Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 780: Yin Yang Escape (Part 1)

“The people of the Otsutsuki clan are indeed monsters.”

“The Otsutsuki Kaneshiki was like this just now, and the Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of me now is like this.”

 “It’s the same thing!”

Otsutsuki Kinshiki, who was devoured by the power of the Hungry Ghost Path, did not die. Instead, after Otsutsuki Momoshiki appeared, he suddenly resurrected and restricted the movements of the cross-country. This was a point that the cross-country did not expect. The same is what the cross-country is now falling into. The main reason for the downturn. To dig deeper, it is that Cross Country has too little information. Most of his understanding of the abilities of the Otsutsuki clan is based on Kaguya Otsutsuki, the boss of the original Naruto. He has never considered every member of the Otsutsuki clan. , all have abilities comparable to those of monsters.

Let’s talk about Otsutsuki Kaneshiki, the guy who was devoured by Cross Country’s Hungry Ghost Path ability before.

If Off-Road's guess is correct, Otsutsuki Kinshiki should not be a pure member of the Otsutsuki clan, but was created by Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of him. Therefore, as long as he controls the physical energy and mental energy, Otsutsuki Momoshiki can create Otsutsuki Golden Shiki anytime and anywhere, and the servant who is loyal to him will come out.

  Instead, it is Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

In addition to the reincarnation eyes in his hands, which showed the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, Cross Country had not yet discovered Otsutsuki Momoshi in front of him, and the reincarnation eyes he held controlled the rest of his abilities.

 So, Cross Country feels that what is more important now is to collect more intelligence.

It is also because of this that when Otsutsuki Momoshiki was full of confidence, he thought that the restraint of Otsutsuki Golden Shiki could completely lock the cross-country mobility there, and he could swallow the power in the cross-country body and perfect his own strength.


 Natural energy!

 The most mysterious and powerful natural energy in nature is filled with the cross-country body.

 While absorbing the surrounding natural energy, the off-road body shape suddenly changed. Even Momoshiki Otsutsuki in front of Yuchi could clearly see that Yuji's originally fair skin suddenly became dim, and many black runes appeared on Yuji's face, forming an inexplicable pattern.

 And there’s the off-road hair!

Hair that was originally black suddenly turned dark blue.

 At this time, the changes that happened to Cross Country were more like the two pillars using the second form of the curse seal in the original Naruto novel!

Needless to say, this change in cross-country riding must be due to the natural energy it absorbs. In fact, what is used for off-roading now is a simplified version of the Sage Mode, which is the Sage Mode mastered by Juugo and the two pillars in the original Naruto novel. Off-road has transformed this simplified version into a fairy, in which only he can suppress the side effects, and calls it fairy mode one. As the name suggests, this is the primary immortal mode for off-road mastering, and it is also the first form of the immortal mode used for off-roading!

 Follow up!

Just when the off-roader finished using the Immortal Mode 1, there was a sudden "pop" sound.

 It is different from the two pillars in the original Naruto novel.

The two pillars in the original Naruto book, after completing the use of the second curse seal, that is, when used to become a fairy, something like flesh wings will grow out of the back.

 What about off-roading?

 After completing the use of Immortal Mode 1, two fleshy bumps appeared on the back.

Soon, two arms suddenly grew out of those two meat buns, changing the shape of the current off-road body, almost like the legendary four-armed Shura!

When Cross Country transformed into a four-armed Shura, the two arms that grew out of his back directly grasped Otsutsuki Kinshiki's neck tightly.

Don’t you want to use your own physical strength to restrict my ability to move?


Then I will crush your neck and see who takes advantage in the end!

The arms that grew out of his back directly pinched Otsutsuki Kinshiki's neck. In the confrontation with Otsutsuki Momoshiki, Cross Country was able to regain a slight disadvantage. Immediately, when he used Sage Mode 1 in the cross-country to regain a slight advantage in front of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, he did not hesitate to expand the disadvantage. The cross-country just stared at Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of him. , said lightly:

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”


Almost as soon as Off-Road finished speaking, a blue light suddenly appeared in Off-Road's palm, turning into a sharp palm-bladed spear, which directly stabbed Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of Off-Road. Otsutsuki Momoshiki also did not expect that someone could actually fight back under Otsutsuki Kinshiki's physical restraint.

After all, even Otsutsuki Momoshiki cannot imagine that the shadow mage who is proficient in the secret art of Yin escape in the ninja world also has very high attainments in Yang escape, right?

Therefore, when Cross Country's sharp palm-bladed gun flew towards him, Otsutsuki Momoshiki was a little dazed, causing Cross-Country to narrow his eyes slightly, thinking that his sharp palm-bladed gun should be able to hit Otsutsuki Momoshiki smoothly. . Unexpectedly, just when Shijie was thinking like this, Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of him suddenly shook his head with regret.

 Next second!


Slowly stretched out his right hand, and using the Rinnegan on his right hand, Otsutsuki Momoshiki directly absorbed the chakra of the off-road condensed palm blade sharp gun!

Furthermore, when Otsutsuki Momoshiki had just used the Rinnegan of his right hand to absorb the sharp spear condensed from the off-road, he slowly stretched out his left hand.


The same blue light was actually condensed in Otsutsuki Momoshiki's left hand!

"That is."

 “Does Ninjutsu rebound?”

Staring closely at the sharp spear fired by Momoshiki Otsutsuki, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly. When he used Kagura's inner eye to perceive, he knew that the sharp spear used by Momoshiki Otsutsuki was not only In terms of power, it is the same as the one he used. Even in terms of the angle of use, it is exactly the same as the sharp spear he used.

 Obviously, it is possible for even masters like Madara and Kaguya to master a sharp spear in an instant, but they cannot do it if they want it to be exactly the same as the sharp spear used off-road. Therefore, the secret technique used by Otsutsuki Momoshiki must be ninjutsu rebound. He first absorbed the off-road's sharp palm spear, and then released the off-road's sharp palm spear.

It was also because of this speculation that Cross Country took a deep breath, and then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Because in cross-country, even if Otsutsuki Momoshi can be successfully injured, it is not as useful as collecting more intelligence.

Now, now that we know what kind of abilities Otsutsuki Momoshiki's left and right-hand Rinnegan have, it's like going off-road.

 My real counterattack is about to begin!

"get ready"

 “It’s about to go!”

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