Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 812: Death(medium)


 Although the mysterious energy absorbed by the cross-country was returned to Orochimaru's body, Orochimaru's current appearance still looks weak.

 But a science geek will always be a science geek.

Even though his body was very weak, like a person who had not slept or eaten for days and nights, and was exhausted, Orochimaru still paid attention to the situation of the cross-country and asked: "Xu-cross, can you tell me about your current situation? , what is going on? It seems that you and the Uzumaki clan's death mask are fused together."

"seems like it."

Nodding, Cross Country said: "Just now, I used the power of the Hungry Ghost Dao to completely deprive this strange mask of its power and let it dissipate between heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, the strange mask could actually follow the My Hungry Ghost Dao power is directly integrated with me. Now wearing this weird mask, I don't feel anything at all. It's like the weird mask has merged with my body and turned into me. part of the body."


As he spoke, Cross Country silently recalled the feeling of being immersed in that powerful force before, and sighed silently in his heart. The name of this Death Mask is really appropriate.


 Because, when Cross Country wore this weird mask, which was the original death mask of the Uzumaki clan, the powerful power that Cross Country had indulged in before suddenly seemed like the power of the God of Death!

 If Off-Road's guess was correct, the mysterious energy he had absorbed from Orochimaru's body was life energy. However, that life energy is different from ordinary life energy. Ordinary life energy is, to put it bluntly, a transformation of body energy. After everyone is born, the life energy in the body is limited, which represents the lifespan of a person's body. However, the death of the body does not mean that the soul will die directly.

For Yin Escape masters like Cross Country, even if the life energy in the body is exhausted and the physical body is completely dead, with strong spiritual energy, which can also be said to be the soul, Cross Country can still survive in the world. Even, like Orochimaru, cross-country can use its own powerful Yin Escape brand to occupy other people's bodies and seize their bodies. This is the true secret of the so-called reincarnation technique.

 The power that looked like the **** of death, while depriving Orochimaru's body of life energy, was also depriving Orochimaru of the power of his soul, that is, spiritual energy. Therefore, the mysterious energy that Cross Country previously absorbed from Orochimaru is intuitively lifespan, which is the energy generated by the combination of life energy and spiritual energy. As long as that energy is completely deprived, the person deprived of energy will inevitably die.

Even Orochimaru, a guy who knows the art of reincarnation, will die in the hands of off-road without even having time to use the art of reincarnation as long as his life energy and spiritual energy are completely deprived of him.

 Deprived of life.

 What a terrifying power?

Off-road never expected that after merging with that weird mask, he would be able to master this secret technique of depriving one of his lifespan.

And it seems that the secret technique of depriving life is just one of the abilities of that strange mask.

  If Off-Road’s guess is correct, there must be other secrets hidden in that strange mask, just waiting for Off-Road to dig out.

However, the power of others is always the power of others. Off-road does not believe that the weird mask really surrenders to itself and merges with itself, and does not need any benefits. Moreover, when using that weird mask, is there really no need to pay for off-roading? Even if he had to go off-road to answer this question, he felt that using the power of the strange mask must come at a certain price.

 It’s just that we are off-roading now, and we still haven’t discovered it yet.

  followed by.

Having been deep in thought for a long time, Cross Country faced Orochimaru, wanting to know more secrets about the Death Mask.

Obviously, if you want to get rid of the entanglement of the weird mask, you must first understand what the function of the death mask is. In the original book of Naruto, Cross Country just remembers Orochimaru in the original book of Naruto. While wearing the mask of death, he channeled the legendary **** of death, cut open the **** of death's belly, freed his hands, and used the dirt reincarnation power. The first Hokage, the second Hokage, the third Hokage, and the fourth Hokage were all spirited out.

 But now, off-road knows that the function of the death mask is not just that simple, so he wants to get more information from Orochimaru.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was about to ask Orochimaru, he found that the world in front of him began to shake and gradually began to shatter.

  When the whole world was shattered, off-road suddenly came into a dark space.

 There, there was no sound, and there was no one.

 After waiting for a long time, Cross Country slowly saw a shadow in front of him, which slowly condensed.

The appearance of that phantom.

It is amazingly like the Death God in the original Naruto novel!

 “Are you the God of Death?”

At this moment, Cross Country is not sure whether he has completely disappeared from the front of Orochimaru, or whether his body is still in front of Orochimaru, but his spiritual consciousness has been dragged into this space. However, when he saw the phantom in front of him slowly condensing into shape and still looking like the God of Death, he knew that the culprit must be the strange mask he was wearing.

Sure enough, just as Cross Country thought, when listening to Cross Country's questions, the shadow of the God of Death smiled casually, and soon turned into a mask and stuck it on Cross Country's face.

 Feeling the cool feeling on the face, I once again experienced the feeling of strength all over my body while going off-road.


Off-road is a shadow mage in the ninja world, and one of the few god-level experts in the ninja world.

  In the past, Cross Country might have been addicted to that kind of power, but now that Orochimaru has awakened, Cross Country has awakened, and it is clear that he cannot be fooled by that strong power. Therefore, suppressing the desires in his heart, Cross Country used the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand to cover his whole body.

And when the shadow of the God of Death felt that the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country began to resist, the mask originally attached to Cross Country's face slowly disappeared, and the shadow of the God of Death re-condensed in front of Cross Country.

When the shadow of the God of Death was completely condensed again, Cross Country heard the shadow of the God of Death in front of him say lightly in the same voice as the previous weird mask:

“Nara Cross Country, why can you accept the power of Six Paths but not mine?”

"Are you willing to be Liu Dao's lackey, but not willing to sacrifice your life for me?"

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