Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 825: new world

 Pure land?

What on earth is that?

 The cross-country is not very clear, and there is no time to know for the time being, because judging from the unlimited use of the Flying Thunder God Technique by the Second Hokage, he will be able to successfully enter the Kingdom of Thunder in a few more minutes.

 Some people may ask, how can it be so fast?

 That's one of the advantages of being reincarnated in the dirty land!

 In the case of being reincarnated by dirty soil, the deceased reincarnated by dirty soil is not only immortal, but also has unlimited chakra use. When the Second Hokage was alive, he needed to pay attention to his own chakra consumption and use the Flying Thunder God Technique according to the situation. However, when he was reincarnated from the dirt, there was no need to pay attention to his own chakra consumption. Even if the Second Hokage was to attack in an instant Going to the Land of Fire, raiding the Leaf Village, and going off-road all felt possible.

 At this moment, it’s all thanks to the off-road technique of Shadow Instant.

Using the Shadow Flash Technique, he suddenly burst out from the shadow of the Second Hokage. After using the Shadow Flash Technique, Cross Country successfully caught up with the Second Hokage.

However, the third generation Raikage has just been sealed, so cross-country is still quite tiring.

 Although the cross-country confrontation with the Third Raikage takes place in an instant at most, a lot of mental energy is consumed when going off-road.

 After all, Cross Country is the Third Raikage who was reincarnated from the filthy soil of the God of Death, not the Third Raikage who was channeled by some random ninja through the filthy soil reincarnation!

Then, suddenly he came in front of the Second Hokage, and what he saw was the admiring eyes of the Second Hokage. Immediately, when Cross Country used the same method to temporarily imprison the Second Hokage with the Shadow Control Technique, the Second Hokage felt the strong confinement ability in the secret technique of Shadow Escape, and raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, saying : "The secret arts of the Uzumaki clan, as expected, my previous perception was correct. Little guy, it seems that your attainment in the secret arts of the Uzumaki clan has already surpassed your ability to use the secret arts of the Nara clan."

 “Take advantage of the situation and seal me!”

 “With your Nara clan’s secret technique, you can have a chance to seal me!”

As soon as the Second Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country suddenly narrowed his eyes and said:

 “No, not enough!”

Not enough?

 Hearing the words of cross-country, the Second Hokage was slightly stunned, not quite sure what cross-country meant.

  On the contrary, it is cross-country. He said this entirely because of his previous experience of sealing the third generation Raikage.

The strong man channeled by the God of Death through the reincarnation of dirty earth cannot be sealed casually. He must be directly sealed after being traumatized.

 As to the reason

Thinking about it in off-road, it is a strong man who was channeled by the God of Death through the reincarnation of dirty soil. The compatibility between the soul and the body is relatively high!

In the original book of Naruto, whether it is Orochimaru's channeling for the reincarnation of the dirty land, or Yakushi Kabuto's channeling for the reincarnation of the dirty land, it is impossible to be too demanding in terms of sacrifices. Just like if you want to channel a strong person like the Second Hokage or the First Hokage, the best sacrifice is the sacrifice of the Senju clan, because the sacrifices of the Senju clan can have a lot of similarities with the First Hokage and the Second Hokage. With a high degree of compatibility, the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage who were channeled were also close to their peak power.

 However, how many members of the Senju clan are there in the original Naruto novel?

If it weren't for White Zetsu, a perfect sacrifice, I would probably have to use Tsunade Hime as a sacrifice if he wanted to channel the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto who are close to their peak, right?

  Instead, it is the **** of death.

 Just use a piece of dirty soil to reincarnate, and the powerful person's soul and compatibility will be close to perfect.

Like the previous Third Raikage, he felt pressure when he crossed the seal.

Now, seeing an opportunity to seal the Second Hokage, Cross Country took a deep breath, and his figure suddenly turned into a wisp of breeze. He would use the elementalization to liberate the power of "Tianjealousy" to directly cause the Second Hokage to face heavy losses. .


The filthy soil reincarnation used by the God of Death has another effect, which is not clear from the crossroads.

That is.

 Soul sharing!

 That's right, when Cross Country fought with the Third Raikage, even though the Second Hokage was not by the Third Raikage's side, the entire process of Cross Country sealing the Third Raikage had already been implanted into the soul of the Second Hokage. However, because the second-generation Hokage's mental consciousness cannot read that memory, the second-generation Hokage faced the same attack used off-road, but his body only reacted.

Because of this, the off-road turned into a breeze and suddenly the body of the Second Hokage was scattered.

That is not elementalization, but the ability to recover from the reincarnation of dirty soil!

 The body seemed to have turned into pieces of gray paper, scattered on the ground. When the cross-country attack was over, it was put back together again.

 The Second Hokage used this method to successfully avoid the elementalization of the "Tianjealous" power of cross-country liberation.

 But just when the Second Hokage sighed silently, Cross Country missed a good opportunity.


 The Second Hokage's vision suddenly went dark. When his eyes regained their brightness, his soul had suddenly entered the off-road Yin Escape brand!

 “What happened just now?”

 “How was I sealed?”

Entering the Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country, the Second Hokage was very curious as to what method Cross Country used to seal himself.

 It wasn’t until Cross Country’s mental consciousness slowly appeared in his own mental space and explained to the Second Hokage that the Second Hokage understood the reason for his trauma.

 The answer is the shadow doppelganger of off-roading.

When Off-Road turned into a wisp of breeze and invaded, Off-Road's shadow clone was always waiting for the Second Hokage to fight back. Immediately, when the Second Hokage used the ability to reincarnate in the dirty earth to successfully dodge the attack of the off-road, the shadow clone of the off-road suddenly covered the body of the second Hokage, and then the ability of the human world was used. The cross-country was impressively swallowing up all the physical energy gaps in the Second Hokage's body, and successfully sealed the Second Hokage.

 Then, knowing that Cross Country had sealed himself in this way, the Second Hokage felt a little bit embarrassed.

But just when the Second Hokage was about to sigh, he found himself in the cross-country Yin escape brand. Feeling the familiar atmosphere in the Yin escape brand, the Second Hokage's pupils narrowed slightly and said:

 “Little guy, where is this?”

 “Huh? It’s my Yin Escape brand. Is there a problem?”

 “Yin Escape Brand. Is it the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan?”

His pupils narrowed slightly. Listening to Cross Country's answer, the Second Hokage was as shocked as the previous Third Raikage. He was shocked at how there could be the aura of the so-called "Pure Land" in Cross Country's Yin escape brand.

However, when he looked at the cross country, he found that he didn't understand why he was shocked. The second generation Hokage took a deep breath and was not ready to tell the cross country yet what secrets his Yin Escape brand hid.

 But there is one thing that the Second Hokage must say to Cross Country.

 So, after the Second Hokage was silent for a few seconds, he solemnly said to the cross country in front of him:

 “Little one, if possible, even if the world is destroyed, you will survive.”

 “Because you are a little guy who can create miracles, a new world in the future”

 “It’s up to you to shape it, you know?”

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