Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 844: escape?

 “It’s the Land of Fire now”

“Isn’t the disaster of the Earth Kingdom just around the corner?”

As a Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village, the second-generation Tsuchikage is naturally used to seeing death. Otherwise, how could he survive in that war-torn era?

However, the second-generation Tsuchikage can say that he has never seen such a powerless death, especially when he saw the army under the Death God simply crushing him and rushing into the territory of the Fire Country, it was like a plague in the Fire Country. The territory continues to spread, and the second-generation Tsuchikage's body is uncontrollably inside the army. As a member of the army, he is killing. The emotion in his heart is only sadness, without any pleasure of killing.

 Obviously, the second-generation Tsuchikage is a rational person. He knows that the Fire Country will be invaded now, and the Earth Kingdom will be invaded soon.

I have never had the thought that someone could stop me and the God of Death.

Unfortunately, when he sensed two powerful chakra fluctuations rising slowly in the Kingdom of Water, the second generation Tsuchikage raised a faint bitter smile on his lips, and even murmured: :

 “What’s the use of escaping?”

"You said you were in the Kingdom of Water to save people, but in fact you were avoiding a direct confrontation with the God of Death, right?"

“I didn’t expect that the only strong person in the ninja world who can resist death is actually”

 “He is actually a coward! A coward who is afraid of death! Humph!”

 After saying that, the second-generation Tsuchikage snorted coldly and said nothing more.

As for who the second Tsuchikage was mocking, everyone must know that he must be the only strong man in the ninja world who can fight the **** of death, and that person is Cross Country!

  What the second Tsuchikage said about escaping was that he didn't have the guts to confront the God of Death head-on.


 Facing Madara in cross-country, the God of Death is attacking him to death, but for the sake of the safety of the ninja world, why doesn't he take the risk and fight with the God of Death, Madara?

There is still a glimmer of hope in the battle, why can’t we even grasp that glimmer of hope in cross-country?

 Are you really afraid of death?


 Is off-roading really an escape?

no one knows.

In the Kingdom of Water, Mei Terumi, Ao and other elites from the Mist Ninja Village simply knew that the battle between Cross Country and Madara was clearly not something they could get involved in. Originally, Terumi Mei thought that even if there was some gap between herself and cross-country, it would only be a little bit at most, not that huge. Now, watching the figures of Cross Country and Madara flickering in front of him like ghosts, every time they fight and any impact can kill him, Terumi Mei truly understands Cross Country and Madara. How terrifying is the strength.

 Similarly, Qing and other elites from the Mist Ninja Village also felt the fear in the fierce battle as they watched the cross-country confrontation with Madara.

After a fierce battle for a while, Cross Country finally seized an opportunity to force Madara and Madara's First Hokage clone back. Looking at Madara who was wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, a flash of excitement flashed in Ao's eyes. Colorful, he immediately asked Terumi Mei next to him: "Lord Mizukage, you are stronger than us. Do you think Master Kage has an advantage?"

 “Advantage? Not necessarily.”

Taking a deep breath, Terumi Mei murmured: "Although I have never seen the fierce battle between the Sannin and the Demigod Hanzo back then, I heard that the Sannin and the Demigod Hanzo fought fiercely for several days before there was a result. Now that Cross-Country and that mysterious guy are fighting, it will probably take a few days and nights to decide the winner! After all, Cross-Country and that mysterious guy are both very physical, and their trump cards are endless. Now Cross-Country has a little advantage. It may become a disadvantage soon.”

 “So if it’s possible”

With that said, Terumi Mei raised a faint bitter smile at the corner of her mouth, and then faced Qing and the other elites of the Mist Ninja Village very seriously and said: "If it is possible, let's escape first!"

 “Mizukage-sama, you finally figured it out!”

  In the past, no matter how hard I tried to persuade Terumi Mei to leave, I couldn’t persuade her to leave. Now that the cross country is here, I can persuade Terumi Mei to leave. Ao feels like a victory.

 Looking at the fierce cross-country battle with Madara, Ao also took a deep breath before preparing to take Terumi Mei with him, and the rest of the elites of the Mist Ninja Village began to flee.

Unexpectedly, Madara still had time to pay attention to the movements of Terumi Mei, Ao and other elites in the Kiri Ninja Village while he was having a fierce battle with Cross Country. Discovering that Terumi Mei and Ao and other elites of the Mist Ninja Village were about to escape, Madara's clone of the first Hokage suddenly appeared in front of Terumi Mei and others again. However, Madara has a clone of the first Hokage, and Cross Country also has a water clone that contains the aura of the second Hokage, plus a thunder clone that contains the aura of the third Raikage, right?

 So, the clone of the first Hokage failed to stop the footsteps of Terumi Mei, Ao and other elites of the Mist Ninja Village. The cross-country water clone and the thunder clone directly blocked the footsteps of Madara's clone of the first Hokage. On the other hand, Cross Country directly intercepted Madara who wanted to stop him. When Cross Country intercepted Madara and watched Terumi Mei, Qing and other elites from the Kiri Ninja Village escape, he watched his pupils slightly The tight-knit Madara said calmly:

 “Wouldn’t it be better if they left?”

“After all, this is the only way we can let go and fight, isn’t it?”


Listening to Cross Country's words, Madara said calmly: "Nara Cross Country, don't think that I don't know. In fact, you can only fight with me if those guys are here. Because you have been avoiding fighting with me. You know that with me Fighting has no results, and it won't kill me in the end, so as long as those guys escape, the first person you have to go to help is the teacher Minato you are talking about, the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, right? ?”

"With your perception ability, you must know what happened in the Country of Fire. Yes, the God of Death is leading his army to attack the Country of Fire. I know that with your time and space ninjutsu, as long as you look at those The little guys escaped, and you had to go to the aid of the Country of Fire. So, now that I see those little guys escaping, I am actually very angry. It was them who prevented me from fighting with you again, and they were the same ones who killed me once. A chance to defeat you!”

As soon as Madara finished speaking, a terrifying chakra invasion enveloped him. It was the chakra that Madara exploded out of in anger.

 But listening to Master Ban’s words, Xue Xue’s expression was surprisingly indifferent.

Only when he and Master Ban looked at each other again, a faint smile slowly appeared on the face of the cross country. Moreover, just when that smile appeared, there was no intention of retreating, and there was no intention of escaping. Off-road just stood in front of Madara and murmured:

“Actually, I’ve been asking myself, what’s going on for not going to aid the Country of Fire, and what’s going on for not having the will to have a real confrontation with you.”

“I’m always asking myself, am I running away? Is it because there’s no possibility of killing you, so am I running away from killing you?”

 “Later I learned that, yes, it was an escape.”

“Then since it’s an escape, I have to overcome that mentality!”

“Uchiha Madara, even if killing you is fruitless as you said, the God of Death can still resurrect you, but now”

 “I’m going to kill you too! At least.”

 “I’m going to trap you completely!”

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