Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 773: different

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"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" ...

The ever-expanding blade hurriedly made a harsh noise in the midst of the air. At this time, in front of Yin, a white curtain covered everything!

The various types of ninjutsu that originally swept this way were also destroyed under the strong airflow and collision!

Whether it is the flame of the sky or the wind blade that comes from the cutting, in the face of a white blade that penetrates everything through destruction, it cannot be maintained at all!

And these are just the trivial side.

"Hurry away from that guy !!"

Watergate's anxious voice landed on the court, but it was a little late.

I saw that the ninja was located near the original position of the water gate, and the shadow ninja who stood here to release the ninja skill had no time to react. Under the penetration of the magic gun, the whole person was instantly stuck in place!

When the attack was over, Silver's face still maintained a fox-like smile, and the radian of the corner of his mouth seemed to mock the ninja's self-control.

As he gently shook blood that did not exist on the magic gun.

The next moment, more than a dozen shadow ninjas standing in the distance suddenly burst out of dense blood mist, slowly falling towards the tree!

The dense mist of blood slowly rippling under the light of the forest, it looks very beautiful, but it is extremely cruel!

Seeing this sudden scene, the remaining surviving shadow ninjas and Naruto guards could not help shrinking their pupils, their faces were pale, and they stared in horror with a smile on Ichimaru.


Watergate's body suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but the not wide back at the moment brought great confidence to everyone in the leaves, and everyone was excited.

"Master Naruto !!"

In the distance, Yin looked at the water gate, his narrowed eyes flickered slightly, and a weird smile like a fox appeared on his face, and he laughed softly.

"I'm so sorry, these guys suddenly hit me ..."

"I personally don't like the appearance of such weak guys opening their teeth in front of me, so I solved them for you ..."

Hearing the words of Silver, the face of Watergate was expressionless.

I saw his eyes stay slightly on the corpse full of blood that had fallen on the ground, his eyes moved slightly, his lips moved slightly.

But he couldn't say anything. He just clenched his fists tightly and made a clicking sound.

For a short while, Yin only glanced at him with a doubt, and chuckled.

"If you just shake your heart just because these weak guys died, then you're letting me down ... Watergate ..."

"As far as I know, even among your ninjas, there are a lot of people who don't care about the life of this kind of ants ..."

Watergate turned a deaf ear to the words of silver and did not respond at all.

I saw that he turned his head slightly, and his face calmly spoke to everyone behind him.

"You hurried back to the village and passed the information here ..."

Hearing his words, both the Naruto guards and the ninjas in the shadows couldn't help but look pale, and then looked ugly.

"But! Lord Naruto you ...!?"

Before they had finished speaking, Watergate raised their hands to stop their next words.

At this time, Watergate's face was tense, and he used a serious attitude that he had never shown before.

"This is my order !!"

"Now bring the bodies of other companions right away and rush back to the village!"

Suddenly, the stern words of the moderate Watergate in the past made everyone stunned.

Then one by one, although looking low, he did not dare to delay in the slightest, quickly converged the dead ninja corpses in the forest below, and then turned around and hurried to Muye Village!

Seeing their movements, Yin didn't care, and still kept a smile on his face, watching with interest the gradual departure of them without any obstruction.

During this period, Watergate remained silent, but a pair of blue eyes stared at Silver with great alertness.

After the shadow ninjas and Naruto escorts all returned to Muye Village, Watergate stared at the silver and sank.

"Before that, maybe I still thought that you had followed Lanlan's predecessors. The hostility to the ninja world was only because of disagreement with the concept of ninja ..."


Speaking of this, I saw Shuimen's fist clenched slightly, a pair of eyes staring at the silver, she said in a deep voice.

"Your previous behavior has made me realize that you just simply don't care about the lives of others ..."

"In your eyes, the life of the ninja is probably no different from the animals on the chopping board waiting to be slaughtered ... I don't see the slightest respect for life in your eyes!"

Hearing the water gate, the corner of Yin's mouth slowly evoked a smile and smiled softly.

"Ama, I'm very annoyed by what you said, Watergate ... I have always respected things like life ..."

Speaking of this, I saw his eyes blink slightly, slowly.

"It's just ... Compared to my purpose, this obstacle on the way to accomplish my purpose is the existence that must be removed, which is beyond doubt!"

I saw a slight smile on his face and laughed softly.

"Since they dare to obstruct me, they deserve the punishment they deserve, don't they?"

Hearing this, looking at the smile on Silver's face, Watergate was slightly cold behind him.

He could feel that what the other party said was not a lie.

But it was for this reason that he felt a little dull in his heart.

No matter what this guy in front of him says, but in his eyes, the ninja is just an existence!

The indifference from instinct is what makes Watergate feel the most depressing!

At this moment, Watergate couldn't help thinking.

Is this the virtual night palace established by Lan Ran's predecessor! ?

In that organization ~ ~ Do all people, like the guy in front of them, treat the lives of all ninjas as optional? ?

Or maybe ... the blue dye seniors who created the virtual night palace ... is it also with such an attitude and idea! ?

Thinking of this, Watergate couldn't help turning his face white, staring deeply at the silver in front of him and asking Shen Shen.

"Isn't your idea contrary to the predecessor of Lan Ran !?"

"Isn't Lan Ran's original intention to build a virtual night palace, like you guys, take all the lives of ninjas as optional !?

Hearing Watergate's words, Silver didn't laugh at all, but thought a little seriously.

This touched the water gate slightly.

Only when he thought for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the water gate, and smiled.

"If it's Captain Blue Dye ... maybe it's really not the case ..."

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