Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 887: Triwizard Confrontation (Part 1)


  After devouring the heretic demon and combining it with the power of the tailed beast in her body, not long after Otsutsuki Kaguya was resurrected, she made the sacred tree stand in the center of the ninja world again. Moreover, without any pause, Otsutsuki Kaguya used the divine tree to descend, and the branches spreading from the divine tree instantly filled every corner of the ninja world, especially the ninjas. In the direction of the coalition forces, there are countless branches extending away, apparently because the sacred tree senses that the chakra is densest there.

In front of Otsutsuki Kaguya, Cross Country and Madara also faced the attack of the sacred tree. However, relying on the strength of Cross Country and Madara, the two of them were able to barely withstand the attack of the sacred tree.

 But on the other hand, the Ninja Alliance just couldn't resist the invasion of the sacred tree.

 A few more seconds passed.

The entire ninja world has completely fallen into the hands of Otsutsuki Kaguya, because Otsutsuki Kaguya used the sacred tree to surround the ninja world without using the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Everyone except. When the arrival of the God and Tree World was successfully completed, Otsutsuki Kaguya used the Rinne Sharingan on her forehead to slowly project the power of her Rinne Sharingan eye on the sun and moon. , used to cast Infinite Tsukuyomi.

But just when Kaguya Otsutsuki was about to complete the infinite Tsukuyomi, and cooperate with the arrival of the divine tree world she had cast before, to complete her idea of ​​controlling the world, Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly discovered that her eye power was actually There is no way to place it on the sun and moon.

And the slight tightening of Kaguya Otsutsuki's pupils clearly meant that she had fallen into the cross-country eyes of Master Madara.

Therefore, while resisting the invasion of the sacred tree, Cross Country said to Madara in spiritual communication: "Uchiha Madara, it seems that I want to thank you. You used the sun and moon as media to exert influence on the ninja coalition. The secret technique of their emotions happened to be cracked by me using the secret technique of shadow escape. Now, that guy Kaguya Otsutsuki also wants to use the sun and moon as a medium to cast infinite Tsukuyomi, but it is a pity that my secret technique of shadow escape is used. The technique had already sealed the sun and the moon, so her plan to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi should have been ruined.”

"Furthermore, if I'm not wrong, if you want to perfectly control the world, you must have the cooperation of the descending **** of the tree world and the infinite Tsukuyomi. Now, the most that Otsutsuki Kaguya can do is control all the people in the ninja world. People who are not yet able to absorb the power of those who are controlled in the ninja world. This is also an opportunity, but I don’t know if you can fight against that guy Kaguya Otsutsuki again after losing the heretic demon! "

 After saying that, Cross Country originally thought that Madara would reply proudly. He, Uchiha Madara, naturally has the ability to continue fighting.

Unexpectedly, just when the voice of the cross-country was finished, Madara was silent for a few seconds before murmuring: "Nara cross-country, I'm sorry, I really don't have the ability to fight anymore. Back then I Dispersing the power of the heretic golem and returning it to the body of the tailed beast has already taken a lot of effort. Coupled with the matter of resurrecting Izuna, my power has actually dropped to freezing point, and now I have to do it again. Fighting against the God of Death and sustaining the loss of the heretic demon, it is impossible to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki."


With that said, Madara suddenly smiled at Cross Country and said: "However, there is no way to perfectly solve Otsutsuki Kaguya. Nara Cross Country, the future depends on you!"


 “Take the first step!”

Almost as soon as Madam Ban finished speaking, Madam Ban’s fingers suddenly fell on the forehead of the cross country, which made him do it inexplicably. He didn’t know what Lord Ban left for him before he died.

 And what Mr. Ban said earlier was obviously not without purpose.

Since he said he wanted to take the first step, Uchiha Madara must have disappeared into the ninja world as soon as he finished speaking.

  followed by.

Just when he was wondering what Master Ban had left for him before he died, he saw Master Ban slowly take out a death mask from his sleeve.

Looking at the death mask, Cross Country clearly understood what Madara’s solution was to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

 In order to fight against a strong enemy, Madara is preparing to unleash another strong enemy on the ninja world.

That powerful enemy is the God of Death who has been controlling Madara’s soul and is trying to use Madara’s body to return to the ninja world!



Sure enough, Madara's actions before his death were just like what Xue Yu thought, he just put on the mask of the **** of death, and the aura of death appeared on Madara's body.

 The appearance of a pair of pupils has changed. They no longer look like the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, let alone the Samsara Eye, but rather the eyes of a **** of death.

Similarly, when Madara was possessed by the God of Death, his fingernails obviously grew a bit longer, almost like the claws of some kind of beast.

 However, after successfully occupying Madara's body, the God of Death did not feel relaxed at all.

Especially when he discovered that the spiritual energy of cross-country was connected with his own spiritual energy, the Shinigami, who was more powerful than when he possessed Black Zetsu, slowly turned his attention to Kaguya Otsutsuki and said: "Nara Cross-country, you can't handle that guy, so you should be a good support in this battle. Remember, our goal is the same for the time being, and we will wait until I succeed. After taking back the world from her hands and avenging the last one with one stone."


 “By then, we will be enemies!”

 There is really a lot of nonsense.

 You are an enemy, can I still be unclear?

 Listening to the words of the God of Death, Cross Country was naturally prepared to just assist in the battle as the God of Death said. Moreover, when the Shinigami and Kaguya Otsutsuki are fighting each other, there is one more important thing to do off-road. Therefore, silently nodding towards the God of Death, Cross Country clasped his hands together seriously, slowly condensing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

Who knows, it was just when Cross Country was clasping his hands together to condense the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and feeling the surge of spiritual energy slowly condensing, that not only the Death God beside him who replaced Madara as his teammate, but also the astonished His eyes fell on Cross Country. Even Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was trying to decipher the secret technique of Cross Country Shadow Escape in mid-air and took away the sun and moon as the medium of infinite moon reading, suddenly cast a vigilant gaze on him. Off-road!

 “You are a thief, you actually want to steal my power?”


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