Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 90: Secret Mutation (Part 1)

 “Shadow Mimicry?”

 “Is it off-road?”

Suddenly he saw the Mist Ninja ANBU attacking from both directions, and his movements stopped suddenly. Kakashi's forehead was already covered with fine cold sweat, especially the sharp kunai in the hands of the Mist Ninja ANBU behind him. It failed to penetrate into the back of Kakashi's heart, but the faint tingling sensation still frightened Kakashi!

Then, it was not until the sound of off-roading came slowly that Kakashi, who took a breath of air, finally came back to his senses.

And when he came back to his senses, he found that the shadows at the feet of the fog ninja Anbu in both directions were connected with the shadows that suddenly extended. Kakashi glanced at the cross country with his peripheral vision, and thought Full of gratitude, he still said with a poisonous tongue:

“Shadow, you don’t need to worry about my battle!”

 “Get out of my way!”

"All right!"

Shrugging in the direction of Kakashi, Cross Country, whose face was hidden under the mask, showed a harmless smile, and then he actually unlocked the shadow imitation technique, which caught Kakashi off guard. In a hurry, he once again fought against the two fog ninja ANBU in front of him, and the battle situation was still so difficult.

And "Meng" had just listened to Cross Country's team concept, and now saw Cross Country and Kakashi "Qi", he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and asked: "Kage, didn't we agree to work as a team? Mingming Lei Why do you let them go when you have such a good chance to kill them?”

“The team is a team, but if others don’t appreciate it, what can we do?”

He looked at "Meng" innocently, without the slightest hint of guilt, and turned his gaze to Uchiha Shisui and said: "Look at Shun, even without my help, it's not the same Can the target be solved? Lei's situation is different. I helped him out of kindness, but he actually scolded me. If it were you, what would you do? "

 “What’s more, I am a very vindictive person!”

“Meng, have you seen the injury on my shoulder?”

"If Lei hadn't used the S-level ninjutsu Raikiri he just used to hit me without distinguishing between friend and foe, my injury might have been cured long ago, and I wouldn't be like this now!"

 Listening to Off-Road's grievances with Kakashi, he curled his lips and was no longer prepared to interfere in the "grievances" between Off-Road and Kakashi.

In any case, the situation in front of us is under control. We only need to wait for Uchiha Shisui to deal with the two ANBU of the Mist Ninja in front of us, and then all the ANBU of the Mist Ninja will be solved. In addition, Kakashi was ungrateful and scolded him about the cross-country, which even made "Meng" feel a little uncomfortable, so "Meng" just ignored the little innocuous mistakes of the cross-country.

 Then, he completely put Kakashi's ungratefulness aside and didn't care whether Kakashi was in a hard fight.

At this time, Cross Country turned his attention to Uchiha Shisui, and saw that Shunshen Shisui's ability could overwhelm two Mist Ninja Anbu combat. Cross Country also admired Uchiha Shisui's combat prowess.

Compared to Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui is undoubtedly much better.

However, although Uchiha Shisui's ability can overwhelm the two Mist ninja ANBU, with the combined efforts of the two Mist ninja ANBU, it will also take a certain amount of time for Shunshen Shisui to resolve the battle.

Secretly calculating the time for the battle, Cross Country felt that if it was delayed for too long, the existence of the Blade Team would be exposed, which would be of no benefit to the mission assigned by the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, instead of going to help the ungrateful Kakashi who was in a tough fight, Cross Country suddenly reached for the ninja tool bag when Uchiha Shisui was fighting two other ANBU fog ninjas!

 “Shadow Shuriken!”



He just threw two shurikens. Off-road used the shadow clone to form a seal and used the "unseal" shadow shuriken to get a perfect effect in one go.

To say that the two fog ninja Anbu were really miserable. They had to fight Shunshen Shisui in front of them, and secretly they had to be wary of cross-country and others.

Early in the cross-country, when Uchiha Shisui led the way to eliminate two Jonin-level Mist ninja Anbu, in fact, the best choice for these Mist ninja Anbu was to retreat.

 At this time, unable to retreat in time, the remaining Mist ninja Anbu naturally had the idea of ​​​​fighting to death.

I thought that even if I died, I would have to drag the people of Konoha Village into the water.

 So, while secretly guarding against off-roading and taking "violent" shots, the ANBU of the Mist Ninja who fought against Uchiha Shisui realized that the Shisui Shisui was not easy to solve, so they prepared to use secret techniques to unleash their potential. But how could those two Mist Ninja Anbu imagine that Cross Country suddenly threw two Shadow Shurikens just a second before they were about to use the secret technique!

Seeing the shadow shurikens thrown across the country flying towards them in an arc, the two fog ninja ANBU were disdainful at first!

 Bah, it’s just two shurikens!

Who do you look down on?

  Do you think we can't even dodge the shuriken?

 I'm hiding!



With contemptuous thoughts in mind, the two Mist Ninja Anbu twisted their waists and successfully dodged the cross-country Shadow Shuriken, with a proud smile on their lips.

 However, by the next second, the two Mist ninja ANBU could no longer laugh!

Because they twisted their waists to avoid the cross-country shadow shuriken, but when they were dodging, the cross-country shadow shuriken was directly nailed to the shadows of the two people, successfully imprisoning the two mist ninjas. ANBU!

 When Uchiha Shisui saw this, what reason did he have to talk to the Mist Ninja ANBU?

Hold the Kodachi and use the teleportation technique directly!

With the same two powerful sounds of "swish" and "swish", Shisui instantly killed the two fog ninja ANBU in front of him. He dodged again and returned to the cross-country. He praised: "Kage, I didn't expect that besides fighting, In addition to your abilities, your assisting ability is also so powerful. The Nara clan’s confinement technique is simply amazing in your hands. Thank you so much!”

“Captain, you’re welcome, even without me, it’s only a matter of time before the two Mist ninja ANBUs die!”

 “Ha, that’s interesting! Let’s stop chatting here and help Lei!”


Listening to Uchiha Shisui's praise, Shisui couldn't help but secretly smacked his tongue, thinking that the gap between Shunshen Shisui and Kakashi was really big.

 Look at Shunshen Shisui's courage, and look at you Kakashi!

  It’s totally impossible to get on the stage!

 However, since Uchiha Shisui has ordered to go to help Kakashi, the cross-country must not sit idly by. What's more, Shunshen Shisui's speed is much faster than cross-country. As soon as he finished speaking, he used Shunshen Jutsu to help Kakashi block a Mist Ninja ANBU. But who could have imagined that just because Shunshen Shisui appeared, Kakashi was stunned again?

“Shisui actually managed to kill two Mist ninja ANBU so quickly?”

 “Damn it!”

“It seems like I’m the only one holding back in the Blade Team. Even cross-country performance is better than mine. How is that possible?”

 Being distracted during combat is undoubtedly a low-level mistake!

 But just because Kakashi was too proud, he actually made a fatal mistake!

 So immediately after, the Anbu, the Mist ninja who was fighting Kakashi, saw this and got a perfect opportunity for a sneak attack. Unfortunately, with "Meng" and Cross Country watching the battle, Kakashi's life must be safe. Immediately, "Meng" came out with another C-level earth escape ninjutsu, and unexpectedly killed Kakashi who was about to attack Kakashi. Cassie's ANBU, that mist ninja.

The range of Earth Release Ninjutsu is generally very wide, so when Cross Country saw "Meng" using Earth Release Ninjutsu, he used the Shadow Imitation Technique to extend his own shadow and connect it to Kakashi's shadow. He jumped back several times, and controlled Kakashi's body to jump out of the range of the "violent" Earth Release Ninjutsu.

 It's a pity that the continuous help from cross-country and "meng" still makes Kakashi feel ashamed.

Almost at the moment he was rescued, Kakashi said to his heart:

 “It’s so embarrassing that I was saved by Cross Country again!”

“If you call me senior in cross-country in the future, wouldn’t it be a mockery of me?”

Huttered to himself, Kakashi couldn't help but sigh deeply. His eyes were full of shame, and he was about to return to Cross Country and the others.

Who would have thought that when Kakashi was about to let Off-Road unlock the shadow imitation technique, Off-Road's voice suddenly echoed in Kakashi's mind. When looking at Kakashi's surprised eyes, they couldn't help but be stunned!

“Kakashi-senpai, do you think I’m making fun of you?”


 “That’s not right! How did I communicate with you?”

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