once again brought Xue Xue back to reality.

"Cross-country, I think your recovery from your injury is pretty good. You should be able to walk on the ground, right?"

“I happen to have time now, so let me accompany you to do some recovery training!”

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