Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 794: Hope (Part 2)



 The toes of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone were broken!

When Akai came to attack, he picked exactly the weak point of the four-tailed Monkey King clone, that is, the toes of the four-tailed Monkey King clone. Immediately, just like in the original Naruto novel, Akai was able to cut off the toes of the Ten-Tailed Monkey King suddenly, and Cross Country felt that the copy of the Four-Tailed Monkey King he controlled suddenly fell over. The reason was the toes of the Four-Tailed Monkey King. The four-tailed Sun Wukong clone's body began to collapse involuntarily.

 However, ordinary injuries are very useless on the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone. Just like now, the toes of the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by Off-Road were indeed broken, but by converting body energy into life energy in time, Off-Road easily repaired the toes of the four-tailed Monkey King clone, and after the repair was completed At that time, the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone he controlled turned out to be moving faster than Akai.

When he was controlling the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong to use the "Moon Step" off-road, he was actually controlling the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, and suddenly came in front of the ANBU behind Akai!

 “The strength is consumed a bit too much.”

 “Sorry, Akai, I can only make you suffer a little bit!”

Whispering inside the body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, the spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand was directly transformed into the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path. Immediately when the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone held the ANBU in front of it, The ability of the Hungry Ghost Path was directly used, and the chakra in the bodies of those ANBUs directly entered the body of the cross-country and turned into the power in the cross-country body.


 This is the horror of off-roading!

 If you compete with cross-country in terms of consumption, no one in the ninja world can defeat cross-country.

 Because, when Cross Country has mastered the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, Cross Country is invincible in the war of attrition. He can use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path anytime and anywhere to devour the chakra of the person in front of him to replenish his own strength.

And when Cross Country controlled the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong to directly swallow the chakra in the bodies of the ANBU in front of him, Akai's pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously thought that the ANBU behind him were all dead. . Fortunately, Cross Country only absorbed their chakra and did not directly kill them.

So, when Akai discovered that the ANBU were not dead, relying on the instinct of the beast, Akai frowned and looked at the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong in front of him with a slightly different look.

However, Akai's vision changed, but his offensive did not slow down at all.

 The reason is

 Akai is a single-celled person!

Since he knows that ordinary physical attacks are useless in front of the four-tailed Sun Wukong who is controlled off-road, then he has to use the secret technique that can only be used when the Eight Doors Dunjia is activated!

And the first secret technique that Akai used was a magnificent secret technique that contained terrifying power!


 Towards the peacock!


 The first punch!

When Akai punched the peacock for the first time, Cross-Country discovered that Akai's fist was ignited with brilliant flames even though there was no chakra fluctuation in Akai's body.

That is the flame produced by the high-speed friction between the fist and the air, and it is also a point on the beautiful wings of the peacock.

 The first punch had just landed, followed by countless punches.

The gorgeous flames intertwined in the mid-air to create a beautiful picture, just like the wings of a peacock. Instead, it was a copy of the four-tailed Sun Wukong controlled off-road. It was the peacock that used its body to beat Akai. However, when the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone's body was injured, Cross Country seemed to turn a blind eye, because when he first saw Akai using Chao Peacock, Cross Country suddenly discovered that there were still many things about Akai's physical skills that he could not figure out. This is It has something to do with the fact that Cross Country did not fully practice the Eight Gate Dunjia, but switched to the secret technique of Yang Dunjia.

Failing to master the Eight-door Dunjia, Cross Country naturally failed to master more secrets of the Eight-door Dunjia from Matt Dai.

As for the Chao Peacock and the Day Tiger that Akai may use in the future, in fact, they may not have been taught by Matt Dai. Instead, they are secret techniques that Akai created himself during the process of growing up.

So, when Akai used Chao Peacock, even Cross Country was immersed in the gorgeous offensive and did not pay attention to the injuries of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone.

It wasn't until a "pop" sound came out that the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone controlled by Off-Road, and the Vajra Ruyi Stick in his hand was successfully knocked back to the spiritual world by Akai's peacock, Off-Road just narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly Thought:

 “Akai, I’ve given you enough face.”

“So, it’s time for me to defeat you, all I can say is”


Hunting secretly, Cross Country is obviously preparing to fight seriously and will not give Akai any chance.

Because, after Kai's Chao Peacock was used, when the devastated body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone was exposed in front of everyone, even the Third Hokage had no intention of evacuating, and wanted to take advantage of Kai's Chao Peacock to seriously injure the four. When the tail Sun Wukong clone was created, he went to give the fourth tail Sun Wukong clone a fatal blow.

 So, in order to successfully complete your plan, you cannot let go of the cross-country.

What Xuexiu never expected was that just when he was about to stop releasing water, Akai, who had just used Chao Peacock, suddenly formed a very strange seal with his hands!

 However, is that really a seal?


Having watched the cross-country in the original Naruto novel, you can be sure that it was a signal for Akai to cast another secret technique!

That’s the day tiger!

The most terrifying trick Akai can use to open seven of the eight gates of Dunjia!

In an instant, Akai assumed a posture to use Hūtora. While using Kagura's Heart Eye, Cross Country suddenly discovered that Akai's fingers were already condensing power, and even the surrounding air began to condense. Compression, that is undoubtedly a sign that the day tiger is about to explode. However, when Akai's Day Tiger was about to be completed, Cross Country was in no mood to control the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone to avoid it.

 As for the reason?

That's when Cross Country watched Akai prepare to cast the Day Tiger, suddenly an idea flashed in his head, and he thought of the possibility of some kind of evolution of the wind flow. Therefore, just when Akai's Day Tiger was finished, the silver-white Day Tiger aura was already covering the whole body of the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was controlled off-road, and it was about to completely destroy the four-tailed Monkey King clone. when.


Off-road in the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, he slowly raised his head.

Moreover, while staring closely at the silver-white day tiger in front of him, Cross Country slowly raised his hands and murmured in his mouth:


 “Shenra Tianzheng!”

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