Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 883: blindness? Wake up!

Who is the guy who has been trying to take advantage of Madara?

  It’s Hei Jue!

 The original description of Naruto is very obvious. The guy who has been taking advantage of Madara is actually Black Zetsu.

 In the original Naruto novel, Black Zetsu’s main purpose of using Madara is undoubtedly to resurrect Otsutsuki Kaguya, the mother of the Sage of Six Paths. But in the original, Cross Country originally thought that Black Zetsu had been possessed by the God of Death and disappeared from this world, and that there was no possibility of Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection. However, listening to Madara's words now, Cross Country knows that he is wrong. Black Zetsu still has not disappeared into the ninja world, because Uchiha Izuna in front of him is likely to be controlled by Black Zetsu.

However, Black Zetsu controls Uchiha Izuna, what can Uchiha Izuna do who can use time ninjutsu?

At this moment, Cross Country is the strongest combination in the ninja world. It is not an exaggeration to say it is the pinnacle combination!

 That is the combination of Shadow Mage Cross Country and Shura Uchiha Madara!

 Although Off-Road knows that Ban Ye cannot be completely trusted, off-road is still willing to cooperate with Ban Ye in the face of a common enemy. Therefore, after Madara explained the situation, the cross-country did not evacuate his own spiritual energy, and as long as the spiritual energy of the cross-country is connected to Madara's spiritual energy, Madara can enjoy the cross-country from God's perspective, the kind of use of Kagura The feeling of perception with the mind's eye.

With the help of Kagura's heart, Madara has obviously become stronger.

 In the past, Madara always thought that his eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was the most outstanding insight in the ninja world. However, now that he has Kagura's inner eye from God's perspective, Madara suddenly discovered that the Uzumaki clan's secret technique is also very powerful. Especially when Kagura's Heart Eye is used off-road, Madara feels that it is vaguely comparable to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, no, it should be said to be beyond the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's insight.

 Now, with the help of stronger insight, Ban Ye took a deep breath and looked directly towards the cross country.

Even if Off-Road has never cooperated with Ban Ye, strong people can understand each other's meaning just by looking at each other.

 So, at the exact moment when Madara’s eyes were projected, Cross Country and Madara’s figure disappeared from the place at the same time, and they suddenly attacked Uchiha Izuna together!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”


When he suddenly came to Uchiha Izuna, Cross Country condensed the chakra in his body, directly completed the ultimate change of wind escape, and released the sharp spear in the secret technique of blast flow. The blue light followed the palm of the cross-country and flew directly in the direction of Uchiha Izuna, and was about to hit Uchiha Izuna's chest. However, just like before, Uchiha Izuna mastered the time ninjutsu, so it was impossible for him to stab him with a sharp spear.

It is also the magical effect of time ninjutsu. When the light of the sharp spear is about to hit Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Izuna's figure suddenly disappears in front of the light of the sharp spear. However, just when Uchiha Izuna thought that he had locked time with time ninjutsu and could easily dodge the sharp spear, suddenly a pair of black magatama appeared in Madara's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. It turned quickly.

  followed by.

Just when Uchiha Izuna had just dodged the off-road sharp spear, Madara said two words slowly in an indifferent tone!

 “Divine power!”

 That’s right, it’s Shenwei!

 It’s Uchiha Obito’s pupil technique!

In the original book of Naruto, the pupil technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan is basically unique. For example, Shisui's other gods, God Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan cannot be mastered, so Madara in the original book of Naruto, even if Even when using the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, it is impossible to use the divine power controlled by Uchiha Obito's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. However, Madara in front of Cross Country is much stronger than in the original Naruto novel, especially after knowing that Cross Country can use mental energy to imitate the eye power and cast some forbidden techniques of the Uchiha clan and the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Madara He even used his own eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to directly copy all the pupil techniques of the Mangekyō Sharingan in the ninja world.

And when Madara cast his divine power, the sharp spear that shot out from the palm of his hand disappeared. Just when Uchiha Izuna used time ninjutsu to lock in time and avoid the cross-country sharp spear, Uchiha Izuna's figure appeared again, and Madara's ability to use Kamui was abruptly transferred. The cross-country sharp spear pierced into Uchiha Izuna's chest with a "bang" sound!


"how did you do it?"

Knowing that Uchiha Izuna mastered the time ninjutsu, I was so surprised when I saw Madara actually using a palm-bladed spear that transferred divine power to hurt Uchiha Izuna.

After hearing what Cross Country said, Ban Ye was not arrogant, nor did he disdain to explain to Cross Country.

In Mastering Communication, Madara had just injured Uchiha Izuna, and when he heard about the problem of cross-country, he took a deep breath, and Master Madara slowly explained for cross-country:

“Nara cross-country, I was able to hurt Izuna, it was actually thanks to you.”

"You must have collected the information about Quan Na when you fought with him, so I won't say more about Quan Na's flawless performance in battle. Coupled with the cooperation of time ninjutsu, Quan Na has no flaws. The vulnerability ability has undoubtedly been improved to the extreme, so when fighting one-on-one, Izuna is almost invincible. "

"But don't forget, the consumption of time ninjutsu is very alarming. If he faces you one-on-one, he only needs to pay attention to your attacks and use time ninjutsu to avoid all your attacks. But we If two people flank him, he can only care about you and not me. In this way, when guarding against you, Quan Nai will not be able to guard against me. If I launch an attack, I will definitely be able to hurt Quan Nai. That’s why I’m temporarily working with you.”

As he spoke, Madara suddenly discovered that the light in the Mangekyō Sharingan behind the sharp spear transferred from Uchiha Izunana's divine power was slowly fading.

Suddenly, recalling the circumstances of his blindness, Madara took a deep breath. Naturally, his first thought was that Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyō Sharingan eyes were overstretched, and he was about to face the tragic situation of blindness.

It was still off-roading, and when I discovered that Uchiha Izuna's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan seemed to be going blind, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly. Immediately, when Uchiha Izuna's pupils turned completely pale and there was no luster in the pupils, Madara, who thought Uchiha Izuna was blind, was about to step forward and temporarily kill Uchiha Izuna. , wait until the future is certain before resurrecting Uchiha Izuna.

 But just when Mr. Ban was about to step forward, a cross-country figure suddenly blocked him in front of Mr. Ban.

Especially when he grabbed Mr. Ban’s shoulders and stopped him from moving forward, the solemn words of the cross country reached Mr. Ban’s ears, which made the pupils of a hero like Mr. Ban shrink slightly!

 “Uchiha Madara, be careful!”

 “Uchiha Izuna is not blind, but deeply awakened!”

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