Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 871: Mutual growth and mutual restraint (Part 1)

“Days without sunshine were a bit unaccustomed to me at first, but now I’m getting used to them.”

 “I’m really getting used to it.”

Looking at the sun shrouded in the secret technique of Shadow Escape on the horizon, Cross Country raised a faint smile, because his most important task at this time was to look after the Jinchūriki in the ninja world, so the ninja world was facing a large-scale war. When traveling, cross-country is equivalent to resting and practicing to improve yourself.

In addition to using Kagura's inner eye to perceive the war situation and find strategies to deal with Madara when the war breaks out, it goes without saying that the more time he spends cross-country, that is, he is practicing and improving himself. As for the remaining time, there was no need for Cross Country to go and see the jinchūriki. Instead, he used his Yang Escape secret technique to treat the more seriously injured ninjas in the ninja alliance.

 That’s right.

  Today's off-roaders are simply like logistics personnel, sharing the tasks of the medical ninja troops.

Although Tsunade-hime led the medical ninja troops from various ninja villages on the front line to treat the wounded of the ninja coalition, the scale of the war was too great, and there were countless wounded, making Tsunade-hime extremely busy. Not open to trade. Moreover, there are some seriously injured wounded who can only be treated with life energy converted from body energy through cross-country use. Otherwise, those wounded will inevitably die miserably in this battle.

 In the previous battle with the White Zetsu troops, Madara's White Zetsu troops were not afraid of being consumed at all. On the contrary, for the ninja coalition, every ninja was the main fighting force. Therefore, he did not hesitate to consume his own strength to treat the wounded in the Ninja Alliance who needed rescue. While consuming his own strength, Cross Country naturally gained some benefits, that is, his attainments in life energy became more sophisticated.

 Because there has been no fighting recently, I can feel a little more relaxed when I go off-road today.

However, just as Off-Road was enjoying a wonderful leisure time, Gaara's figure suddenly appeared slowly beside Off-Road, making the smile on the corner of Off-Road's mouth become a little more intense.

“Gaara, I have been practicing very hard recently, and I haven’t seen you much.”

"You dragged Naruto to practice together. Didn't Master Kushina tell you?"

"Kushina-sama said that she is very happy to have Naruto with me."

Silently walking to the side of the cross country and sitting down, Gaara said calmly: "However, I can see that Lord Kushina is in a very low mood, maybe because of the war. Master, how long do you think the war will last? I can't see you. Although I can adapt to sunny days, it’s just because I can’t see the sun.”

“I’m looking forward to the sunshine now, Shukaku.”

 “I’m also looking forward to the sunshine!”

Well, your relationship with Shukaku is very good now!

Knowing that the relationship between Gaara and Ichibi Shukaku is getting better and better, Cross Country is very pleased that Gaara can establish a friendship with the tailed beast, because the friendship between the jinchuriki and the tailed beast is the right way, and it is the only way to make the best use of the jinchūriki. The key to true power. For example, Lao Zi from Iwa Ninja Village. Although Lao Zi is one of the strongest jinchūriki today, Cross Country knows that his cultivation path is wrong, so he is not optimistic about Lao Zi's practice at all. The strongest Jinchūriki in the future will definitely be Naruto Uzumaki or one of Gaara in cross-country.

 When talking about war, cross-country people can’t help but sigh.

 Obviously, using Kagura's inner eye to observe Madara's movements, he knew that the darkness before dawn was coming.

The White Zetsu troops are just like the off-road feeling, and they are a test for Master Madara. If the ninja coalition cannot even deal with the White Zetsu troops that are easy to deal with, then there is no need for Master Madara to send his real troops. Confronted with the cross-country ninja coalition. In the next round of confrontation, relying on the perception of Kagura's inner eye, and Madara's intention to keep it secret at all, Cross Country already knew that the target of the ninja coalition's confrontation was the ninja of Mist Ninja Village.


The ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village are not ordinary Mist Ninja Village ninjas, but the Mist Ninja Village ninjas who have immortality under the power of the God of Death and are like a "plague".

The Ninja Alliance wants to solve the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village, those minions of the God of Death, and now the troops under Madara's command. There are three problems.

 First, it is the immortality of those ninjas from Mist Ninja Village.

With the immortal body in hand, unless every ninja in the Mist Ninja Village is sealed, those Ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village will be immortal, even if they go cross-country and use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to deal with them None of them could completely eliminate them with the power of the Hungry Ghost Path. But when it comes to using sealing techniques, even if there are people who are proficient in sealing techniques in the Ninja Alliance, can they be more numerous than the original ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village?

What's more, the ninja coalition is at least a few ninjas who are proficient in sealing techniques, and they can only seal a ninja from Mist Ninja Village under Madara. Under such circumstances, Cross Country feels that he and Uzumaki Kushina are about to go to the battlefield. After all, if Cross Country can cooperate with Uzumaki Kushina, he can still restrain Madara's Mist Ninja Village ninja troops a little.

 Second, let’s talk about a very unique ability that the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village have under the control of the God of Death.

That kind of ability is like a "plague", more like a "virus". As long as the ninja is injured by those Mist Ninja Village ninjas, they will definitely become the same existence as those Mist Ninja Village ninjas, become the minions of the God of Death, and become... A ninja under Lord Cheng Madara. This means that the cross-country ninja coalition cannot even be injured when they compete with those Mist Ninja Village ninjas.

In case of injuries, the strategy required for off-roading is to humanely destroy the injured ninjas on your own side.

It is also because of this that Off-Road is the second terrorist force that is worried that the ninja coalition will not be able to defeat Madara, a force composed of former ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village!

 Third, there is the supplementary issue of those ninjas from Mist Ninja Village.

You must know that not only the Mist Ninja Village fell into the hands of the God of Death, but also the Kingdom of Water completely fell into the hands of the God of Death. If the cross-country ninja coalition only has to face the previous ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village, after feeling the original number of ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village, the cross-country feels that they are still sure to suppress Madara on the battlefield. However, when Cross Country learned that Madara could use the Water Kingdom civilians who had become minions of the God of Death to train them to quickly become members of the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village, even Cross Country couldn't help but worry about the situation of the ninja coalition.

 So, when Gaara mentioned the war, Cross Country took a deep breath, no longer thinking about taking a break, and said calmly to Gaara in front of him:

“I wanted to secretly relax myself, Gaara, but it’s your fault, the master is going to be busy again.”

"Okay, you go find Naruto to practice. Master, I have some very important things to deal with."

 “Sorry, I don’t have time to spend with you, Gaara!”

 After saying that, the off-road figure disappeared in front of Gaara.

When Cross Country left in a hurry, he obviously failed to notice that after he left, Gaara had no intention of leaving at all. Instead, when Cross Country left, he looked at Cross Country's back and murmured. said:

 “Master, I have great hope.”

 “I can help you!”

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