Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 789: Pain (middle)

 “Hiruzan, you.”

I never expected that the person who killed me turned out to be my companion for many years.

 Looking at the hands of the Third Hokage stained with his own blood, his eyes slowly fell from the clone of the Fourth-Tailed Sun Wukong to the body of the Third Hokage in front of him.

 The old ape demon smiled bitterly, and suddenly his vision became blurred.

As his body slowly fell uncontrollably, what lingered in the old ape demon's mind was the ferocious face of the Third Hokage.

 As a psychic beast of the Third Hokage, it must never be able to forget that the person who betrayed him in the end was the Third Hokage, his former companion.

the other side.

Suddenly, he discovered that the Third Hokage was actually attacking the old ape demon. Off-road, who was controlling the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, was slightly stunned. Obviously, Cross Country didn't know what kind of situation it was that could make the Third Hokage go crazy and attack his own psychic beast. Even Mito Kadoyan next to the Third Hokage was like that, and found out that the Third Hokage actually killed him. When his psychic beast, the old ape demon, stared blankly at the Third Hokage for a long time, he finally asked:

 “Hiruzhan, are you crazy?”


The Third Hokage smiled coldly and said: "Men Yan, do you know what the ape demon just said? It said that people from the ape tribe could not fight against the four-tails. It did not go to help the four-tails, but it was very helpful. We've lost face. What's the use of keeping such a psychic beast? Under the oppression of the Four Tails and the Apes, it will betray me sooner or later!"

 “Instead of waiting for it to betray me, it’s better that I betray it first!”

“Okay, let’s not talk about the problem of the ape demon, we are still..."

 “Let’s get rid of the Four-Tails problem as soon as possible!”

 Listening to the Third Hokage's answer, Mito Katoyan nodded silently, but looking at the old ape demon's body that had not dissipated, Mito Katoyan sighed deeply.

 When he used Kagura's inner eye to gain insight into the cross country, he naturally used lip reading to know what the Third Hokage said. Especially when they knew that the ape tribe of the old ape demon was loyal to the four-tailed Sun Wukong, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue Yu's mouth. Immediately, he suddenly manipulated the body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone to use a teleportation technique. Under the astonished eyes of the Third Hokage and Mito Kadoen, Arilin arrived in front of them.


It's just the power of the body falling on the ground. The Third Hokage and Mito Kabuto must evacuate. This is one of the physical advantages of the tailed beast. With that huge body, let alone ordinary ninjas, even Kage-level experts It's a bit troublesome to resist.

 When it comes to the Third Hokage, Mito Katobu, there is actually only one purpose for going off-road.

  followed by.

Hold the old ape demon's body with his hands, the physical energy in Cross Country's body was transformed into life energy in an instant. Then, under the nourishment of life energy, the injuries on the old ape demon's chest quickly recovered as before. Even the original lost consciousness of the old ape demon slowly recovered under the cross-country life energy treatment.

 Opening his eyes, he found that it was the four-tailed Sun Wukong who was loyal to the ape tribe who saved him. The eyes of the old ape demon became moist.

 As for when the old ape demon's eyes were once again cast on the Third Hokage.

Needless to say!

As an old ape demon of the ape tribe, he no longer cares about the friendship with his former companions!

 Because the one who betrayed him first was his scrupulous companion, the guy who was revered as the Third Hokage, wasn't it?

“Your name is Ape Demon, right?”

 “Yes, Master Sun Wukong!”

Listening to the words of the off-road control four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, the old ape demon took a deep breath, and turned into a Vajra Ruyi Stick with a "pop" sound!

 “The ape demon of the ape tribe originally fought for Lord Sun Wukong!”


Holding tightly the Vajra Ruyi Stick transformed by the old ape and the ape demon is just holding the Vajra Ruyi Stick transformed by the old ape and the ape demon. The Vajra Ruyi Stick instantly transformed into a handy one, held in the off-road control. There was no discomfort at all in the hands of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone. In an instant, Cross Country knew through what the Third Hokage had said before, coupled with the familiar feeling, that the ape clan of the Third Hokage's psychic beast, the old ape demon, was originally the descendant of the four-tailed Sun Wukong.

The secret technique of transforming into the Vajra Ruyi Stick is also likely to be passed down by the four-tailed Sun Wukong.

And if you want the four-tailed Sun Wukong to display his true strength, the company of the apes is indispensable.

 Because, with the Vajra Ruyi Stick in hand, the strength of the four-tailed Sun Wukong has more than doubled?

Just like the current cross-country, controlling the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, holding the Vajra Ruyi stick transformed from the old ape demon, it feels like the entire ninja world can fall under his stick. Especially the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone controlled by off-road, which is far more flexible than the real tailed beast. Holding the Vajra Wishful Stick tightly, off-road controls the four-tailed Sun Wukong, and hits it hard with the stick without any hesitation. On the streets of Konoha Village in front of me!


 “Take a stick from my old grandson!”

Every Chinese has a journey to the West.

 Being a Chinese before cross-country travel, I am naturally no exception.

 This line must be very familiar to anyone from China.

When he was a child, Cross Country was a fan of Sun Wukong in Journey to the West. Now holding on to the Vajra Ruyi Stick transformed by the old ape and the ape demon, Cross Country suddenly felt a bit like Sun Wukong in Journey to the West. When he murmured the familiar lines, A stick fell on the streets of Konoha Village, and the entire Konoha Village began to shatter under the shock!

 One stick, just one stick!

The terrifying power of concussion spread within the territory of Konoha Village, and soon countless buildings collapsed and the ground was shattered, reflected in the sight of the Third Hokage, Mito Kadeni. I really want to get rid of the psychic beast and let the Vajra Ruyi Stick transformed into the old ape demon disappear in the hands of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone controlled by the off-road. Otherwise, the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone controlled by the off-road may only need a few sticks. Not only Not only is Konoha Village going to disappear, but even the ninjas and civilians of Konoha Village will disappear permanently.

  However it is a pity.

From the moment the Third Hokage killed the old ape demon, he lost the ability to lift the psychic spell and let the old ape demon go back.

Therefore, when the Third Hokage looked at the off-road controlled four-tailed Sun Wukong clone holding the Vajra Ruyi Stick in his hand, and just one stick was going to crush the entire Konoha Village, he clenched his fists slightly. , when the eyes of the Third Hokage were full of anger, hatred, etc., a hint of regret gradually appeared in the eyes of the Third Hokage!

 “Is it painful?”

“No, I should say regret.”


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