Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 802: Evil religion (1)


Off-road is actually no stranger to curses, because the Nara mark in his previous life is a type of curse. However, the curses used by the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans, namely the Nara Seal, the Yamanaka Seal, and the Akimichi Seal, were made by the First Hokage and his wife Uzumaki Mito in order to control People from the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka are off-road. What is going on with these ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village in front of Orochimaru?

Is the curse they were given just for the purpose of becoming stronger?

Secretly thinking about why the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village were cursed, Cross Country completely ignored what Orochimaru said earlier, that is, the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village were cursed not by ordinary curses, but by gods. !

  followed by.

After answering the cross-country words, Orochimaru began to take out his own experimental equipment, and while holding the heart of the ninja from the Rain Ninja Village in front of him, he started his own experiment. Off-road, on the other hand, sat silently next to Orochimaru, waiting for Orochimaru to come to a conclusion. However, the **** scene during the experiment really made Shisui beside him a little unbearable, so Shisui He left in a hurry, saying that he was going to deal with other things.

Then, the **** experiment continued like this for a long time. During the experiment, Cross Country discovered a very bad thing, that is, when Orochimaru was conducting the experiment, he would frown after each experiment.

There were many captives brought back from cross-country and Shisui trips, and each captive could at least support Orochimaru to complete an experiment. However, after every experiment, Orochimaru's face was livid, or his eyebrows were furrowed, which undoubtedly made Cross Country feel that the experiment in front of him might be a bit tricky, and Orochimaru was unable to analyze the ninjas of these Rain Ninja Village. secret.

Sure enough, after dark, the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village in front of Orochimaru were all consumed in the experiment. After the experiment was completed, Orochimaru sighed deeply as he imagined, and said:

“Sorry, off-roading, it’s a curse from God. I really can’t figure out its secrets.”

“However, if you can give me more experimental subjects, I think I can still figure out some of the secrets of the curse.”

 “Why don’t we go to the Kingdom of Rain now? Or.”

“Let Yahiko bring us back more experimental subjects?”

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Cross Country shook his head and said: "Orochimaru, human experiments are hated no matter where they are. Shisui is better. He has seen a lot of darkness before, so he can barely accept it. Our experiment. But if Yahiko and the others knew that you were conducting experiments in the Land of Waves, even if they didn't expel you, they would definitely have ideas about you. Besides, the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village were originally under the control of Akatsuki. Under Yahiko's command, if you randomly used the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village to conduct experiments, do you think Yahiko would agree? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru just nodded silently and did not answer.

That means that Orochimaru doesn't care about other people's opinions at all, as long as his experiment can go smoothly, it doesn't matter what Yahiko thinks.

Off-road also knows that Orochimaru is such a scientific madman, and he is destined to go further and further on the road of research, which is completely beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Therefore, after taking a deep breath, Cross Country was preparing to sneak Orochimaru into the Kingdom of Rain to see if he could secretly capture some Rain Ninja Village ninjas for experiments.

 Obviously, although Cross Country is not a science geek, Cross Country still wants to know the secrets of the Land of Rain.

 This is not about the growth of cross-country strength, but about the confrontation between cross-country and the mysterious enemy.

If you can't even see through the enemy's little tricks, and you can't even understand the secret techniques the enemy uses on the minions, then how can Cross Country fight against the mysterious enemy hidden behind the Rain Ninja Village?

Wouldn't it mean that before the cross-country confrontation with the enemy occurs, we will fall into a disadvantage?

In this way, in order to perfectly deal with their mysterious enemies in the Kingdom of Rain, Cross Country and Orochimaru once again left the Kingdom of Waves in a hurry and embarked on the road to the Kingdom of Rain. While on the road, Orochimaru was always playing with his experimental data, as if he was crazy. Looking at Orochimaru's appearance in cross-country, he also secretly sighed in his heart, Orochimaru is indeed Orochimaru, he is truly worthy of being. The research madman in the original Naruto novel.

 Few people understand how troublesome it is for Orochimaru to study a secret technique that seems very simple to others.

It's like the reincarnation of dirty soil.

If Orochimaru just wants to master it, he only needs to master the dirt reincarnation technique from the dirt reincarnation technique recorded by the Second Hokage.

 But Orochimaru is a research maniac. He not only wants to figure out all the principles of earth reincarnation, but also wants to make the earth reincarnation more perfect and reduce all side effects. Therefore, just to do these would take Orochimaru too much time. No wonder Orochimaru hopes to gain immortality.

If there was no eternity, how much time would Orochimaru have to squander on the road of research?

Soon, when it was dawn, Cross Country saw that Orochimaru still had no intention of taking a rest, but was preparing to have a good talk with Orochimaru. Research could be put aside for the time being, and his body was more important. Who would have thought that just when Off-road came to Orochimaru and was about to comfort Orochimaru to rest and they were about to continue on their way, suddenly a little light shone in Orochimaru's eyes, and then when he looked at Off-road , Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and said:

 “Off-road, do you know who are the members of the “Akatsuki” organization?”


I thought Orochimaru was going to talk about the mystery of the body of the ninja in Rain Ninja Village, but I didn’t expect Orochimaru to ask himself such a question.

As for the current members of the "Akatsuki" organization, those who know Naruto's original cross-country may not be able to understand it. On the contrary, Orochimaru, who has joined the "Akatsuki" organization, must know more about cross-country.

Therefore, Cross Country did not name the members of the "Akatsuki" organization that he knew, but asked Orochimaru.

 Let’s talk about Orochimaru’s answer.

 After hearing the question from the cross-country, he actually ignored the cross-country.

Indulging in his own thoughts, Orochimaru first asked an indifferent question, and then said to the off-road:

 “Off-road, go to a place with me.”

“There’s a guy over there who could very well be the key to solving the mystery!”

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