Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 822: Incapable of doing anything else


 Super troublesome!

If possible, I really hope that the current period is the later period of the original Naruto. Because, if in the later period of the original Naruto story, Uzumaki Naruto and the two pillars have grown up, cross-country will not be able to fight alone. At least when facing Madara and the God of Death, he will still have two strong men on his side who can help him. one time.

Although Uzumaki Naruto and the Second Pillar relied on the aura of the protagonist to ride in the original Naruto, it must be said that Uzumaki Naruto and the Second Pillar were very good in the later stages of Naruto. On the contrary, now, although there are many strong people in cross-country, unfortunately they are only at the level of shadow-level strong people. Sometimes cross-country people even think, if the Fourth Hokage, Itachi God, Shisui and others can go further, Then they can also help themselves now.


 A breakthrough in strength is not that simple.

 The Fourth Hokage wants to make a breakthrough in terms of strength, unless he can cultivate the perfect Sage Mode.

 If Itachi God, Shisui and others want to make a breakthrough in terms of strength, it is possible.

 What you need is the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

 Let’s talk about the troubles we face when going off-road. The biggest trouble is the trouble caused by just fighting alone in off-roading.


While using Kagura's inner eye for perception, Off-Road clearly discovered Madara's figure and began to move in the direction of Iwa Ninja Village. Obviously, if he used the Shadow Shuttle technique for cross-country travel, he would have arrived at the Iwa Ninja Village earlier than Madara. However, when the Kingdom of Rain was destroyed, Cross-Country had already witnessed Madara's terrifying vulnerability ability. If Madara arrived in the Land of Earth with the sole intention of destroying, then Cross-country would have the strength to defeat Master Madara. There is also no way to stop Madara from carrying out destruction!

Furthermore, the third Tsuchikage in Iwa Ninja Village may not necessarily listen to Cross Country. After all, Cross Country and the Third Tsuchikage only have a relationship of mutual use. With Madara's presence, the Third Tsuchikage may be able to feel a little more at ease as he recalls the fear of his youth. But without sincere cooperation, it is impossible for Cross Country to rely on its own strength to save the Iwa Ninja Village and the Land of Earth in the hands of Madara. This is the first trouble that Cross Country faces, and surprisingly it comes from Madara. Trouble, and even more trouble from friendly forces.

 Secondly, the Death's Reincarnation in the Reincarnation is simply a BUG-like skill!

When the God of Death used the dirt to reincarnate, Cross Country at least sensed no less than ten peak shadow-level experts suddenly appearing in the ninja world. These ten peak shadow-level experts don't need to do anything else. They need to go to the ninja world to wreak havoc separately. Cross-country means that they have no skills at all, and there is no possibility of sniping them.

Being able to instantly reincarnate from dirty soil and summon more than a dozen peak shadow-level warriors to fight, it is estimated that even the Shinigami in the ninja world can do this. In the original book of Naruto, Yakushi Kabuto's filth reincarnation is the largest filth reincarnation, but the quality is not as high as Orochimaru's filth reincarnation to channel the past Hokages. Now, the Reincarnation of the God of Death includes quantity and quality. When Cross Country knows that the Reincarnation of the God of Death is so powerful, Cross Country is really having a headache.

 Finally, there is still a problem of not having enough resources.

Madara went to the direction of Iwa Ninja Village, and two more peak shadow-level experts went to the direction of the Kingdom of Thunder, preparing to raid the Cloud Ninja Village. If you say cross-country is to stop Madara, or to stop those two peaks Is it good for a shadow-level powerhouse?

All right.

Even if Off-Road can stop Madara with his own body and use his shadow clones to stop the two peak shadow-level powerhouses, how will he deal with the other peak shadow-level powerhouses reincarnated from the filthy soil of Death?

If the God of Death takes action himself, how will the cross-country be handled?

 For a moment, Cross Country just wanted to tear himself apart and fight against those strong men in Kagura's heart.

 Unfortunately, that is impossible, so off-roading can only pick some soft persimmons first.

Those two peak shadow-level experts who went to the Kingdom of Thunder to prepare for a surprise attack were clearly the soft persimmons in the eyes of off-roaders.

 “I hope Erwei Mata’s ability can restrain these guys reincarnated from the dirty soil!”

"If I had known that I was going to be an enemy of the Shinigami who could use the Reincarnation of the Earth, I should have talked to Orochimaru in advance to see if I could develop the ability to restrain the Reincarnation of the Earth with my ability!"

With that said, Cross Country sighed deeply, and immediately his eyes fell on the two peak shadow-level powerhouses, locking their spiritual energy aura, and a shadow flash technique came in front of them.


When he first came in front of these two peak shadow-level powerhouses, Cross Country was shocked by the identities of the two peak shadow-level powerhouses.


 Because, the candidates sent by the God of Death to raid the Kingdom of Thunder were simply chosen very well.

 These two peak shadow-level powerhouses are definitely the most suitable candidates for raids in the original Naruto novel.

They are respectively

 The Third Raikage of the Land of Thunder!

Plus the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire!

“Two speedy ninjas are indeed suitable for a surprise attack.”

“I just don’t know if they have their own sanity after being reincarnated from the filthy earth.”

Suddenly appearing in front of the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage, looking at the familiar face in the original Hokage, Cross Country took a deep breath and said lightly: "You are the strong men channeled by the God of Death, prepare to go The candidate for the raid on the Land of Thunder? If I guess correctly, you are the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama? The other one is the third generation Raikage?"

 “That’s right.”

After listening to the words of the cross-country, the Third Raikage sighed deeply and said: "I didn't expect that one day I would actually be an enemy of my own village. Unfortunately, my body is not under control, I just have my own thoughts. Otherwise If so, I really want to kill myself, young man, which ninja village are you from?"

 “They must be the descendants of our Konoha Village.”

As soon as the third-generation Raikage finished speaking, the second-generation Hokage glanced at Cross Country and said lightly: "In your body, I feel the aura of the Uzumaki clan. Could it be that you are a member of the Uzumaki clan?"

 “No, I’m from the Nara clan!”

 “Oh? Are you from the Nara clan?”

 Knowing that Cross Country was a member of the Nara clan, because the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans had been loyal to the Hokage for generations, the eyes of the second Hokage suddenly became much kinder.

However, if the Second Hokage knew that under the leadership of Cross Country, the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans had betrayed the Hokage, the attitude of the Second Hokage would become completely different. However, what can a person who has been dead for so long know? So after knowing that Cross Country is a member of the Nara clan, the kind-hearted Second Hokage smiled slightly and said to Cross Country in front of him:

"Although I didn't regain my consciousness just now, I don't know who summoned me through the reincarnation of dirty earth."

“But little fellow of the Nara clan, now I will teach you all the ways to crack the reincarnation of the dirty land!”

“Next, it’s up to you to stop me and that little Raikage from raiding the Kingdom of Thunder!”

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