Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 894: legend

 That’s right!

Off-road's inference is not wrong at all. The fundamental purpose of the Six Paths Sage is to abandon the decadent ninja world, occupy the new world of off-road, and become the **** of the new world!

It is very difficult to control a world. It took countless years of hard work for the Six Paths Sage to be able to control the original ninja world. Therefore, how could the Sage of Six Paths abandon the ninja world at will? Even if he went to help Cross Country, he was just thinking about occupying the new world of Cross Country and gaining new power.

 But unfortunately, the Six Paths Immortal’s calculation was wrong.

 He thought that after cross-country opened up the world, the cross-country that created the new world would inevitably fall into weakness.

Who doesn’t know that Cross Country’s clone of the God of Death in the new world transported power into the main body when Cross Country opened up the world. Therefore, just when the Immortal of Six Paths entered the new world of cross-country, a faint sneer raised at the corner of his mouth, and cross-country formed another seal.

Needless to say, it is the art of "external incarnation" of off-roading!

 Suddenly, he controlled the shadow of the Immortal of Six Paths and used the shadow of the Immortal of Six Paths to create six clones first. When the six-path clone was successfully condensed and formed, the cross-country secret technique of shadow escape directly imprisoned the body of the six-path immortal. Immediately, he used the six-path clone to begin to devour the power of the six-path immortal, just like he had previously eliminated the **** of death. Like this, it took just a few seconds to get rid of the Six Paths Immortal.

 An off-roader who can use peak power is invincible in the new world.

 Six Paths Immortal knew this, but unfortunately he did not know that off-roading could quickly restore its own strength after the creation of the world.

After successfully disposing of the Six Paths Sage, looking at the ninja world in front of him that had lost all the original power of the world and was slowly collapsing, Cross Country slowly closed his eyes, and the Yin Escape mark in his body slowly It emerged, first emitting a pitch-black light that enveloped the Ninja World, and then the Yin Escape Brand slowly enlarged, replacing the Ninja World that was about to collapse with the new world inside.

So far

 All the troubles are solved!

 The clone of the God of Death who traveled off-road has now become the God of Death in the new world, controlling people's life and death.

The six-path clone of the cross-country maintains the six paths of reincarnation, so that everything in the new world can become orderly, no different from before.

However, just when Cross Country felt that his new world had become perfect, he frowned slightly. Cross Country suddenly absorbed the power of the Six Paths Clone and the Death God Clone, and used the "Incarnation Outside the Body" technique to once again create a new world. Come out.

What kind of clone is that?


 Surprisingly, he is the shadow mage’s clone!

  Nearly all the power is channeled into his own shadow.

When Cross Country's "external incarnation" technique was completed, the shadow mage clone slowly condensed into shape, and a black shadow exactly like Cross Country came to the front of Cross Country. After the shadow mage clone completed the condensation, he took a deep breath and found that the power in his body had been exhausted. He ordered the shadow mage clone to guard the new world. The cross-country figure was the ninja alliance that slowly descended into the new world. Inside the camp.

 In the camp of the Ninja Alliance, people like the Fourth Hokage, Terumi Mei and others were silently waiting to go off-road.

Seeing the off-road approaching slowly at this time, ignoring the power of the off-road that was no different from ordinary people, the Fourth Hokage hurried to the front of the off-road and asked directly: "Off-road, how is the situation?"

 “The situation is pretty good.”

First, he told everyone about his battles, and then about his creation of a new world. When everyone understood that the current cross-country was already a god-like existence, even the Fourth Hokage and others were using strange weapons. Eyes on cross country. After a long silence, the Third Tsuchikage raised his eyebrows and asked the cross-country road:

“That Shadow Mage, should we respectfully call you now?”

 “Where is the Lord God?”

 “That’s not necessary.”

With a slight smile, Cross Country said: "Now the person who controls life and death is my Death clone, the one who controls the six paths of reincarnation is my Six Paths clone, and the person who protects the world is my Shadow Mage clone. The me in front of you is just an ordinary person. Of course. Yes, if I face danger, I can control those clones to fight, and as long as I am in the new world, no one can be my opponent. "

“That’s all, do you still have any intention of becoming my enemy?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Fourth Kazekage, the Third Tsuchikage, and the Fourth Raikage all laughed.


Who can be the enemy of the gods in the new world?

 Have you lived enough?

And when the Fourth Kazekage, the Third Tsuchikage, the Fourth Raikage and others were laughing and thinking about whether the future ninja world would be unified under the appearance of the **** Cross Country, Cross Country was used. The spiritual communication method connected the spiritual energy of the Fourth Hokage, and then he slowly said in the spiritual communication: "Minato-sensei, this is a good opportunity. When I leave later, you can discuss it with the other Four Shadows Let’s create a perfect country!”

"There is no need for war in the new world. From now on we will have a unified country, which is the country of ninjas. In the future, you five shadows will be the founders of the country of ninjas. Whether you like democracy or you like to be "shadows" It’s okay to use my name to command the ninja world. Anyway, you want to give me a peaceful ninja world. Is that okay?”

After listening to Cross Country's words, the Fourth Hokage smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. If we can't unify the previous ninja world with the great **** like you, Shadow Master, then we, the Five Shadows, will not be laughed at in the future. die?"

As he said that, the Fourth Hokage's eyes gradually dimmed, especially when he thought of the dead Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto and others, the Fourth Hokage sighed deeply and said: "It's a pity that Kushina and Naruto can't share my joy. Cross Country, now that you are the **** in the new world, can you resurrect them?"

“Of course they were able before the resurrection!”

He smiled at the Fourth Hokage, not to mention the Fourth Hokage, the civilians who died in the previous war, or Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto, Erzhu and others, all will be resurrected.

And after all the people who should be resurrected were resurrected, he just said hello to his uncle Shikaku, and then left the ninja alliance camp alone.

 The current Shadow Master is the patron saint of the ninja world.

  No one in the new ninja world dares to hurt people who are close to Cross Country, so Cross Country can finally travel around the new world and relax.

However, just as he left the ninja alliance camp one second before Cross Country, two beautiful figures suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country the next second.

At a closer look, the two beautiful figures in front of me were not Terumi Mei and Sami, who could they be?

Especially when looking at Terumi Mei and Samyi's bulging expressions, Off-road touched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Why are you chasing after me?"

Almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Terumi Mei and Samui looked at each other, and at the same time got close to Cross Country. One grabbed the left shoulder of the cross-country, and the other grabbed the right shoulder of the cross-country. Terumi Mei and Samui actually said together as if they had a tacit understanding: "You are already a **** in the ninja world. Are you going to abandon us?"

“We don’t care, anyway, wherever you go from now on, we will follow you!”

 “Hahaha, it seems that I will have a companion on my journey from now on!”

  Laughing a few times, the cross-country did not refuse Terumi Mei. Sayim's emotions, backhand the waist of the two posters, and slowly embarked on the journey. During the journey, Mei Terumi was very curious about the purpose of traveling cross-country. Is it just to leave a legend of the Shadow Mage in the ninja world?

 But when he heard Terumi Mei ask this question, Cross Country's expression suddenly became serious.

Immediately, while slowly looking towards the night sky, Cross Country suddenly slowly raised his palm, and then a wisp of light slowly condensed in it. It happened to be the same ball of light that condensed in the palm of Cross Country. Samui smiled at Terumi Mei next to him. In front of the two women, Cross Country said without any concealment: "To the new ninja world." It’s my intention to leave a legend of Shadow Mage in it, but it’s not my original intention.”

“When I successfully created the shadow mage clone, dissipated all my own power, and used the shadow mage clone to guard the world, I suddenly discovered that the whole world was not as simple as I thought.”

"Because the time and space of the world is not just one. God-level powerhouses like us must have the power of the **** level in all time and space before we can go further. So before we can go further, The best state is to maintain a state of no power within the body."

"Furthermore, it happened to be when I understood that there is a lot of time and space in this world, that I realized that the person who has been helping me become a shadow mage is myself."

“So, since I was in the last time and space, I helped myself create the legend of Shadow Mage.”

“The adventure of the shadow mage in the next time and space”

 “It’s time to move on!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Yue smiled and threw out the light in his palm.

 The light thrown out from his palm soon traveled through countless time and space and landed on the blue planet in another time and space.

When the light penetrated into the body of a young man on the blue planet, the young man's eyes went dark without saying a word and he passed out completely.

 And when the boy woke up again

 No need to say more!

 The boy naturally discovered that he had traveled to the world of Naruto!

"my name."

 “Has it become the Nara Cross Country?”

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