Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 782: Yin Yang Escape (Part 2)

Yin Yang Escape Technique?

With cross-country capabilities, can you combine the Yin and Yang Escape Technique?


 It must be negative!

Even when maintaining Immortal Mode 1, which is the Immortal form, Cross Country can only use natural energy to initially combine the Yin Escape Secret Technique and Yang Escape Secret Technique that he has mastered. But that is only a preliminary fusion, not a perfect fusion, so when Cross Country controls the secret technique of Yin Escape with one hand and the secret technique of Yang Escape with the other hand, the combination of the two escape techniques is actually very dangerous. As long as there is a lack of If the balance of natural energy is lost, the Yin-Yang Escape Technique will lose its balance.

 The final result is

The Yin and Yang Escape Technique, which is incompatible with water and fire, exploded when he lost control while off-road!


 The effect needed for off-roading is the effect of explosion, isn't it?

 To borrow from the artistic master in the original Naruto novel, Deidara’s words are:

 Art is an explosion!

Therefore, when Off-Road manipulated the mental energy of Yin escape and the physical energy of Yang escape, wrapped them together with natural energy, and directly blasted towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki in front of him, he found that Otsutsuki Momoshiki saw his own Yin and Yang escape. Being able to fuse together, with a look of shock in his eyes, when Cross Country raised that faint smile, he directly withdrew the natural energy of his Yin Yang Escape Technique.



A mushroom cloud symbolizing power rose into the sky. While avoiding the cross-country in time, Otsutsuki Momoshiki was at the center of the early explosion, enjoying the terrifying explosion caused by the unbalanced Yin Yang Escape Technique.

What a horrific outburst that was?

From the perspective of the Fourth Hokage, that is simply a power more terrifying than the tailed beast!

When the roar of the explosion enveloped them, even the Fourth Hokage who evacuated in time and the ninjas of Konoha Village could hear the deafening explosion. Moreover, the power of the explosion extended directly from the station on the border of the Land of Fire to where the Fourth Hokage and others were. If the Fourth Hokage had not used psychic skills in time to channel Gamabunta to resist the explosion, In terms of the aftermath, those Konohagakure ninjas who had just chosen to join the Fourth Hokage must have been affected by the explosion.

 So, since the Fourth Hokage far away was like this, it is conceivable that Otsutsuki Momoshiki in the center of the explosion would end up like this.

Seeing the mushroom cloud symbolizing power gradually dissipate, the surrounding temperature was still filled with the high temperature of the explosion. Off-road slowly removed the shadow armor he was using, using Kagura's Heart Eye to sense the surrounding situation.

As for Otsutsuki Kinshiki, are there shadow clones made before going off-road?

Also within the center of the explosion, the off-road shadow clone naturally disappeared without a trace, just like Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

As for cross-country at this time, although it is a pity that I have not been able to bring out the true mystery of the combination of yin and yang, I am also very lucky to be able to use the combination of yin and yang to create a secret technique like a "nuclear weapon". At least, the "nuclear weapon" he just used eliminated a very difficult enemy, didn't it?

However, just when Cross Country secretly thought that Otsutsuki Momoshiki was in the center of the explosion range and would definitely die, a black shadow suddenly appeared in Kagura's inner eye, which made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly. A moment!

 Because that figure was clearly the figure of Otsutsuki Momo!

 In the center of such a terrifying explosion range, Otsutsuki Momoshiki was not dead, but was still alive!

 “People from the Otsutsuki clan, as expected”

 “They are all monsters!”

Looking closely at Otsutsuki Momoshiki's embarrassed figure, Yue Yue couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart, lamenting the tenacious vitality of the Otsutsuki clan.

But Cross Country believes that Otsutsuki Momoshiki, who is in such a miserable state in front of him, must not be his opponent.

There is no intact flesh and blood on his body, and all the chakra in his body has been used up to create defense.

  If such an Otsutsuki Momoshiki is still unable to be defeated by Off-Road, then Off-Road is really not a shadow mage in the ninja world, but a rookie.

However, off-roading can 100% defeat Otsutsuki Momoshiki, that is if Otsutsuki Momoshiki does not escape.

On the contrary, Otsutsuki Momoshiki wanted to escape from the battlefield. If he wanted to escape, it would be very difficult to capture him even off-road!

 Because in the previous battles, Cross Country only had a preliminary understanding of Otsutsuki Momoshiki's information, and he still did not know all the information about Otsutsuki Momoshiki. It is also because of this that when Yue Yue thought that Otsutsuki Momoshiki maintained the pride of the Otsutsuki clan and must continue to fight against him, a faint sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Otsutsuki Momoshiki's figure suddenly disappeared in Yue Yue in front of me!

 “That’s the space-time ninjutsu!”

“As expected, Otsutsuki Momoshiki masters the space-time ninjutsu!”

 “No, his target is actually Minato-sensei, and...”

 “Are those Konohagakure ninjas who just defected to Minato-sensei?”

Seeing Otsutsuki Momoshiki's escape, I had a bad feeling in cross-country. Now I found out that Otsutsuki Momoshiki used time and space ninjutsu, and the target turned out to be the Fourth Hokage, plus the ninjas of the Leaf Village who had just defected to the Fourth Hokage. At this moment, Cross Country's pupils contracted slightly, and when he immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country cast the Shadow Instant Technique without any hesitation.

 That’s right.

 It is the art of shadow instant!

 When you had a previous confrontation with Otsutsuki Momoshiki, how could you not remember the spirit of Otsutsuki Momoshiki off-road?

Now, suddenly using the shadow blinking technique, Cross-Country disappeared directly into Otsutsuki Momoshiki's shadow from the place where he had previously fought with Otsutsuki Momoshiki. I thought that when Otsutsuki Momoshiki suddenly appeared in the shadow, I would give Otsutsuki Momoshiki a fatal blow. I never thought that when Otsutsuki Momoshiki came in front of the Fourth Hokage, the Rinnegan in the palm of his hand suddenly opened. It was the condensed yin and yang escape technique that created a black rod directly in front of the Fourth Hokage!

That black stick is not an ordinary black stick. In the original Naruto novel, the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage who were reincarnated by the dirty earth were directly imprisoned in place under the restrictions of Madara's black stick, unable to show their full strength. !

When Otsutsuki Momoshiki used Yin Yang Escape Technique, he was able to combine the power of the five elements to condense a black stick like Madara in the original Naruto novel. Cross Country knew that he had just used his trump card in time to weaken Otsutsuki Momoshiki. The power, otherwise Otsutsuki Momoshiki really explodes with all her strength, who knows how terrifying it would be.

 Let’s talk about the other side.

Since Otsutsuki Momoshiki condensed the black rod and wanted to use the black rod to limit the power of the Fourth Hokage, then Cross Country was ready to counterattack the moment Otsutsuki Momoshiki attacked the Fourth Hokage. Directly taking the life of Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

However, in the next second, Cross Country was already ready to protect the Fourth Hokage and give Otsutsuki Momoshiki a fatal blow.



He was prepared early to go off-road with the Fourth Hokage to deal with Otsutsuki Momoshiki, but it turned out that Otsutsuki Momoshiki's target was not the Fourth Hokage in front of him at all, but an ordinary Konoha Village ninja who had just defected to the Fourth Hokage's command. !

“What does that guy Otsutsuki Momoshi mean?”

“It’s just a chunin-level ninja. Is it worth killing him with so much power?”

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