Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 827: Pupil Power (Part 1)


Knowing that Madara in front of him could afford it because of his teammates, and fighting alone, he would be in a disadvantaged position if he wasted time. Cross-country was about communicating mentally, and he directly communicated with Yahiko next to him, thinking of letting him. Yahiko went to Iwa Ninja Village first, delaying Madara himself, and used this method to add some helpers to himself.

Unexpectedly, just when Cross Country used his mental communication ability to connect to Yahiko’s spiritual energy, he nodded heavily towards Cross Country. Yahiko didn’t need to say anything more about Cross Country and just replied:

 “Off-road, I know.”

 “I’ll leave it to you to deal with that guy!”


Realizing that he and Yahiko had a little bit of tacit understanding, Cross Country smiled slightly, then faced Madara in front of him and said: "Uchiha Madara, after the last battle, we know each other very well. Even now You have mastered the abilities of the first Hokage, and you have only become a little stronger, so there is no need for us to hold back, right?"

 “Let’s fight!”

 “Fighting is an art.”

Listening to the words of the cross country, Madara also smiled slightly and said: "This time when I fight with you, I will not use any of Hashirama's abilities. I will only fight with you with my own strength. I am not an Uchiha clan now. Madara Uchiha is just an ordinary member of the Uchiha clan. Nara Yuki, let me see if you have grown up recently!"

 “Sorry if not”

 “You’re going to die here!”

As soon as Mr. Ban finished speaking, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

 Suddenly getting close to the cross country, Madara exploded the chakra in his body, displaying unparalleled speed. However, compared with the second generation Hokage and the third generation Raikage, Madara's speed is nothing. When going off-road, he is just slightly surprised that Madara's physical fitness has become stronger. There is no feeling of being helpless at all.

On the contrary, what exactly did Master Ban mean by what he said before? Off-road is a little confused.

Why is it just a member of the Uchiha clan and not Uchiha Madara’s identity?

 Could it be that Madara gained some inspiration from the God of Death and wanted to use his own tempering to help him reach a higher level?

Huttered to himself, Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly. Unfortunately, Madara didn't give Cross Country more time to think. He suddenly used physical skills to confront Cross Country.

First, he used high speed to get close to the cross country. Then when fighting, he did not directly attack the key points of the cross country, but forced the cross country to fight with him using physical skills. Madara's taijutsu attainments are at the pinnacle level in the ninja world, especially his skills in using taijutsu, which makes it difficult for cross-country people to compete with Madara.

Almost as soon as he got close to the cross country, Banye’s palm grasped the cross country’s arm. Subconsciously, he wanted to free his arm, but found that Master Madara's fingers were pinching the acupuncture point on his arm. Moreover, just when Cross Country was slightly wrinkled, as if chakra was about to burst out, Madara's other palm pinched Cross Country's chest. That palm is only used to seal off-road chakra. Obviously, as a member of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan's soft fist, Madara is very familiar with it.

 And this kind of physical skills that can be combined with soft boxing is undoubtedly a bit surprising for cross-country.

If anyone in the Hyuga clan can use the soft fist as well as Madara, then there will probably be another shadow-level strongman in the Hyuga clan!

Even if that person could have Madara's level of physical skills, coupled with soft fists and Byakugan, his dream of becoming a peak shadow level powerhouse would be possible.


Hyuuga clan members have never studied their soft fist to the extreme.

On the contrary, a strong man like Madara integrated the soft fist into his own physical skills, which is simply terrifyingly strong.

However, if you think that the chakra of the cross-country can be sealed just by pinching the acupuncture points of the cross-country, then you are really looking down on the cross-country. Don't forget, Cross Country's meridians have been shattered for a long time. Now even if the chakra is sealed, Cross Country's ability has not diminished at all. What's more, when controlling his own chakra with huge spiritual energy, off-road can still use chakra burst method to break through Madara's sealed acupuncture points?


 In an instant, a strong chakra fluctuation suddenly erupted along the cross-country body.

That was the chakra controlled by off-road with huge mental energy. It was also the sudden burst of chakra that made Master Madara in front of off-road take a few steps back. Also seizing the opportunity, when Master Ban took a few steps back, Yue Chuang raised a faint smile on his lips, stepped forward "Yuebu", and pinched Master Ban's arm instead.

 It's just that unlike Madara who pinched his acupuncture points with his fingers, after he pinched Madara's arm, he just transferred the chakra in his body.

That powerful chakra was controlled by Off-Road, and under the control of Off-Road, it invaded Madara's arm, and suddenly the ultimate change in the nature of wind attribute chakra was completed. The next second, the powerful chakra turned into a wisp of breeze under the control of off-road, and landed on Madara's arm.

 But the effect of that wisp of breeze is not just to cool down Mr. Ban.

Almost as soon as the wisp of breeze fell on Mr. Ban's arm under the control of the cross-country, the cool wind turned into a sharp wind blade, which was about to completely crush Mr. Ban's arm there in an instant.

Who would have thought that when Cross Country has completely taken control of the situation, he can already destroy one of Ban Ye's arms in the confrontation with him.


 Master Madara’s eyes instantly turned red!

And inside those red pupils, spinning rapidly, were three black magatama!



That was when Qingfeng, who was controlling the cross-country, was about to crush Madara’s arms.

  It was also the moment when Madara's eyes turned red and he suddenly opened the ordinary three-magatama Sharingan.

Finding that Madara has activated the ordinary three-magatama Sharingan, he is a little surprised as to why Madara doesn't use the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to fight. However, just when Off-Road was a little surprised as to why Madara didn't use the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to fight, Madara used the Uchiha clan's ordinary three-magatama Sharingan to teach Off-Road a vivid lesson.

 Because, at the moment Madara opened the three-magatama Sharingan, the Uchiha clan's forbidden technique Izanagi was suddenly used in Madara's hands!


“Nara Cross Country, your advantage will turn into a dream!”

“And in the dream, you will feel how powerful my Sharingan is!”

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