Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 840: fell

As the second-generation Tsuchikage entered the Kingdom of Water, the power of the God of Death was spreading like a plague.

After the second-generation Tsuchikage eliminated the ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village stationed at the border of the Land of Water, these Ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village who were controlled by the God of Death and turned into killing machines only needed to disguise themselves slightly under the control of the God of Death. He looked injured. Immediately, the disguised Mist Ninja Village ninjas who controlled the Shinigami dispersed. They only had to pretend to be an enemy attack, and they were able to successfully enter the other Mist Ninja Village camps. Needless to say what happened next, right?

One Mist Ninja Village ninja turned into a killing machine can turn all Mist Ninja Village ninjas in a camp into killing machines.

As the number of killing machines increases, the Mist Ninja Village in the Land of Water will fall faster and faster.

Even after just one day, there were very few ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village who remained loyal in the Kingdom of Water. Most of the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village, as a result of the expansion of the Death God's power, became the killing machines under the Death God. When the Mist Ninja Village fell, the next thing to fall was the Kingdom of Water.

 Where will it fall next?

 The God of Death has not thought of it for the time being, but this happens to be the best strategy.

 And when the attack of the **** of death spreads like a plague, what are you doing off-road?

 The answer is to fight against the Fourth Mizukage Shikura!

 “Thunder Escape Body Protector!”

 “Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!”



 In one day, the cross-country water clone and the thunder clone caught up with the fourth generation water shadow who lost his position. If it weren't for the chakra in Cross Country's body, which is still enough to support the consumption of water clone and thunder clone, it is estimated that cross country's water clone and thunder clone can only support one day at most. However, in the case of such long-distance control, you still have to transport chakra to your water clone and thunder clone. The amount of mental energy required to go off-road can be said to be an astronomical amount.

Now when fighting against the Fourth Mizukage Shikang, Cross Country is facing a rather embarrassing situation, that is, the water clone and thunder clone under his control can only entangle the Fourth Mizukage Shikang in front of him. Wanting to successfully capture the Fourth Mizukage Shikura in front of him, Cross Country has no way, because the water clone and thunder clone under his control both have very little chakra left, and they can compete with the Fourth Mizukage Shikang. The stalemate is the result of carefully designed cross-country operations.

On the contrary, the fourth generation Mizukage under the control of the God of Death lost his position and squandered his chakra, which made even cross-country people feel distressed.

Every time he faced an attack from his own water clone or thunder clone, the Fourth Mizukage used nothing else but to use his strong chakra to resist. Using the three-tailed armor in his body and the terrifying chakra, the fourth generation Mizukage Shikura quietly fought against the off-road water clones and thunder clones, as if he didn't seem to be in any hurry.

 Fortunately, the fierce battle lasted for a whole day, and support from Yun Ninja Village arrived.

 Obviously, the ninjas from Yun Ninja Village did not come to support them on the first day and were waiting to see the situation. When the water clone and the thunder clone went off-road for the first day of battle with the Fourth Mizukage Shikura, only the fourth Mizukage Shikura attempted to destroy the villages and towns in the Kingdom of Thunder. The Kumo Ninja Village knew that the situation was not good. The ninja came to support in time, knowing that the enemy in front of him was the fourth Mizukage Shikura, not the water clone or the thunder clone.

However, at the moment when the ninjas from Yun Ninja Village came to support, Cross Country originally thought that the support from Yun Ninja Village had arrived, and he would be able to successfully deal with the fourth Mizukage in front of him.

 After all they have been fighting for so long, Off-Road has completely mastered the fighting methods of the fourth generation Mizukage Shikang.

It just needs a chance. Cross-country is to be sure and smoothly capture the fourth generation Mizukage in front of him.

I never thought that these pig teammates were just here to help.

Just before the Fourth Mizukage lost his position, the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village actually had naive ideas, and even ninjas at the chunin level came to fight.

In just three seconds of combat, the Fourth Mizukage Shikura used the terrifying power of the Three-Tailed Isobi to kill more than 20 Chunin-level Kumo Ninja Villagers instantly.

Having lost more than twenty Chuunin-level ninjas, the captain of the Cloud Ninja Village ninja was very angry, and immediately prepared to use some secret technique to fight against the Fourth Mizukage in front of him.

 But before the captain of the ninja from the Cloud Ninja Village activated his secret technique, the cross-country water clone, the thunder clone seized an opportunity.

 First, use the thunder clone to use powerful thunder escape to paralyze the fourth generation Mizukage's body.

When the Fourth Mizukage's body was completely paralyzed, Cross Country's water body used the Water Prison Technique to successfully control the Fourth Mizukage's Shikang in the palm of his hand.

Turning back to look at the captain of the Yun Ninja Village ninja, Cross Country discovered that the captain of the Yun Ninja Village ninja was a little familiar to him.

But he frowned and did not think of the name of the ninja captain of Yun Ninja Village for the time being. He was in a hurry to cross-country and controlled his water body. He said calmly to the ninja captain of Yun Ninja Village in front of him:

"Just leave this guy to me. You go back and inform the Raikage in your village that the Shadow Mage from the Land of Waves wants to see him."

“One day later, the Five Shadows Conference will be held in the Country of Waves.”

"Let's go quickly. If you waste time and cause the Raikage to be late for the Five Kage meeting, your Kumo Ninja Village will be in big trouble!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the off-road water clone disappeared in an instant with his thunder clone while trapping the fourth generation water shadow.

While leaving the ninja captain of Yun Nin Village standing there stupidly, looking at the figure leaving cross-country, the ninja captain of Yun Nin Village suddenly murmured:

 “Nara off-roading?”

“It seems that after so many years, you have really forgotten me!”

Having said that, the captain of the ninja from Yun Ninja Village gave a bitter smile, and then actually obeyed the instructions of Yun Ninja Village and went to Yun Ninja Village to inform Raikage about convening the Five Shadows Conference.

 At the same time, Yahiko, who went to the Iwa Ninja Village, also told the Third Tsuchikage about the Five Kage Conference.

However, when the third Tsuchikage knew that Cross Country was planning to convene a meeting of the Five Shadows, the third Tsuchikage sneered slightly and said: "The name of the Shadow Mage is very resounding, but if a meeting of the Five Shadows is to be held, how can it be done in What about the Country of Waves? If the Shadow Master is really sincere, then he can hold a meeting of the Five Shadows in our Iwa Ninja Village."

“Anyway, the Shadow Mage is very powerful. Even if we try tricks, the Shadow Mage can solve it on his own, right?”

As he said that, facing Yahiko in front of him, the Third Tsuchikage smiled sarcastically, which seemed to mean that it was very ridiculous to go off-road and prepare to hold a five-kage meeting privately.

But just as the Third Tsuchikage was mocking Yahiko, and Yahiko was frowning, wondering what the Third Tsuchikage had to say, suddenly an ANBU from the Iwa Ninja Village came to the Third Tsuchikage's side. Just one sentence made the third Tsuchikage's face instantly turn pale!


 “Mist Ninja Village”


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