Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 858: prisoner

 “Well, off-road, thank you very much.”

 “I feel much better!”

 Life always requires a goal, especially when the previous goal collapses, a new goal is needed to support oneself.

Terumi Mei is the Fifth Mizukage, a shadow-level strongman in the ninja world. There is no reason that she doesn't understand. If she didn't understand it, Terumi Mei wouldn't be able to become so strong.

 When Terumi Mei's mood was full of hesitation, panic, and sinking, in fact, Terumi Mei just needed a support and a new goal. The person who can rely on Terumi Mei must be more powerful than Terumi Mei. The person who can give Terumi Mei a new goal must have a certain amount of ability.

 Off-roading just meets Terumi Mei’s needs, so in the simplest terms, off-roading can make Terumi Mei’s mood become beautiful.


 The haze is not so easy to get rid of. Terumi Mei is just in a better mood and has new goals.

To conquer the fear in her heart, Terumi Mei needs a victory.

 So, Cross Country was already secretly planning the first confrontation with Madara, and let Terumi Mei take the lead. Moreover, Cross Country believes Terumi Mei will definitely win, because in the first round confrontation with Madara, Cross Country helped Terumi Mei win, so it is enough to defeat Madara.

 Then, when Terumi Mei's mood improved a lot, although there were still many things to deal with off-road, he still used his precious time to accompany Terumi Mei for a whole day.

 As I just said, as the fifth generation Mizukage, Terumi Mei actually knows everything.

Because of this, Terumi Mei felt that her mood was getting better and better, even if she didn't spend too much time with her. In the end, Terumi Mei couldn't bear to waste the cross-country time, so she told the cross-country that she was going back to rest. As for cross-country, after leaving Terumi Mei, he didn't go directly to deal with what he needed to do.

  Just after parting ways with Terumi Mei, Cross Country came to a secret room in the Country of Waves.

In that lost place, there are two prisoners imprisoned, who are also very familiar beings in cross-country.

That is Nagato after his "blackening", and Konan, who is still somewhat brainwashed.

A long time has passed, and Nagato and Xiaonan have been living in a secret room with no daylight under the captivity of off-road. Such treatment undoubtedly makes Yahiko feel very bad, but there is no way. Even if Madara died once in the hands of cross-country, now he is just resurrected by the secret technique of death. Nagato's "blackening" There is still no change, Xiaonan is still firmly by Nagato's side, and there is no intention of wavering in consciousness.

At this moment, when she saw someone coming into the secret room, Xiao Nan originally thought it was Yahiko.

Because, after being imprisoned in the secret room for so long, the only people from the "Twilight" organization were Yahiko.

 He raised his head in surprise. He had accumulated a lot of things to say to Yahiko, but suddenly he looked up and saw that Cross Country was approaching. Xiao Nan's eyes suddenly became cold. On the contrary, it was Nagato who noticed that Cross Country was walking slowly towards him, but a faint smile appeared on his lips. When Cross Country walked in front of him, Nagato said firmly:

 “You need my eyes, don’t you?”

 “Well, I need it.”

Nodding, Cross Country sighed deeply and said: "Nagato, you can actually forgive yourself. When I killed Uchiha Madara for the first time, I knew that you were out of his control. Now You are just trying to atone for what you have done before. This is not necessary. As long as you can overcome the obstacles in your heart, I can let you out. Moreover, even if you don't think about yourself, no. Do you want to think about Xiaonan?”


  Listening to Cross Country's words, Nagato slowly shifted his gaze and landed on Konan.

Nagato, who was originally "black" and should not have any emotional fluctuations, when his eyes fell on Konan, there was obviously a flash of guilt in his eyes.

 That’s right.

 Nagato's "blackening" was lifted. It was lifted from the first time he killed Madara in the cross-country.

However, as Cross Country said, Nagato could not forgive his former self, so he pretended to be still "blackened" in order to atone for his sins and imprison himself in a secret room that would never see the light of day.

 When the cross-country came, Nagato knew the cross-country that killed Madara with his own hands and knew his situation.

However, Nagato did not expect that the situation in the ninja world would be so complicated, especially when Cross Country shared his memories with Nagato. Knowing the disaster that would follow the God of Death and Madara, Nagato slowly closed his eyes. eyes, said:

"I know you need my strength, and I even know that I can help you a lot. But in Nara cross-country, I am not sure I can control myself. A short period of sobriety can't prove anything. If you let me out, I will probably It brings a lot of trouble to the ninja world, and the same goes for Konan."

With that said, Nagato looked at Konan apologetically, and said slowly: "Although Konan seems to have not mastered Uchiha Madara's secret technique, I know that after long-term contact, Uchiha Madara must have mastered it. There is a time bomb placed in Xiaonan's body. Either the bomb will explode or it will destroy Xiaonan's life. "

“So if you need it, I’ll accompany you to deal with Uchiha Madara, but you have to plant a restriction in your body, otherwise I’ll switch sides at the last minute.”

"Very serious consequences!"

After Nagato finished speaking, Cross Country really knew that the current Nagato was not a "blackened" Nagato, because his state could not be fake.

 However, Nagato somewhat misunderstood the meaning of off-roading.

 In the current ninja world, it doesn't matter if there is one more peak shadow-level powerhouse or one less peak shadow-level powerhouse. The peak existences in the ninja world are just the cross-country, Madara, and the God of Death. This kind of combat power is the combat power needed by cross-country, rather than a person who may be controlled by Madara at any time, and may be "hacked" at any time. Nagato.

 So, the real purpose of coming across the country is for Nagato’s reincarnation eye.

Especially when I knew that Nagato was not completely "blackened", Cross Country felt a little guilty for taking away Nagato's Rinnegan. But there is no way. If you want to defeat Madara and truly defeat the God of Death, the Samsara Eye is an indispensable tool for off-roading. It was also because of this that not long after Nagato finished speaking, Yukio's fingers penetrated deeply into Nagato's eyes.

 When Nagato and Konan were all shocked, they forcefully dug out Nagato's Rinnegan Eye.

 When leaving, off-road just said a faint word.

 “Sorry, Nagato, these are not your eyes, so for now.”

 “Leave it to me for safekeeping!”

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