Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 865: Tailed beast (middle)

"no problem."

 “Then I’ll go to Raikage’s place.”

After saying goodbye to the Third Tsuchikage, Cross Country couldn't help but sneer secretly in his heart. On the surface, the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage were thinking about the Ninja Alliance. In fact, the two of them still had hidden thoughts of competition in their hearts. Moreover, almost when Cross Country knew that the four-tailed Sun Wukong's Jinchuuriki Lao Zi was attacked, Cross Country knew that it must be Madara's plan.

However, Cross Country never thought that Madara would use a strategy to sow discord and further alienate the unity of the ninja alliance. Therefore, even if you want to go through a cutscene or go cross-country, you must go to the Fourth Raikage and ask what the situation is like there. Who would have thought that when Cross Country just entered the camp of the Fourth Raikage, the pungent smell of blood came over. Looking along the smell of blood, Cross Country saw several ninjas from Yun Ninja Village. The corpse fell in front of the Fourth Raikage!

 “Thunder Shadow, what’s going on?”

His eyes fell on the corpses of the ninjas from Yunnin Village. Cross Country frowned slightly and asked.

“Don’t the Tsuchikage need an explanation?”

 “Humph, this is the explanation.”

With a cold snort, the Fourth Raikage said: "The four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi of Iwa Ninja Village was attacked, and it was said that it was the ninjas of our Kumo Ninja Village who did it. I investigated and found that it was indeed several Kumo Ninjas under my command. The village ninjas remembered their original hatred and prepared to assassinate Lao Zi. Moreover, in order not to affect the unity of our ninja coalition, I have already dealt with these guys. "

“Shadow Mage, if you came here for this matter, please go back with the bodies of these guys.”

“By the way, let me tell you that old guy Tsuchikage, I do things aboveboard and aboveboard, there is no way I sent these guys there.”

 “If I really want to send someone to assassinate me”

“Hmph, you were the shadow mage who took away the second tail through assassination!”

  When talking to Cross Country, the tone of the Fourth Raikage was very unkind, and anyone could hear the suppressed anger of the Fourth Raikage. It's true to say that if someone is wronged for no reason, let alone the Fourth Raikage, even the Fourth Hokage with a good temper will get angry. Moreover, the Fourth Raikage also never expected that the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village under his management would be so shameless. Even though they clearly said that they could not be enemies with the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village, these few ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village were still Going to assassinate Lao Zi, where does this put the Fourth Raikage's face?

However, he vaguely knew that there was an 80% possibility that the attack on the fourth-tailed Son Goku Lao Zi was Madara's plan. Cross Country stared at the corpses of the Kumo Ninja Village ninjas in front of the Fourth Raikage, and was stunned. Lost in thought.

 There is the energy of death in the body, and off-roading requires constant suppression.

 Master Banye’s secret technique of controlling emotions requires the cross-country to maintain the use of the secret technique of shadow escape. Sealing the sun and moon obviously requires the majority of the cross-country’s power.

If he hadn't obtained the Fire Escape and Earth Escape skills from the Third Hokage and completed the gathering of the Five Elements Escape Techniques, at this time, even if he wanted to use his peak spiritual energy to explore the corpses of the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village, The situation is somewhat difficult. Now it's better. The power of the Third Hokage has been handed over to Off-Road. Off-road's strength has been further improved. Finally, there is no need to worry about the consumption. Instead, he uses the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and begins to explore the few Yun Ninja Village ninjas in front of him. The situation inside the body.

It would be better not to investigate. After the investigation, Cross Country's brows furrowed.


Because, if there is really a problem with these ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village, then the cross-country can definitely confirm that the assassination of the four-tailed Sun Wukong Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki was Madara's conspiracy.

 However, these ninjas from Yun Ninja Village have no problems whether it is their spiritual energy or other aspects.

For a moment, Cross Country believed what the Fourth Raikage had just said, that is, the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village really couldn't let go of their hatred, so they went to find trouble for the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong Jinchuuriki Lao Zi.


 “Something’s wrong!”

He was about to confirm the words of the Fourth Raikage, but Cross Country suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the angry Fourth Raikage in front of him, and thought to himself: "No wonder the Third Tsuchikage wanted to anger the Fourth Raikage, and the Fourth Raikage He looks like he dares to be angry but dare not speak. Originally, only us, the top brass of the ninja alliance, knew about the Jinchuriki going to Kawa no Kage. Ordinary ninjas, even the Third Tsuchikage and the Fourth Raikage's cronies didn't know about it. How could those ordinary ninjas from Yun Ninja Village assassinate Lao Zi out of hatred?"

"The Third Tsuchikage took a fancy to this, so he kept holding on to the Fourth Raikage. The Fourth Raikage couldn't explain it, so he could only kill the few Kumo Ninjas who went to assassinate Lao Zi. Ninja, venting your anger in this way while calming down the anger of the Third Tsuchikage. Now, I can be sure that these Kumo Ninja Village ninjas are not under Madara's control, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire."

 “But Lord Madara! Lord Madara!”

"Since it is impossible for these ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village to know the news about the Jinchūriki gathering in Kawanoguni, no matter how clean you deal with the traces, it is no wonder that the flaws will be exposed in this regard!"

"Now, since there are no problems with the few Kumo Ninja Village ninjas in front of me, that means"

"Is there something wrong with one of the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Raikage, or the four-tailed Sun Wukong Jinchūriki Lao Purple who was attacked?"

  thought to himself, a faint sneer rose at the corner of Cross Country's lips.

Just when the cross-country sneer was rising, under the watchful eye of Kagura, the four-tailed Sun Goku Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki, who was originally recovering in the medical camp, stood up suddenly and suddenly went to the camp where the Third Tsuchikage lived!

 “It’s been two days!”

 “Die to me!”


Although he was slightly injured due to the assassination of several ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village, the Jinchuriki's recovery speed was very fast. Lao Zi's strength was restored as early as in the medical camp. At this time, Cross Country suddenly used Kagura's inner eye to see into the situation in the entire camp. The strange Lao Zi apparently discovered Cross Country's perception, so he prepared to go and eliminate the Third Tsuchikage before Cross Country took action himself.

However, according to common sense, there should be many people blocking Lao Zi's aggressive approach to the Third Tsuchikage's camp.

 I never thought that the relationship between Lao Zi and the Third Tsuchikage had never been very good. They were always fighting each other when they were in the Iwa Ninja Village. Therefore, at this time, Lao Zi attacked outside the camp of the Third Tsuchikage. The ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village who were guarding the camp looked at each other and showed no intention of stopping Lao Zi from invading the camp of the Third Tsuchikage.

Even the third Tsuchikage sat in the camp and looked at Lao Zi who was attacking in front of him. He sighed deeply and looked helpless. He did not regard Lao Zi as Madara's person at all.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 When following Lao Zi’s spiritual energy aura, he was completely locked in.

The pupils in his eyes contracted slightly, and he suddenly felt a familiar aura in Lao Zi's body!

"That is."

 “Heretic Golem?”

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