Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 835: Doppelgänger?

 "The Second Hokage, the Third Raikage"

 “Thank you very much!”

Watching the figure of the Second Hokage slowly disappearing into his Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country is very clear that the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage have really disappeared, and even their souls have completely dissipated. Their souls were apparently fused with their Yin Release brand, but it is still inaccurate to say that they were fused. It should be said that their souls were fused at the request of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage. This contribution gave the cross-country Yin Escape brand, and let the cross-country Yin Escape brand swallow up their souls!

 After devouring the souls of the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage, the memories of the Second Hokage slowly appeared in Cross Country's mind just like the memories of the previous Third Raikage. Originally, this method of directly devouring souls would have many negative effects. For example, when watching the memories of the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage off-road, because it is viewed from a first-person perspective, it is easy to bring oneself into the Third Raikage. Shadow, on the body of the Second Hokage.

It feels like I have become the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage and experienced their lives. Often in their memories, when the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage are thinking, they will use the Second Hokage and the Third Hokage when going off-road. The Raikage's way of thinking. On the surface, it seems that Cross Country just read through the memories of the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage in an instant. In fact, Cross Country has lived in the memories of the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage for a whole lifetime.

If the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage hadn't actively contributed their souls, the personalities of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage would inevitably have affected Cross Country's own character, causing Cross Country's personality to change, and even his temper to change. . However, since the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage are trying to make the cross-country stronger, they cannot let themselves affect themselves. Therefore, the cross-country at this time must thank the selflessness of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage, otherwise how can the cross-country After mastering the Wind Release Ninjutsu, he is now proficient in the Water Release Ninjutsu, Thunder Release Ninjutsu, and the Second Hokage's

 What about space-time ninjutsu?

 Taking a deep breath, he carefully read the memory of the Second Hokage. He was not affected by the character of the Second Hokage and other aspects, and sat cross-legged in his own Yin escape brand. When Cross Country slowly exhales the turbid air in his chest and abdomen, it may be because he has swallowed the soul of the Second Hokage. It is more likely that Cross Country is now proficient in Water Release, Thunder Release, Time and Space Ninjutsu and other Second Generation Hokage, Third Generation Thunder Kage was proficient in Ninjutsu before, and after the secret technique, he gained some insights. While sitting there quietly, Cross Country murmured:

"The Second Hokage is right. If you only master the Yin Yang Escape Technique, you cannot defeat the God of Death. Moreover, judging from the information brought by the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage from the real "Pure Land", if you want Creating a new "Pure Land" also requires the cooperation of Yin Yang Escape Technique and Five Elements Escape Technique."

"However, there are many disadvantages in the method of directly passing on inheritance to me, such as the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage. If the person I like does not have the intention of dedicating his life's strength to me, then I will use this method again It is very dangerous to try to master earth escape and fire escape. Let's talk about fire escape. If the target I choose when mastering fire escape is Master Madara, as long as Mr. Ban is slightly malicious, then my Even if the Yin Escape Brand successfully swallows Master Ban’s soul, Master Ban’s character may eventually distort my character.”

“Even, I might end up becoming the second Lord Ban because of devouring Master Ban’s soul.”

“It seems that if you want to collect the ultimate changes of Fire Style and Earth Style like the Second Hokage said, you still need to find a suitable successor.”

 “And now”

“Madara, since it’s time for you to have a stalemate with me, I have received a new gift from the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage.”

 “As a token of my gratitude, I will give you a thank you gift!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country, who was sitting cross-legged in the Yin Escape Brand, had his eyes fixed.

  followed by.

  Psychic consciousness slowly returned to his body. When he looked at Master Ban in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

 “Uchiha Madara, long time no see!”


It was obviously only five minutes later, but Lord Ban suddenly frowned slightly when he heard Cross Country say such strange words. He was eager to know whether Cross Country's words were meaningless or had a deeper meaning.

 When Xue Chuo said this, he undoubtedly had a deeper meaning.

 Because when he perfectly mastered the power of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage, Cross Country lived in the memories of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage for two lifetimes.

Now when facing Ban Ye, off-roading has a strange feeling.

Even when he was controlling his body, Off-road felt that his body was slightly stiff. Obviously, it was a slight aftereffect of directly and perfectly mastering the power of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage.

 But with strong mental energy, when controlling the body off-road, he quickly changed from unfamiliarity to familiarity. However, when Cross Country was able to perfectly control his body, with a faint smile on his lips and looking at Mr. Madara, who was frowning in front of him, Cross Country started the battle without any hesitation!


In the originally relatively deadlocked situation, it was Cross Country who broke the deadlock first and launched an attack on Mr. Ban in front of him.

  Instead, it’s Mr. Ban.

Finding that Cross Country had no intention of stalemate with him, his pupils narrowed slightly. Master Ban was obviously very surprised by Cross Country's decision. Don't forget, there was a tacit understanding between Xue Xiang and Ban Ye before, that is, Ban Xia couldn't do anything to Xu Xue, and Xu Xue couldn't help Ban Ye. The two of them were preparing for a stalemate in silence and a battle of patience.

Now, suddenly found that Cross Country no longer meant to maintain the deadlock, but wanted to break the deadlock. Combined with the meaningful words that Cross Country said before, Banye subconsciously thought that Cross Country had some kind of trump card during the previous stalemate. Sanction yourself. Therefore, when the off-road figure had already arrived in front of Master Banner, he took a deep breath and prepared to reveal a trump card in his hand without any hesitation.

 The next second.


It happened to be that the figure who was off-roading had just arrived in front of Master Ban.


From Mr. Ban’s chest, another arm turned out to punch Cross Country directly in the face.

Immediately, when Cross Country quickly dodged the invading fist and took a few steps back to distance himself from Master Ban, a figure suddenly spread out from Master Ban's chest and slowly condensed. It’s taking shape!

 “Is that a clone?”

 “Is it the clone of the first Hokage?”

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