Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 787: Villain (Part 2)



 It’s full of smoke!

Cross-country's palm fell on the ground, and he completed the use of his psychic technique in an instant. When he finished using his psychic technique, he could tell that Cross-country's psychic technique had come out just by looking at the smoke that filled the surrounding area. He's a big guy.

So, what exactly is it that cross-country psychics reveal?

 Could it be that someone who has understood the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can already channel the heretic demons?

 Of course not!

Although the current cross-country has understood the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is a pity that he has not been able to comprehend the ability of the animal path. For the time being, cross-country cannot be like the animal path Payne, who can channel the demons of the outside world, and can also channel all kinds of strange psychics. Spirit beast to use. That's why I sighed like that during the cross-country trip just now, lamenting that I failed to master the real weapons of war. However, the psychic beast that is now channeled off-road is actually a war weapon.

Because, when the white smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the body of the giant psychic beast off-road, the four-tailed Sun Wukong inside the tailed beast was suddenly stepped on by off-road.

It's just the four-tailed Sun Wukong at the foot of the cross-country, with only one tail.

 That’s right.

That is the four-tailed Sun Wukong cloned by Ban Ye. It is also one of the psychic beasts that can be channeled off-road.

As he gradually comprehended the power of the Six Paths, Cross Country discovered that he had devoured the clones of the two-tailed Mata Brigade, one-tailed Shukaku, and four-tailed Sun Wukong. Now, relying on their original energy, he can channel and fight. . However, if you want to channel the Second-tailed Mata Brigade, it goes without saying that everyone else will know that the person who comes to Konoha Village to play the villain is off-road. After all, the Shadow Mage conquered the Second-tailed Matata Brigade of Kumo Ninja Village, which is already in the ninja world. It's an open secret.

And if the psychic one-tailed Shukaku fights, it will definitely bring trouble to the Sand Ninja Village and Gaara. With this concern, the only psychic beasts that can be used in cross-country are those with the four-tailed Son Goku. A copy. Moreover, if you use the clone of the four-tailed Monkey King, you can get many benefits when going off-road.

 The first benefit is that the process of destroying Konoha Village cross-country can be accelerated.

In the case of controlling the clone of the four-tailed Monkey King, Cross Country is equivalent to mastering a weakened version of the war weapon. Controlling the four-tailed Monkey King only uses a few tailed beast cannons. Cross Country feels that he can easily destroy the wood. There is absolutely no need for the Leaf Village to waste too much time with the Third Hokage in the Leaf Village who is preparing to go to war, Mito Kadoen, and Koharu.

Secondly, if Cross Country uses a clone of the four-tailed Monkey King to invade Konoha Village, wouldn't it also be possible to blame Iwa Ninja Village?

 The jinchūriki of the four-tailed Son Goku is a well-known existence, and that is Lao Zi from Iwa Ninja Village. Now, off-road controls the copy of the four-tailed Sun Wukong to fight against the ninjas of Konoha Village. Even the Third Hokage must feel that the villain he plays is sent by the Iwa Ninja Village.

Don’t forget that the cross-country country of Waves and the Iwa Ninja Village still use each other.

If Cross Country wants to get rid of the Country of Waves from the control of the Iwa Ninja Village, the best change is to make the Iwa Ninja Village busy so that the Third Tsuchikage will not be able to pay attention to the Country of Waves, the leader of the Cross Country.

Now, with the help of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, Cross Country feels that it is not far away when the third Tsuchikage is extremely busy, and it is not far away when the Kingdom of Waves escapes from the control of Iwa Ninja Village.

Finally, the last benefit of Cross Country channeling the clone of the Four-Tailed Monkey King is that Cross Country can rely on the power of the clone of the Four-Tailed Monkey King to enjoy the feeling of jinchuriki and practice jinchuriki.

At this moment, when the four-tailed Monkey King clone was just channeled, the four-tailed Monkey King clone was at the feet of Cross Country.

 But the next second after the cross-country psychic revealed the four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong.


 The off-road body is as if it melted into the head of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone.

When the cross-country body was completely integrated with the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, suddenly a dark light lit up in the eyes of the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong.

“This is what it feels like to control a tailed beast.”


 “I really want to become a Jinchuriki!”

"But before I become a jinchuriki, there is more important thing to do, and that is to deal with all the enemies in front of me!"


Almost at the moment when Cross Country finished speaking, he controlled the hill-like fist of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone. While controlling the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, Cross Country smashed the barrier in front of him with one punch.

 That is the barrier that protects Konoha Village, and it is also the last barrier before off-roading.

The barrier was shattered, and the Konoha Village was right in front of Cross Country. Next, he only needed to control the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong and directly break into the Konoha Village.

  Instead, it is the Third Hokage.

 In an instant, he felt the barrier being shattered. The Third Hokage, who was already ready to fight, was dressed in military uniform. His eyes immediately fell on the place where the four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong was attacked by the off-road control. There, the Third Hokage immediately sensed the aura of the tailed beasts, but the Third Hokage was a little curious. Aren't all the tailed beasts in the hands of the Great Ninja Village?

 Why can the aura of tailed beasts appear in the territory of Konoha Village?

Moreover, apart from the nine-tailed demon fox, the only other tailed beast that possesses that hot chakra aura is the four-tailed Sun Wukong.

Recalling the battle with the four-tailed Sun Wukong Jinchuriki Laozi, the Third Hokage narrowed his eyes slightly, and soon he was sure that it must be the aura of the four-tailed Sun Wukong. Because, when the Third Hokage just narrowed his eyes, the jumping copy of the four-tailed Monkey King, under the control of off-road, stepped directly into the streets of Konoha Village.

This is the third tailed beast to invade the interior of Konoha Village, after the three-tailed Isozu and the nine-tailed demon fox.

It was also the reason why the four-tailed Monkey King clone directly invaded Konoha Village under the control of off-road. The Third Hokage stared at the giant four-tailed Monkey King clone in front of him, and quickly ordered the sleeping Koharu and Mito Kadenen next to him: "Men Yan, when you go to lead the ninja troops, you must delay the Four-Tails!"

“Xiaochun, I now order you to evacuate the civilians in the village quickly and let them.”

 “Take refuge in the secret passage!”


  Listening to the orders of the Third Hokage, Koharu and Mito Kaden who went to bed knew that the situation was urgent and prepared to carry out the orders of the Third Hokage without any hesitation.

But what the Third Hokage, Koharu, and even Mito Monohan never expected was that when the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong controlled by Off-Road had just invaded the Third Hokage and others, the chakra condensed in the four-tailed Sun Wukong. At the mouth of the clone of the tailed Sun Wukong, when the chakra was completely condensed, he aimed at the shelter at the Hokage Rock. Off-road turned out to be directly controlling the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong and used the tailed beast's trump card!

 “Tailed Beast Cannon!”



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