Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 753: Encounter resistance

() Near a quiet lake, in a very humid forest.

Among the group of men and women, a slightly exposed brown-haired woman in the middle was a little complexion, and her eyes under her bangs flashed slightly.

The corners of her bright red lips slowly evoked a radian, and her voice was filled with a puzzled smile.

"It seems like a strong guy is near us ..."

"Well ... so unveiled venting power ... do we know that we exist ... or because of fearless ignorance?"

Hearing these words, beside her, a middle-aged man covering his eyes with a bandage hurriedly sank.

"Master Shuiying, it is imperative now to go to Muye, and wait for this kind of thing!"

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, Shui Yingzhao Meiming glanced at him gently, then flicked his fist gently, then smiled softly.

"Since you have said so, then I will put up with it ..."

"Anyone who is so arrogant will never live long ..."

Hearing the words of Zhao Meiming, Qing could not help sighing.

On the side of the team, a thin and tall figure couldn't help but glance at the distance, then slowly took off the beheading knife behind him, his voice hoarse.

"The man who is so overbearing ... really has the urge to fight with him ..."

Hearing what he said, a ninja who looked like a quiet girl couldn't help pouting and smiling softly.

"If you do n’t slash the adults, you must restrain your behavior. After all, we have to be guilty and come out this time. If anything goes wrong, it will be bad ..."

Hearing his words, could not help but give him a cold glance, his voice was cold.

"Well, you don't need to participate in such a thing, why should you come here ..."

Regarding the bad tone of never cutting again, it seems like a quiet young girl is not angry, but just smiles softly at not cutting again.

"If you can stay with your adult no more, it doesn't really matter where you are ..."

Hearing Bai's words, he couldn't help but choke for a moment, then lowered his head, making it difficult for him to see his face, and groaned.

"You are such an idiot ..."

However, at the moment his voice fell, an angry voice suddenly came from the side!


I saw that at this moment, Zhao Meiming, which had already calmed down not far away, seemed to have exploded at this moment, and she almost rolled up her sleeves.

Her original fair complexion looked very gloomy at this time, sitting sideways, staring coldly in the direction of the distance, her voice cold and crisp.

"Qing, are you sure that guy is really not provoking us !?"

Hearing this, Qing also looked a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

After all ... the other party seems to be mocking the whole picture, and a wave of momentum spreads every few seconds. The strong and overbearing momentum of the other party is still very daunting!

However, in front of him, this is the water shadow of Wu Ren Village.

If it is an ordinary person, I feel the domineering and vigorous fluctuations this time and again, and I can't bear it, just ignore it.

However, as the ruler of Wu Ni Village, Shui Ying Zhao Mei Ming is the leader of the younger generation, how can he swallow away! ?

Thinking of this, Zhao Meiming's eyes could not help flashing a bright, deep voice.

"Let's go, Green!"

"I'd like to see who dares to be so brazen here!"

Hearing this, a helpless grin on Qing's face could not help but murmured.

"But there is wood leaves ..."

In this regard, Zhao Meiming did not pay any attention anymore, he had rushed forward in front of him, while running, his body also exudes horror.


He had been in the forest, and while he was jumping forward, the bald big-headed man, who was giving off his momentum, suddenly stopped.

There was a look of surprise on his rough face!

I saw a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly turned his head, staring coldly in the distance, excited in a deep voice.

"Sure enough, Silver said that this powerful momentum ... must be something called Water Shadow!"

As the words fell, he didn't bother to continue to jump slowly, the burly figure suddenly disappeared as if it were a momentary movement.

In the vast forest, Shui Ying Zhao, wearing a blue dress, quickly walked over the trunk, and behind her, she was closely guarded by Shui Ying.

Just as she hurried forward, she suddenly stopped her pace, and her beautiful fair face suddenly showed a dignity, her eyes looked forward with some doubt.

In her perception, the overbearing momentum that had some distance seemed to suddenly get closer!

Zhao Meiming could not help wondering the secret way.

How is this going! ?

Just when she was thinking so, the blue behind her suddenly changed her face. Among the white eyes hidden under the blindfold of his left eye, he couldn't help but surprise him!

"Master Water Shadow! Someone is here ..."

He hasn't finished speaking, but he doesn't need to say any more.

Because at this moment, not far from Zhao Meiming's body, a burly figure suddenly appeared here without any warning.

A white virtual night palace uniform was also difficult to wrap his burly body, exposing the abdomen muscles of the chest and abdomen as steel.

There is a blade that is completely disproportionate to his figure in his waist, and there is a dark black hole in his chest, and a skeleton like animal teeth is densely packed in his chin!

When such a weirdly dressed tooth dense appeared in front of Zhao Meiming and the water shadow guards, they could not help but attract their great attention!

A part of Wu Ren, who knew something about Xu Ye Gong, immediately responded, and quickly horrified.

"not good!"

"This guy is a member of Xuye Palace!"

Hearing this ~ ~ All Wu Ren immediately raised his greatest vigilance, staring at the teeth at this moment.

And Ya Mi, who has just arrived here, can't even say hello to Shui Ying. After hearing that Wu Ren's words, he couldn't help showing a cruel smile to him, reassuring.

"You're right, I'm the tenth blade of Xuyong Palace, Tomi Rialgo!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt his head awkwardly, his voice was rough.

"Sorry, that's all the past tense. Now, what kind of blade I belong to hasn't been confirmed yet ..."

Speaking of this, I saw his eyes narrowed and sank.

"But ... in general ..."

"I prefer others to call me the tenth blade!"

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