Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 93: sharp edge

 That is not an ordinary ninjutsu, but an A-level ninjutsu!

According to Cross Country's understanding, and the "Book of Rin" that records Naruto's information, it is shown that E-level ninjutsu is a ninja school-level ninjutsu, D-level ninjutsu is a genin-level ninjutsu, and C-level ninjutsu is a chunin-level ninjutsu. A level ninjutsu, if the difficulty of a ninjutsu reaches level B, it is a jounin level ninjutsu!

Looking further up, A-level ninjutsu can be called forbidden arts, and S-level ninjutsu can be called secrets!

And not long after "Meng" got to know Cross Country, in order to allow Cross Country to fully exert the effect of the Shadow Shuriken, "Meng" actually communicated mentally and did not worry about Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi's Under such circumstances, he directly taught an A-level ninjutsu to Cross Country. What kind of measure is that?

It is no exaggeration to say that when "Meng" showed his courage, not only was Cross Country stunned, but even Kakashi looked at "Meng" differently!

Only Uchiha Shisui, he seems to have known the situation of "Meng" very well. During the cross-country trip, when Kakashi looked at "Meng" with a dull look, the corner of his mouth just raised a slight smile.

 But the fact that "Meng" taught Cross Country an A-level ninjutsu was not the most shocking thing to Cross Country!

 The thing that really shocked Cross Country was the name of the ninjutsu taught to him by "Meng". Cross Country's guess about "Meng"'s identity was extended from this!

 “Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu?”

"The A-level ninjutsu taught to me by Meng was actually the shuriken shadow clone jutsu?"

“Isn’t this A-level ninjutsu a ninjutsu developed by the Third Hokage?”

“Now Meng is not only qualified to practice the shuriken shadow clone technique, but also has the qualification to teach others the shuriken shadow clone technique?”

"Could it be that Meng is a member of the Sarutobi clan? And he is also someone who is highly recognized by the Third Hokage?"

“It’s very possible that such a fierce identity is. It’s very possible that he is Sarutobi Asuma’s brother? In the original plot, he is the grandson of the Third Hokage and the father of Konohamaru?”

Almost as soon as "Meng" finished teaching the cross-country ninjutsu and the training progress bar of the APP showed the progress of the shuriken shadow clone technique, cross-country looked at "Meng"'s figure and his pupils shrank slightly. For a moment, even when looking at Kakashi with that extremely shocked look, even Kakashi nodded silently to Cross Country!

 What does Kakashi’s nod mean?

 That means that the speculations about off-roading are at least 80% true!

 The mysterious Anbu "Meng" in the Blade Team may really be the eldest son of the Third Hokage!

The outstanding being who also enjoyed the title of genius in the ninja world and whose reputation was spread for a while, but died young!

 Perhaps, many people know the identity of "Meng" from fan fiction created by Naruto fans.

Because in many fan novels, it is said that the eldest son of the Third Hokage, the "fierce" in front of Cross Country, is a member of the Konoha Eight Colors, his name is Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and he inherited the terrifying earth escape ninjutsu of the Third Hokage. He is an expert in earth escape. Every earth escape ninjutsu he uses has the power to break mountains and crack rocks, making enemy ninjas infinitely frightened.

 But those are all false!

In the true history of the ninja world, Konoha Village has never had the name of Konoha Bashiki. Even the name of Sarutobi Shinnosuke has yet to be verified. It is very likely that it was made up by Naruto fans.

However, as the eldest son of the Third Hokage, his reputation and prestige far exceed that of Sarutobi Asuma in the original plot. His "fierce" strength may not be as mysterious as the "Eight Colors of Konoha" spread, but " "Fierce" must have a certain potential and a certain strength to be recognized by the Third Hokage and even so many Konoha Village ninjas.

What's more, from the cross-country exchanges with "Meng", he could vaguely see that "Meng" was stronger than Shunshen Shisui.

So, when Cross Country knew the hidden identity behind "Meng" and his surname was Sarutobi, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly sigh that the Blade Team he was in really had a luxurious lineup!

  Not to mention Shunshen Shisui and Sharingan Kakashi, they will both be famous and terrifying existences in the future.

 With the help of cross-country APP, through hard training, it is even possible to reach the pinnacle of the ninja world!

  Just speaking of "fierce" strength, in today's ninja world, it is possible to compare with the Seven Ninja Masters of the Mist Ninja!

If the current Blade Team is still not considered to have a luxurious lineup, then what kind of Konoha ANBU team can be said to have a luxurious lineup?

Then, he kept the matter of "Meng" Sarutobi silently in his heart, took a deep breath, and used the APP's accelerated training effect to quickly master the shuriken shadow clone technique.

Of course.

He has mastered the A-level ninjutsu technique of multiple shadow clones, and coupled with Cross Country's strong chakra control ability, except for the slow speed of seal formation, Cross Country wants to quickly master the A-level shuriken shadow of the same difficulty. The art of clone is also not difficult at all. But using an APP to speed up your practice will always bring better results and save more time.

 Based on various reasons, off-roading is the only way to use the accelerated training effect of the APP to practice the A-level ninjutsu taught by "Meng".

Moreover, just as "Meng" expected, after mastering the shuriken shadow clone in cross-country, his secret skill of the Nara clan, shadow shuriken, really increased the effect several times out of thin air. As for the sharp blade team that Cross Country and others were in, when they met the Mist Ninja in the confrontation later, Cross Country did not need to take action at all. They relied solely on the Shadow Shuriken with the amplifying effect of the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique and the Shadow Communication Technique. He was able to smoothly assist Shunshen Shisui, Kakashi, and the three "meng", and easily deal with the mist ninja ANBU they encountered!

 Three days!

 It only took three days!

The sharp blade team where Cross Country was located fully demonstrated the edge of the sharp blade in front of the teams of mist ninjas!

 With cross-country assistance at the rear, "fierce" timely rescue, Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi's rapid killing speed!

Within three days, the sharp edge of the Blade Team suddenly penetrated into the chests of each Mist Ninja team, piercing directly into their hearts. It only took three days. The sharp blade team where Cross Country was located demonstrated a terrifying record. In three days, they annihilated more than 20 Mist ninja Jonin, more than 40 Mist ninja Chunin, and countless Mist ninja genin. number!

There is no doubt that with such a huge base of Mist ninjas, the number of Mist ninjas annihilated by the Blade team can almost catch up with the total number of Mist ninja troops!

Furthermore, when the Blade Team annihilated the Mist Ninja Team, the members of the Blade Team were never injured!

 Such a terrifying record has naturally made the Blade Squad famous.

 Even when the Fourth Hokage heard about the performance of the Blade Team, he accelerated the frequency of battles with the Mist Ninjas on the front line, allowing Konoha Village to completely take the initiative in the war with the Mist Ninjas.

  It even made the Fourth Hokage say that the combat strategy of defeating the Mist Ninja before the end of the year is off to a perfect start!

 But for some reason, the smoother the battle went, the lower the mood became during the cross-country journey.

Especially in front of him, when Cross Country used the Shadow Communication Technique, combined with the Nara clan's secret shadow technique, and was about to annihilate a team of six Mist Ninja Jonin, an unrealistic thought appeared in Cross Country's mind. idea!

That is, is the success of the Blade Team a conspiracy of Master Madara?

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