Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 869: Paving the Road with Blood (Part 2)

 “Oh! I know, Gaara!”

 “Why do you want to hit me on the head?”

 Different from the original Naruto novel, Uzumaki Naruto in front of Cross Country is afraid of Gaara. What is the reason? It may be because Gaara is much more mature than Uzumaki Naruto.

And in terms of strength, Gaara can also crush Uzumaki Naruto, although compared with the current Uzumaki Naruto and the original Naruto, the Uzumaki Naruto in the cross-country must be stronger. However, Gaara is now trained in cross-country and has become an elite jounin at a young age. In terms of controlling the Ichibi Shukaku, Gaara is much stronger than in the original Naruto novel, so Only when the young Gaara is with the other jinchūriki, the cross-country feels more harmonious.

Only Uzumaki Naruto, if it weren't for the nine-tailed demon fox in his body, Cross Country would really not know what Uzumaki Naruto was here for.

In the place where the cross-country and jinchuriki are located, apart from the jinchuriki, there are only Kimimaro, Shiro, these cross-country disciples, plus Uzumaki Kushina, who stayed here because they have to take care of Uzumaki Naruto. . The rest of the ninjas are currently on the battlefield, and when the cross-country and jinchūriki stay together, they are also paying attention to the situation in the ninja world with Kagura's inner eye.

Especially a few days later, when Cross Country knew that the Fourth Ninja War in the Ninja World was about to begin under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage, the Fourth Raikage, and the Third Tsuchikage, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly. With his eyes, he carefully perceived the situation in the Kingdom of Kawa with Kagura's inner eyes.

Kagura's inner eye's attention slowly fell on Terumi Mei, the Fifth Mizukage.

Realizing that the Fourth Hokage had indeed sent Terumi Mei to take the lead, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Immediately, he saw Terumi Mei leading the ninjas of Konoha Village and rushing towards the territory of Kawa no Kuni. In the land of fire!

 This also foreshadows

 The war has finally begun!

 However, as early as when the Fourth Hokage moved the main power of Konoha Village to the Country of Waves, the current Country of Fire was completely controlled by Madara. Therefore, even if Terumi Mei is leading the ninja troops of Konoha Village, it will be difficult for Terumi Meditation to invade the Fire Nation. However, as long as he can successfully break through the Fire Nation's defense line, Terumi Mei will It's like winning, so saying less can restore some of Terumi Mei's confidence!

As for who the enemy Terumi Mei will face, everyone was very surprised when they found out about it.

 Because, Terumi Mei’s enemy is Shiro Zetsu!

 Haku Zetsu possesses the aura of a tailed beast!

Off-Road is unclear as to what method Madara used to resurrect White Zetsu. Whether he relied on the power of the first Hokage or the power of the outsider golem is a mystery. However, when he felt the aura of the tailed beasts from the bodies of those White Zetsus, Cross Country felt something was a little bit bad.

  After all, if the White Zetsu's body is filled with the aura of the tailed beast, it is very likely that each of these White Zetsu can be used as a jinchuriki.

If this is really the case, then what is the use of the Fourth Hokage and others leading the ninja coalition?

In the end, ordinary ninjas will inevitably die in the hands of White Zetsu. Only shadow-level experts can fight against White Zetsu with the aura of a tailed beast!

Sure enough, as expected, Terumi Mei led the ninjas of Konoha Village to attack. After encountering a sniper attack from White Zetsu, they gained a tragic victory!

 Why is it said to be a tragic victory?

 Because, the Konohagakure ninja troops led by Mei Terumi have at least three ninja troops. On the contrary, the White Zetsu troops on Madara's side only had the number of ninja troops at most. After the war, the White Zetsu troops were completely wiped out, but Terumi Mei's Konohagakure ninja troops also suffered heavy casualties. When an individual goes to the battlefield, at most two or three people can survive.

 Such a number of casualties not only exceeded Terumi Mei's imagination, but also exceeded the imagination of the Fourth Hokage.

 However, in war, no one will pity the dead. They are all heroes on the battlefield.

 At the same time, when the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage saw how terrifying the combat power of the White Zetsu troops was, they understood even more how terrifying Madara was. But to deal with Bai Zetsu's troops, we still need to think of some ways. Otherwise, if we simply pave the way with blood, how many ninja lives will it take to die with the almost unlimited production of Bai Zetsu?

Because of this, in the second day of the battle, Mei Terumi led the ninja troops from Suna Ninja Village into battle, and most of the time they were fighting with Bai Zetsu's troops. But the number of Bai Jue troops was just like what Cross Country had imagined. Just one day later, the number had increased a lot. Therefore, when Terumi Mei led the Suna Ninja Village ninja troops to fight, they also achieved a tragic victory, but the casualties of the Suna Ninja Village ninjas this time were obviously less than last time.

 The deaths of those Konoha Village ninjas and Suna Ninja Village ninjas were not without some gain.

In addition to wiping out White Zetsu's troops twice, those Konoha Village ninjas and Suna Ninja Village ninjas who died in battle also exchanged their lives for a lot of information.

No, the war had just ended. Terumi Mei's injuries didn't even have time to go to the medical ninja camp for treatment. Off-road uncle Shikaku summoned everyone and said slowly: "The ninja troops under Uchiha Madara are very strange. , everyone must have discovered it. According to the information brought to me by Cross Country, the name of the guy controlled by Uchiha Madara is White Zetsu. What is recorded in the Cross Country information is that it is a clone created by Uchiha Madara using the cells of the first generation Hokage. people."

"The vitality of these white Zetsu is very tenacious, they have the ability to imitate, and they also have the ability to perform certain wood escape ninjutsu. After two days of fighting, everyone must have discovered that these white Zetsu even have some of the abilities of jinchūriki. This This is also the reason why Lord Mizukage fought against Uchiha Madara’s troops twice and suffered heavy casualties each time.”

“Shikaku, there’s no need to say any more nonsense.”

Listening to Shikaku's analysis, the Fourth Raikage frowned, then looked at Terumi Mei, and said solemnly: "If it were me, I might not be able to do better than the Mizukage. During today's battle, I We all saw it. If it hadn't been for Mizukage, there would have been more ninja casualties in Suna Ninja Village. Kazekage, you should really thank Mizukage."

 “The Raikage is right.”

   nodded, and the Fourth Kazekage said: "Mizukage, thank you very much."


With a faint smile on her lips, Mei Terumi was obviously in a much better mood after being recognized by the Fourth Raikage and the Fourth Kazekage. Immediately, Terumi Mei's eyes slowly fell on Shikaku, and said calmly: "It's better to listen to Mr. Shikaku and finish analyzing the enemy's intelligence first."

“Excuse me, Mr. Shikaku, why did you say so much?”

“Is it because you see through the shortcomings of those guys named Bai Ze?”

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