Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 764: Join forces

"Run after him, wolves!"

In the forest, with the fall of Stark's voice, a huge change took place in the entire field!


The violent wind suddenly whistled on the field, making a violent sound, rolling all kinds of debris on the ground!

Soon, the dust like a sandstorm pervaded the original Stark's position!

Through the various air gaps floating in the smoke and dust, everyone in Yunren Village couldn't help but stare at Stark and Lili Nite's position, looking forward to seeing their wolf.

Unfortunately, nothing happened.

It was only when the sky was gloomy that they felt the atmosphere was weird and wanted to leave here immediately.

However, everything is too late ...


A huge thunder suddenly fell down from the gloomy sky, and the bluish blue thunder instantly illuminated the entire sky!

Shocked by this sudden thunder, Zhongyun couldn't help turning his head back slightly, looking carefully into the forest, and seemed to want to discover something!


Under the dark sky, Kiraby suddenly flashed to Lei Ying's side.

His dark-skinned eyes looked at everything that happened in the wind through the hurricane winds.

I saw that his expression was tense, his voice lost the laughter of the past, and he calmly said to Lei Ying nearby.

"Brother, it seems this time ... it's our turn to join forces again!"

Hearing this, it was rare that Lei Ying did not reprimand Kiraby, but glanced at him with a heavy voice.

"I originally wanted you to take Darui out of here, but looking at the current situation, the purpose of the other party is probably not just me ..."

Speaking of this, I saw his sharp eyes blinking at the moment, his voice was thick.

"That being the case ... then ..."

"Bee! Let them see the power of the ab group again!"

While talking, I saw Lei Ying's dark face tightening, but the palm of his hand was raised slightly, his fists were folded, and he was standing beside him.

Seeing his actions, Kiraby raised a brow slightly, a smile aroused in the corner of his mouth, and rapped in a rap-like voice.

"Since they want to watch, so big brother, let's make the ab group come back again !!"

While talking, while raising their fists in the same action, the two fists collided in the air!

At this moment, under the gloomy sky, even if Kirabee raps again, Lei Ying no longer blame him.

After the two fists collided, it seemed as if they had fallen into some kind of strong tacit understanding at the same time, and they stared at the distant tree trunks with solemn eyes!

In that position, the layers of strangely violently violent winds wrapped up there, stirring the celestial phenomena here!

The cloud ninjas on the side saw the Lei Ying and Kiraby standing side by side, and couldn't help but stunned.

"Is it Lord Raikage and Lord Kirabi ready to make a joint shot !?"

Dalui murmured in surprise at the same time.

Hearing what he said, Sam Yi's expression was also slightly narrowed, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the scene with some cherishment.

However, just as the two were gazing at the back of Thunder Shadow and Kiraby!

Suddenly, from the place surrounded by the wind, a horrific force instantly permeated the entire field!

At the moment when power appeared, all Yun Ren's faces that were originally standing here showed a horrified look!

Even Darui and Samui couldn't bear it at this time, their faces paled and looked in the direction not far away.

How could anyone have this ... this terrible power! ?

Did the guy from Xu Ye Gong always hide his strength! ?

At the same time, facing this terrible power in the first place, Lei Ying and Kiraby's faces were extremely ugly, and they became extremely rigid!

"How could anyone have such a huge power !?"

"It's unprecedented, in my husband's opinion ... this ... this guy's power is probably even the same as the blue dye!"

I saw Lei Ying's face tense, almost gritted.

Hearing what he said, Kiraby on the side was also very gloomy, as if listening to something, then his face was even more ugly.

"Brother, Yao said ... even that guy's power felt shocked and palpitated!"

Hearing this, Lei Ying could not help but shrink his pupil slightly, and was shocked inside.

What ... even the tail beast is afraid of that guy's power! ?

However, just when the two were shocked by Stark's sudden burst of power, Stark in the distance did not allow them to continue thinking.


Without any warning, the original messy horoscope and violent winds seemed to suddenly stop!

The forest suddenly fell into silence.

Under this gloomy sky, accompanied by this strange silence.

Suddenly, a tall figure seemed to pass through the still space and time, and suddenly appeared behind Thunder Shadow and Kirabi!

At this time, Stark was wrapped in a thick coat of wolf skin, his hands were clasping a metal-rich pistol, his face was expressionless.

His appearance was without warning, and he could not trace any moving trajectory, as if he had crossed the space!

When he suddenly stood behind Lei Ying and Kirabi, there were still two people's heartbeats with the environment on the field!

Lei Ying and Kiraby both shrank their pupils and did not dare to act lightly, with a layer of chilly cold sweat instantly behind them.

At the moment Stark appeared, a strong pressure was pressing on the two people instantly!

That feeling is like any sudden act will suddenly die!

Kirabi, who is a Lei Ying and an eight-tailed person, ~ ~ I do n’t know how long I have never felt this feeling of death!

When Yun Ren saw this scene in the distance, he felt as if he was strangling his throat.

Stark's face was expressionless, and he glanced at Kiraby standing beside Lei Ying, his voice indifferent.

"Oh, are you two too ..."

"Very well, it would be fair ..."

"If Li Li Nite and I deal with you and this guy, even if you die here, you won't have any complaints ... after all ... this is the value of a companion ..."

Listening to these words, Lei Ying and Kiraby stared at each other, then stared at each other!


The next moment, the figure of the two suddenly erupted from the place, flashing aside instantly! Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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