Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 879: New Eye Technique

"So fast!"

At this moment, it was not Uchiha Izuna who came behind Gaara in an instant, but Uchiha Izuna who successfully eliminated Uzumaki Naruto and came behind Gaara.

How long will it take for Gaara and Ichibi Shukaku to change their bodies?

the answer is.

 It doesn’t even take as long as the blink of an eye. That time simply cannot be measured numerically.

Uchiha Izuna relied on the time that could not be measured by numerical values ​​to first eliminate Uzumaki Naruto and deprive Uzumaki Naruto of the nine-tailed demon fox in his body. Immediately, coming behind Gaara, Uchiha Izuna used a mocking tone, indifferently mocking Gaara and Ichibi Shukaku in front of him, and also complained about his brother Madara.

It is unimaginable that Uchiha Izuna actually has such speed.

 Wasn't he killed by the Second Hokage?

The Second Hokage relied on to kill Uchiha Izuna, wasn't it the speed of the Flying Thunder God Technique?

 However, at this time Gaara, Ichibi Shukaku really had no time to think, because Uchiha Izuna's palm had already landed on Gaara's shoulder. It was just the strange power coming from his palm. Ichibi Shukaku knew that if he was touched by Uchiha Izuna, he might escape from Gaara's body.

So, quickly explode the chakra in your body. What Ichibi Shukaku is thinking about is no longer defeating Uchiha Izuna. He is just thinking about protecting Gaara.


 Ichibi Shukaku is still too slow!

 Because, Uchiha Izuna happened to be in the gap where Ichibi Shukaku exploded chakra, and suddenly touched Gaara's body with his palm. Immediately afterwards, the powerful chakra followed Gaara's body and sank directly into Uchiha Senna's palm. Uchiha Senna was shocked to be deprived of one tail the moment he touched Gaara. Shukaku.

Then, looking at the dying Gaara who fell to the ground in front of him, Uchiha Izuna slowly squatted down, actually showing a kind smile, and said lightly:

 “You know, what’s my favorite law?”

"It is the law that after a jinchuriki is deprived of his tailed beast, he must die."

"Strange, there were no jinchūriki in our time. How on earth did I know these things? Well, these weird memories are really difficult to understand, but knowing so many interesting things is always better than not knowing. ”

 “Isn’t it?”

As he spoke, Uchiha Izuna seemed to be mentally schizophrenic. He suddenly put away the smile on his face, slowly lowered his head and stared at his own shadow, and said coldly:

 “Shadow Mage, you are late!”

 “Damn guy!”

 That’s right.

When Uchiha Izuna's words had just finished, the people who followed Uchiha Izuna's shadow and came here were undoubtedly off-road.

I never expected that Madara could use the two pillars as a medium to resurrect Uchiha Izuna.

It was unexpected that Yu Zhibo Quannai actually had the strength beyond the original period of Naruto. After the resurrection, Uchiha Quannai was simply another Grandpa.


 More powerful than Madara!

After all, even if Madara comes and wants to kill Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, and deprive them of the tailed beasts in their bodies, it cannot be done in one breath.

Of course, it is also very simple for Madara to take away the tailed beast in Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto's body. But Cross Country can be sure that if Madara comes, then Madara will not be able to take away Gaara and the tailed beast in Naruto Uzumaki's body. Cross Country has the confidence to use the Shadow Shuttle Technique to come back in time.

Now, looking at the dying Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, they have no choice but to cross-country and forcibly separate the one-tailed Shukaku clone. The original power of the four-tailed Son Goku clone is injected into Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. inside the body.

If a jinchuriki is deprived of his tailed beast, he will indeed die.

But Cross Country now uses the power of the tailed beast clone to successfully inject it into the bodies of Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. At least it can keep Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto alive.

What's more, Cross Country can use life energy to heal Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, so the lives of Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto were successfully saved.

On the contrary, Uchiha Izuna in front of me always gives off-road a gloomy feeling, which feels very bad.

After taking a deep breath, the strength at his peak was reduced by a few points due to the separation of the original energy of the one-tailed Shukaku clone and the four-tailed Son Goku clone. Cross Country did not have time to recover his strength. He suddenly burst out the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and used the secret technique of Shadow Escape to prepare to imprison Uchiha Izuna in front of him.


 The same situation, the same scene appeared directly in front of the off-roader!

Even though Kagura's inner eye's perception ability was able to sense the existence of Uchiha Izuna, Cross Country suddenly discovered that Uchiha Izuna's speed was no longer what he could recognize. Although he could clearly sense the existence of Uchiha Izuna, he couldn't catch Uchiha Izuna's figure, and his body movements couldn't keep up with Uchiha Izuna's rapid movements. I even wanted to ask Uchiha Izumi when I was going off-road. Is Nai cheating? How could he have such weird speed?

While thinking, Uchiha Izuna's figure suddenly appeared and punched the cross country fiercely away.


 In front of a strong man, Cross Country was unable to fight back at all.

However, when Uchiha Izuna successfully knocked Cross Country away with his iron fist, his body fell heavily to the ground. However, Cross Country understood why Uchiha Izuna in front of him always gave him a weird feeling. Especially why Uchiha Izuna can achieve such terrifying speed, Cross Country knows the reason.


There is no doubt that it is Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyō Sharingan ability!

I don’t know where he practiced, but Uchiha Izuna’s Mangekyō Sharingan actually awakened a very terrifying eye technique that was far more complicated than the time and space ninjutsu!

The pupil technique is most likely the legendary pupil technique that can control time!

 The secret of time!

“Damn it, if Uchiha Izuna really masters the secret technique of time, who in the ninja world can be his opponent?”


 “It’s far more terrifying than time and space!”

Hand inwardly, Cross Country suddenly became more solemn when facing Uchiha Izuna, because now that he understands the time and space ninjutsu, he can imagine how terrifying the time ninjutsu is.

When Uchiha Izuna looked at Cross Country, he clearly noticed the alertness in Cross Country's eyes.

 But the more alert he is when going off-road, the more excited Uchiha Izuna becomes!

 Because in Uchiha Izuna's thoughts, he is now

 Finally I can help my brother and fulfill his dream!

“Brother, your dream will come true in my hands!”

“With time in hand, no one in the ninja world can be my opponent!”

 “Even the Shadow Mage”

"No exception!"

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