Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 830: Mainly anti-customer

 “pupil power.”

“You can actually use mental energy to imitate eye power?”

 “There’s some trouble!”

Indeed, as Cross Country said, he could use his spiritual energy to imitate the power of the eyes, which Master Madara never expected. So if Cross Country uses his own spiritual energy to imitate the power of the eyes and change Master Madara's secret technique, then The secret technique that Madara casts may very well become a cross-country secret technique. Cross-country is even more likely to be like Izanagi's secret technique, turning against the guest and directly using the power of the eyes transformed from his own spiritual energy to become the master of this secret technique.

 Let’s talk about it again, Madara is casting this secret technique that looks like Izanagi’s, why can it cause so much confusion to Cross Country!

Let’s first talk about why Master Ban was able to endure so many sequelae of this secret technique when he created it?


Significantly, it is the point that Cross Country mentioned before, the point that Banye never thought of, that is, Cross Country's spiritual energy can transform the power of the pupils, or in other words, imitate the power of the pupils.

 When he was fighting against Shisui and Itachi God, Cross Country started to study the Mangekyō Sharingan. If it weren't for Shisui and God Itachi, cross-country would also be unable to use the secret technique of his Yin escape brand, imitate the secret technique of Mangekyō Sharingan, imitate Shisui's other gods, imitate Itachi God's Tsukuyomi, and create his own unique Illusion.

 At the beginning, Master Ban thought that although Cross Country was proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape, he did not understand what kind of power Tong Li was, so he wanted to defeat him from the strongest aspect of Cross Country. Then, using his Sharingan eye power to cast this unskilled secret technique is Madara's trump card against off-road.

This is also the reason why Madara can tolerate the secret technique he is currently casting and why it has so many side effects.

 The second confusion of Cross Country is, why does Madara have to use the ordinary Sharingan when he casts this secret technique?

 The answer is

It’s not that Madara doesn’t want to use the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to cast the secret technique at hand, but that Madara’s pupil power needs to shape this secret technique, and a large amount of pupil power needs to be used to shape this space that is like Izanagi, like a dream, so this leads to Madara's Sharingan can only be maintained as an ordinary three magatama, and cannot maintain the state of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is, after all, an unskilled secret technique. After all, it is a secret technique that Banye still has not mastered.

When used, the secret technique has the side effect of not only having an effect on the enemy, but also having an effect on oneself. It also has the side effect of consuming a lot of pupil power and not being able to maintain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan for combat.

 The third confusion of off-roading is why Banye is casting his secret technique and doesn't attack immediately?

 Obviously, the reason is that Madara's secret technique has not been studied to a perfect level, because it consumes too much pupil power, which makes it impossible for Madara to adjust his state and attack cross-country just after using the secret technique.

 In general, Ban Ye is more like gambling.

If his secret technique is really effective and can completely restrict the cross-country, then it will be a very simple matter for him to kill the cross-country. However, if off-roading can decipher Madara's secret technique, then the use of Madara's secret technique will have no meaning, but will only add more consumption to himself.

However, now that Cross Country has relied on his own mental energy to imitate his pupil power, he has mastered Madara's secret technique, which Madara never expected.

 Looking at his body, he looked like he was when he was two years old.

Looking at Cross Country's body again, he was still two years old and had not received any ninja training. Madara couldn't help but secretly thought, is he going to fight like a child in the dream space with Cross Country?

 Does their victory or defeat depend on who defeats the other first?

Huttered to himself, Banye sighed deeply, because he found that his two-year-old self might not be able to defeat the cross-country challenge of his two-year-old self. Such a resigned battle is not what Madara wants, so Madara is preparing to unlock his secret skills and use another way to fight off-road.

 However, just when Madara was about to lift the secret technique, something even more unexpected happened.

  Mingming has dispersed his pupil power and wants to fight with Cross Country in another way.

 with With his eyes may be darkened.

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

After discovering that Mr. Ban intended to release his secret technique, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“Master Ban, how can it be so easy to remove your secret technique?”

"In the past, if you wanted to lift the secret technique, you only needed to lift your own pupil power. But now your secret technique contains the pupil power converted from my spiritual energy. If I had not lifted the pupil power, Then your secret technique."

 “There is no possibility of relief!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country walked slowly towards Mr. Ban.

And how powerful and powerful is Mr. Ban?

Just seeing that his secret technique has not been lifted, that is, knowing that the pupil power transformed from cross-country spiritual energy has not been lifted, so his secret technique has not been lifted.

Immediately, looking at the cross-country walking slowly, especially the sneer raised at the corner of the mouth, Madara also smiled lightly and said: "Nara cross-country, is it useful?"

“Even if your mental energy can imitate the power of pupils, even if you can maintain the secret technique for a period of time, judging from your current mental energy, how long can you maintain this secret technique? At most.”

“I’m afraid it’s not even two minutes, right?”

"It's only two minutes. You are not the shadow mage in the ninja world, and I am not the Uchiha Madara in the ninja world. Do you think the battle between two children is interesting?"

“So, I advise you not to waste your mental energy, just fight me in an upright manner!”

As soon as Mr. Ban finished speaking, he thought that cross-country was about agreeing with his point of view.

However, just when Mr. Ban finished speaking, who would have thought that the shadow under his feet suddenly extended in front of Mr. Ban!

Is that the secret technique of Shadow Escape?


That is just the secret technique of the Nara clan!

 The secret technique of the Nara clan mastered by Off-Road is the secret technique of shadow escape when it has far more power than the secret technique of the Nara clan. On the contrary, now, Cross Country is just using the Nara clan's shadow imitation technique. He uses his own shadow to connect with the shadow under Madara's feet, directly imprisoning Madara in front of him!

Furthermore, if Madara can regain his strength in cross-country, then the Nara clan’s secret skills currently used in cross-country will be useless and cannot be the key to victory or defeat.

On the contrary, in cross-country, when Madara is still in the physical state of a two-year-old child, it is enough for Madara to be shocked that he can use the secret skills of the Nara clan in cross-country!

 And the secret technique of the Nara clan, the relatively low-level shadow imitation technique, can become the best trump card for killing Madara off-road!

“Uchiha Madara, you have never thought that at the age of two you cannot use any ninjutsu or secret techniques, and you don’t even have chakra in your body.”

“Instead, I can use the secret technique of the Nara clan to fight with you, right?”

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