Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 95: Blood Mist (medium)

“Having confidence is a good thing, but if you have too much confidence, will it easily cause counter-effects?”

"Shisui and Meng are the most experienced in the Blade Team, right?"

“But...but it seems that the two of them lost their initial caution because of their confidence!”

After getting rid of the six previous Mist Ninja Jonin, Cross Country watched Uchiha Shisui and others treat the six Mist Ninja Jonin as dead after just a slight inspection, and his heart was filled with a strange feeling. He couldn't help but frown secretly when Kakashi "violently" handled the corpses of those Mist Ninja Jonin.

At this time, even if they were not clear about the "resurrection" of all the Mist Ninja Jonin behind them, Uchiha Shisui, who was leading the way ahead with his eyes on the cross-country, hoping to join his friends in the Leaf Village as soon as possible and complete the mission as soon as possible, and "Mercy" "Both of them really feel like they got a little carried away because of their little achievements.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, just rest and maintain peak condition. Uchiha Shisui, as the captain, did not handle it very well.

Just finished the battle with six Mist ninja jounin. Although the members of the cross-country and other sharp blade team were not injured, they still need to recover their physical strength and chakra, right?

 You can't rush on the road in a tired state in order to complete the task as quickly as possible, right?

Although Uchiha Shisui was in a "fierce" state, he was still in good condition, and he was still leading the way enthusiastically while driving at super high speeds. But looking at the cross-country at the back, both Kakashi and Kakashi felt a little tired when they were on the road because they had consumed a lot of chakra before. Even the cross-country felt a little reluctant to use the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique. Got it!

 There is no doubt that the fatigue of off-roading is caused by the excessive consumption of chakra.

Original's current overall strength is that of a ninja at the Jonin level, but the amount of chakra held by Off-Road can only be compared with that of an ordinary chuunin.

 Under such circumstances, he used many secret techniques of the Nara clan to assist Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi and others in fighting. After each battle, Cross Country must recover his chakra in order to keep up with the speed of the Blade Team.

 Besides, I am not alone in off-roading at this time. I am feeling tired due to insufficient chakra in my body.

 In the original plot, Kakashi's chakra amount is still an issue. At this time, even though Kakashi can still hold on, his forehead and back are covered with tired sweat stains!

If it weren't for dignity and pride, Kakashi would be so exhausted that he would be unable to stand up as he was lifted out of the water.

 So, I found that Uchiha Shisui's "fierce" mental state was a bit abnormal, and he could no longer worry about his status as "little brother" in the Blade Team.

Chakra suddenly erupted under his feet, and he accelerated and appeared in front of Uchiha Shisui, "fiercely".

Frowning, staring at Uchiha Shisui with solemn eyes, Cross Country did not point at Kakashi, but at himself, and said directly: "Shun, even if we are about to meet our companions, should we Take a rest? To be honest, even traveling is a burden to me now, let alone fighting.”

“In my opinion, we should adjust the situation before joining our companions!”

“And to put it bluntly, if an enemy suddenly attacks us, we may all die in the hands of the mist ninjas after being exhausted for a long time!”

 “Shadow, watch your words!”

Listening to Cross Country's words, before Uchiha Shisui said anything, "Meng" reprimanded: "Shun is our captain, not to mention that during the mission, he said words that were detrimental to morale. In such a special situation, Shun is our captain." Period, you will be punished! What's more, Shun must have his own ideas, and you have no right to disobey Shun!"

"Go back quickly. Shun and I will pretend we didn't hear you this time. There won't be a next time. Do you understand?"

 Obviously, the "fierce" reprimand is not really meant to punish off-roaders, but to give off-roaders a warning.

 Uchiha Shisui, "Meng" and other members of the Blade Team are not only superiors and subordinates at this time, but also have established a deep bond with the Mist Ninja in many battles. Under the premise of having a deep bond, even if Cross Country said some offensive words, Uchiha Shisui, "Meng" and others would not care.

 The current meaning of "fierce" is obviously to serve as a wake-up call for Cross Country, so that he can better understand the rules of the ANBU and avoid being severely punished for making mistakes in the future.

However, "Meng"'s good intentions were visible to Cross Country, but when "Meng" finished speaking, Cross Country was still stubbornly staring at Uchiha Shisui, waiting for his order.

And Uchiha Shisui is naturally not a difficult person to get along with, especially when he found out about cross-country, Kakashi's condition really declined, and a look of apology appeared in Uchiha Shisui's eyes, and soon he Heading towards the cross-country, Kakashi said: "Kage, Lei, I'm really sorry, I seem to be a little eager for quick success."

"I think you can also understand that being the captain of the Blade Team is a pride and a responsibility. So under the pressure of responsibility, there are some things that I really don't care about, but that I really can't worry about. many."

“Ying, thank you for being the wake-up call for me. Of course, you also need to thank Meng properly.”

“Okay, it’s only half a day’s journey at most, and we can complete the first phase of the mission.”

 “Then those who are listening to movies now, have a good rest!”

 After saying that, Uchiha Shisui and "Meng" both smiled and stepped forward, patting off the shoulder hard.

 The previous conflicts disappeared among the sharp blade team along with Uchiha Shisui's "fierce" and off-road knowing smile.

Especially after Uchiha Shisui ordered a rest, Cross Country felt that his relationship with Kakashi had further eased. After all, the real beneficiary of Cross Country's rash decision was Kakashi, not Cross Country. Therefore, with the fact that cross-country is for Kakashi's sake, Kakashi must change his attitude towards cross-country no matter how bad he is or how difficult to contact him.

Even after the rest was completed and Cross-Country and others continued on their way, Kakashi walked side by side with Cross-Country and said "thank you" to Cross-Country.


 These little things are generally not taken to heart by off-roaders. After all, they are all insignificant things!

As long as the mission can be completed safely and without casualties, let alone a small remonstrance, if life is really at stake, cross-country travel must be done personally.

 Then, after all the off-roaders and others had rested, and even Kakashi had adjusted his condition and regained his peak strength, the speed of the sharp blade team had obviously become faster. Under the slightly relaxed atmosphere, Cross-country also secretly breathed a sigh of relief while traveling. The Xindao Blade team was in very good condition. Even if they encounter some accidents, they should be able to deal with them.

But who would have thought that just when the sharp blade team where Cross Country was located had just entered the gathering place determined by the Fourth Hokage, a cold wind suddenly blew, and Cross Country's pupils shrank slightly.

Especially when Cross Country and the others were walking step by step toward the gathering cave under the cold wind, an ominous premonition suddenly filled Cross Country's mind, almost making Cross Country exclaim subconsciously. come out!

 “Shun, be careful!”

 “There’s an ambush!”

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