Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 881: Perfection


The pig teammate is indeed a pig teammate. He didn't even have time to stop him in cross-country. His pig teammate Lao Zi was shocked and defeated directly at the hands of Uchiha Izuna in one round of confrontation!

  It’s still a time ninjutsu!

 One new trick and you can eat it all over the world!

When Uchiha Izuna used the time ninjutsu, he first blocked time slightly, so that neither Cross Country nor Lao Zi could capture Uchiha Izuna. Immediately afterwards, when Uchiha Izuna came close to Lao Zi in an instant, he could see it with the naked eye. The four-tailed Sun Wukong chakra on Lao Zi gradually disappeared and entered Uchiha Izuna's body. in. Moreover, at that exact moment, Uchiha Izuna directly deprived Lao Zi of the four-tailed Sun Wukong in his body, causing Lao Zi to collapse directly on the ground, like Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto before. He looked like he was dying.

His eyes slowly fell on Lao Zi. He was really not interested in going off-road, so he went to save Lao Zi with his life energy.

 Save a pig teammate, what's the use?

 It's nothing more than consuming some life energy, which consumes one's own strength. If Lao Zi is really resurrected, it will be a burden to cross-country. Cross-country does not want to do such a thankless thing.

 Lao Zi’s behavior as a swine teammate has obviously made Uchiha Izuna stronger.

The stronger Uchiha Izuna obviously became more unscrupulous in front of the cross-country, especially when he felt the power of the four-tailed Monkey King reverberating in his body, Uchiha Izuna faced the cross-country, and suddenly A devilish smile.

“Shadow Mage, aren’t you very unwilling? You obviously had a chance to defeat me, but you were dragged down by your companions.”

"Now, in addition to the two-tailed beasts in your body, the one-tailed Shukaku, the four-tailed Son Goku, and the nine-tailed demon fox are all in my hands. There are still five tailed beasts left in the ninja world. Do you know that you don't need them? The two tailed beasts in your body only need to be stripped away, and I can transform into the most perfect form."

"In simple terms"

 “Is it the perfect body?”

 Perfect body?

Uchiha Izuna means

 Is the heretic demon inside his body?

Listening to Uchiha Izuna's words, Cross Country quickly analyzed Uchiha Izuna's plan. Naturally, his first guess was that the heretic demon was in Uchiha Izuna's body. That's right, if there were no outside demons, it would be difficult to explain why Uchiha Izuna could easily deprive tailed beasts, and even more difficult to explain why Uchiha Izuna wanted to collect tailed beasts.

The death of Lao Zi, coupled with the deprivation of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, has indeed made Uchiha Izuna stronger, and cross-country can be sure of this. At this moment, Uchiha Izuna can say these words to Cross Country, but the underlying meaning is that he found a breakthrough in the confrontation with Cross Country, and that breakthrough is the cross country pig teammate Lao Zi.

Sure enough, just as Cross Country thought, the four-tailed Sun Wukong in Lao Zi's body was deprived of it, and Uchiha Izuna's time ninjutsu became stronger!

For a moment, the cross-country car only felt like a flash in front of my eyes, followed by a "swish" sound.

  With the cross-country being unable to react, Uchiha Izuna actually used time ninjutsu to freeze the time of the entire world. In the moment when time stood still, Uchiha Izuna began the massacre in the jinchuriki's camp and began the work of collecting the remaining jinchuriki.

 After Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, and Lao Zi, Uchiha Izuna's first target is the Jinchuuriki of the Five-Tailed Mu King.

Also from the Iwa Ninja Village, the five-tailed king's jinchūriki is obviously much smarter than Lao Zi. At least he knew how to hide when he confronted Uchiha Izuna off-road.

  Unfortunately, when Uchiha Izuna uses time ninjutsu, no matter how much hiding is done, it is useless. Soon he discovered the jinchūriki of the Five-Tailed Mu King. Uchiha Izuna deprived him of the Five-Tailed Mu King without any hesitation. He then used the same method to deprive the Six-Tailed Rhinoceros and the Seven-Tailed Jumei of all. In the ninja world, Except for the cross-country two-tailed brigade, only the three-tailed tailed beasts are left. The eight-tailed bull demon was not taken away by Uchiha Izuna.

 Looking back at off-roading.

He knew that all these tailed beasts were deprived by Uchiha Izuna, mainly relying on the perception of Kagura's heart.

 After time was restored, just using Kagura's inner eye to sense it, off-road's face became ugly. The jinchūriki he was guarding have all been wiped out. Except for the eight-tailed Gyuuki's jinchūriki Kirabi, all the jinchūriki have now been destroyed in the hands of Uchiha Izuna. This is a tragic disaster for cross-country. fail.

  Let’s talk about Uchiha Izuna.

 Successfully deprived the six tailed beasts in the ninja world, and when he returned to the cross-country again, his changed appearance also made the cross-country feel the pressure.

The originally resurrected Uchiha Izuna looks just like the two pillars from childhood.

Except for the Sharingan, which is Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Izuna's appearance is exactly the same as the second pillar. The fact that the second pillar looks so similar to Uchiha Izuna may be the reason for the legend. Let’s go back to our ancestors!

but now

 The color of the skin is like the two pillars that released the curse seal in the original Naruto novel, turning into dark brown. On Uchiha Izuna's forehead, six eyes were opened at this time, symbolizing the six tailed beasts he had collected. The remaining three eyes were closed tightly. According to the cross-country rules, It is estimated that as long as Uchiha Izuna can collect the remaining tailed beasts, his remaining eyes can be opened smoothly and become the complete body he said.

Taking a deep breath, although Cross Country doesn't know what Uchiha Izuna's perfect body looks like, Cross Country knows that he must not let Uchiha Izuna become a perfect body.

 But at that time, Cross Country was not clear about it. Seeing Uchiha Izuna gradually transforming into a complete form, it was not just his heart that was filled with shock. At the same time, in a secret place in the Land of Fire, when Madara resurrected Izuna Uchiha, he suddenly discovered that his brother could gradually change his physical appearance as he collected tailed beasts. At that moment, his pupils contracted slightly, and Master Madara communicated directly with the God of Death, and asked the God of Death with a cold face:

“God of Death, can you explain what’s going on with Izuna’s situation?”

“When we were doing the transaction, it seemed like you never said that Izuna’s situation would become so weird!”

Listening to Madara's question, if Uchiha Izuna's weirdness was really caused by Death, then Death must have randomly found an excuse to excuse himself as soon as Madara finished speaking.

 But the even more bizarre situation happened just when Mr. Ban finished speaking.

Almost as soon as Madara finished speaking, Madara discovered that the God of Death had also fallen into silence. That silence obviously indicated one thing!

That thing is.

The God of Death also doesn’t know what’s going on with the strange changes in Uchiha Izuna!

 “Damn, things are out of control!”

“Quinna, come back quickly, your situation is not good, don’t fight Nara cross-country!”

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