Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 88: Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers (Part 2)


 “The speed of light is useless, the main thing is efficiency!”

 “Shun, it’s time to go!”

Shunshen Shisui's playful words came out, causing Meng's pupils to shrink slightly.

Especially recalling the cross-country Wind Shun Shen, and Kakashi's rapid speed when using Raikiri, the "fierce" look in his eyes that was unwilling to lose to his juniors, actually directly formed seals with his hands, another earthly The escape ninjutsu is released!

 “Tu Eun·Tu Liu Dahe!”



After the spell was performed, the "fierce" in the seal and the chakra in the body were instantly transformed into chakra with extremely changed earth properties. Then he slapped his hands on the ground and still made cross-country and Kakashi found something strange in the battlefield. Like this, he quickly used his rapid speed to get out of the battlefield to avoid accidentally injuring them with the "fierce" Earth Release Ninjutsu.

At this time, Shisui turned around and looked at the figure who was using the Earth Release Ninjutsu. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, the soil on the ground followed the "violent" chakra cast, and instantly turned into an almost liquid form, and rushed directly towards the remaining six Jonin level Mist ninja Anbu in front.

 And the river-like mud rushing in might not be able to directly kill the Jonin-level Mist Ninbu Anbu. But under the surging muddy water, the six Jonin-level Mist Ninja Anbu were suddenly separated and became fighting alone.

 Subsequently, Shunshen Shisui saw the "fierce" Earth Release Ninjutsu, which separated the dark parts of the Mist Ninjas at the Jounin level, and his smiling eyes gradually turned cold. Especially when the remaining six Mist ninja Anbu were tired of dealing with the "fierce" second earth escape ninjutsu, Shunshen Shisui faced the cross country directly. Kakashi ordered:

“Decapitation tactics, get rid of three of them first!”


Shunshen Shisui gave an order, and before his figure disappeared, the figures of Off-Road and Kakashi disappeared in advance!

 Obviously, neither Cross Country nor Kakashi wanted to lose to Shunshen Shisui, but how could Shunshen Shisui watch Cross Country and Kakashi walking in front of him?

 For a moment, "Meng", who was maintaining the earth escape ninjutsu at the rear, saw a very interesting look when Cross Country and the others all attacked.

 One second ago, the six Jonin-level fog ninja Anbu were troubled by the "fierce" Earth Release Ninjutsu.

The next second, three figures in the sharp blade team, one in black, one in blue, and one in white, suddenly attacked in front of three Jonin-level Mist ninja Anbu!

 Is it fast?

 That’s really fast!

 Shunshen Shisui, and Kakashi who uses Raikiri, needless to say!

 In the original plot, Uchiha Shisui is known as "Shuangshen", which refers to his teleportation technique.

In the Leaf Village, in the original plot, only the teleportation technique of the Fourth Hokage can compete with the teleportation technique of Shunshen Shisui!

 As for Kakashi's Raikiri, he also relies on speed to win.

 Without the Sharingan, Kakashi couldn't even see clearly where the enemy was going when he used Raikiri to move at high speed. Only the Sharingan's insight ability can keep up with the speed of Kakashi using Raikiri. From this, we can see how terrifying Kakashi's speed is when he uses Raikiri!

What's more, Raikiri is a ninjutsu that claims to be able to cut off thunder and lightning?

So, when "Meng" looked at Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi, and the two figures turned into a mysterious dark light and a shining white light, he just sighed.

Only when I saw the blue figure that turned into a cross-country figure that could vaguely compete with Shunshen Shisui and Kakashi in terms of speed, that "fierce" was truly shocking!

"If I remember correctly, both Minato and Shikaku said that Kage is only four years old, right?"

"Four years old! At just four years old, he has a body technique comparable to that of Shisui and Kakashi. If Kage really grows up in the next few years, wouldn't he be able to become a being like Minato?"

 “Well, that’s right!”

“That’s Minato’s signature teleportation technique! It seems that Minato really has a good apprentice!”

While being shocked, he secretly praised himself, which shows how much surprise the Wind Blink used in off-road use has given everyone.

Besides, it was not just "Meng" who secretly praised the cross-country, but even Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi felt a little scary when they saw the cross-country's teleportation technique.

At this moment, the only person who can concentrate on dealing with the ANBU of the Mist Ninja in front of me may be off-road!

 One of the advantages of off-roading is that you are rarely distracted during combat and rarely underestimate the enemy in front of you!

 Because, when you know that your own strength is not strong enough, you still distract yourself during the battle and underestimate the enemy. That is a taboo!

Therefore, when Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi were a little distracted and paying attention to Cross Country's battle during the battle, in front of the Mist Ninja ANBU, Cross Country clearly showed the results of training beside the Fourth Hokage. !

 “The Fourth Hokage’s secret transmission, the “acceleration” secret technique is activated!”

 “Konoha Cyclone!”


Transformed into blue light, Cross Country used the wind to instantly attack in front of the Mist Ninja ANBU. The secret technique of "Acceleration" appeared. With the power of "Acceleration", Cross Country kicked the Mist Ninja with a Konoha Cyclone. On the ANBU's arms, even though the Mist ninja ANBU used his arms to block, the off-road power was not very great.

 But under the inertia of speed, the Konoha whirlwind that flew cross-country into the air still caused the fog ninja ANBU in front of him to stumble and almost fall to the ground!

On the contrary, it is off-road. Affected by the force of the anti-shock, you quickly control the gentle breeze around you and control the backward trend of your body.

 However, because the force of the counter-shock was too strong, when the cross-country retreated slightly, it failed to seize the opportunity to attack the fog ninja Anbu in front of him.

On the other hand, the Mist Ninja ANBU in front of the cross-country staggered a little, then forcibly twisted his ankle to stabilize his body. He was worthy of being a Mist Ninja Jonin during the "Blood Mist" period. Moreover, with his ankle slightly sprained, Anbu, the mist ninja who had stabilized his body before looking at the cross-country, looked at the cross-country again, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

 Obviously, the cross-country attack at high speed made the fog ninja jonin seize the opportunity. He grasped the kunai in an instant and was about to get close to counterattack and kill the cross-country!

 The sudden appearance of such a counterattack obviously shocked the "fierce" people at the rear!

After all, "fierce" people never expected that the fog ninja Anbu would be so decisive during the fight, even if he injured his ankle, he would subdue the cross-country.

Therefore, seeing the Mist Ninja ANBU suddenly holding a kunai and attacking in the direction of cross-country, he bit his lower lip fiercely, and was about to change the sealing method and use earth escape defensive ninjutsu. Protected off-road. But the next second, "Meng" felt a shocking sight again, and suddenly it was reflected in his eyes!

Because just when the Mist Ninja Anbu counter-attacked, and it seemed that he was about to kill off Cross Country, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and with a "bang" sound, the man in front of Cross Country was killed. The Mist Ninja ANBU fell to the ground!

Moreover, just at the moment when the Mist ninja Anbu lost his center of gravity and was about to fall to the ground, a dark shadow slowly floated behind the Mist ninja Anbu, with blue chakra shining in his hands. The light suddenly pressed the moon-like sphere in his hand **** the face of the Mist Ninja ANBU!

 “Secret method!”

 “Hand of Shadow!”

 “Otama Rasengan!”




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