Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 777: That knife

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"Shoot him, sharp gun!"

With the silver voice falling, in a split second, the sharp gun in his hand suddenly extended, pointing directly at the water gate in front!

The speed of the magic gun's telescope was hardly detectable by the naked eye, but at this moment the expression of the water gate wrapped in a layer of golden chakra was slightly changed.

Chakra on his surface seemed to be a little turbulent, his eyes sinking slightly.

The next moment, I saw in the mid-air, the figure of Watergate disappeared instantly!


Suddenly seeing this scene, the smile on the silver face changed slightly, and there was a flash of coldness in the narrowed eyes.

At this moment, Wu Wu, who flew from all directions towards the position of silver, also reached his side at this time.

Just behind the silver body, the figure of Watergate suddenly appeared out of nowhere, his face was quiet, and the big jade spiral pills in his hand fell directly without hesitation!

At this point, the dead end is attacking silver, and silver cannot detect it at all.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. It seems that the final result of this blow will be settled!

However, just when the huge Dayu Spiral Pill was about to touch the silver body, a slight murmur was heard near the ear of the water gate.



I saw the mighty large jade spiral pill hit the ground straight, and instantly made the entire land into an empty place, all around was extremely messy!

However, standing in the semi-curved crater on the ground, Sumen's face was dignified, and he did not plan to be at ease.

How is it possible ... that guy suddenly disappeared in the same place ... Is it ...! ?

At this moment, the heart of Watergate couldn't help flashing a bad idea.

The deep work on his shoulder was also solemn at this moment, his voice hoarse and uncertain.

"Xiao Shuimen ... Is the old man wrong ?!"

I saw Shen Zuo a pair of frog pupils carefully looked around, heavy road.

"How do I feel like that guy also uses space jutsu!"

Hearing this, Watergate could not help but look slightly ugly, but did not refute, but nodded his head and sank.

"Master Zuo ... I'm afraid you feel right ..."

"Although it's just a little ... but just now that is undoubtedly the fluctuation caused by space is right ..."

At this moment, on a tree trunk not far away.


I saw the figure of Yin suddenly appeared here, he turned his head slightly, glanced at the distant water gate, slightly raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and chuckled.

"I never thought I would use virtual power one day ..."

"But ... Destiny is so fond of joking, isn't it ..."

Speaking of which, Yin stared at the water gate with a smile and laughed softly.

"But you should be proud of being able to push me to this point ..."

"I didn't expect it. It seems that you can perceive the action of the magic gun in this form ... it is very tricky ..."

Hearing this, Watergate was staring at Yin tightly.

"I didn't expect that you also mastered space ninjutsu ..."

Oops ... in this case, I am afraid that it would be difficult to track this guy's identity by taking the initiative to attack ...

If I had known it, I should take the opportunity to plant spatial coordinates on that guy ....

Thinking of this, Watergate's face was slightly dignified.

Hearing the words of the water gate, the corner of the silver mouth slightly raised, and smiled lightly.

"It's fair to do this, we can have a good fight ... see .. who will fail in this game ..."

Speaking of this, the corner of his mouth slightly lifted, his narrowed eyes opened a slight gap, glanced at the water gate with a smile, and chuckled.

"You know ... the loser must be punished with his life ..."

Hearing this, Watergate's face also became serious.

At this moment, Shen Zuo and Zhi Ma aside were deep in their voices.

"Relax, Xiaoshuimen ..."

"The two of our old guys are here. You just have to fight this guy with all your heart. We will wait for you to find a chance!"

Hearing the words of the two immortals, Watergate nodded quietly.

at the same time.

Back when the fairy mode of Watergate was completed.

Located above the Death Forest, a tall figure had noticed the movement here and had reached the sky above.

At this moment, when seeing the water gate in Fairy Mode just confronted with silver fiercely, the corner of the mouth of the visitor could not help but slightly twitch, a smile flashed in the deep eyes, and a soft smile.

"Is it the fairy mode of Taeya ..."

"I didn't expect this child to have mastered this tactic, let me see what level your strength has reached now ..."

With the words of the visitors coming down, in the high altitude, the cold wind was fierce, and it seemed that something was slowly drifting out.

Below, in the forest.

Facing the water gate, when Yin Gang was eager to try, his expression was slightly changed.

I saw him glance at the water gate, his hands spread slightly, and smiled helplessly.

"Well ... it seems that the previous game can only be declared over. In the next words, I really want to fight you ..."

Upon hearing the sudden words of Yin, Watergate, Shen Zuo, and Zhi Ma were all a little stunned.

I saw Yin gently covering her mouth, her eyes narrowed and looked at Shuimen with a smile, and laughed softly.

"Be prepared to do your best to take your shot, otherwise, you will lose your life if you don't pay attention to it ..."

Hearing this, Watergate's face changed slightly, she cried.

"Relax, I will do my best to defeat you!"

In response, Silver could not help but smile slightly and whispered.

"Very well, I really appreciate such confidence ..."

While talking, I saw the silver legs flexed slightly, the cuffs were slightly swayed, the palm rested on the chest, and the sharp gun was placed between the palms.

Seeing the strange action of silver, Prairie's face was stunned, and his hands quickly printed.

"Forbearance. Four Golden Blockade!"

As his words fell, I saw the golden chakra on his body suddenly overflow.

Then it turned into four golden chains, floating on his side, like a conscious serpent, perceiving the every move of silver!

In this regard, Yin ignored it, but with a slight smile on his face, chuckled.

"Hopefully, you will still be able to perceive my actions, otherwise it would be a shame ..."

As soon as the voice fell, just when Watergate's face was on alert, Silver murmured softly.

"Kill him, kill the gun!"

It was almost at the moment when his voice fell, and in the distance, as if in slow motion, Watergate's face still maintained an unbelievable expression, but his body was a slight side without any signs!


Suddenly ~ ~ Behind him, there was suddenly a narrow, almost unclear hole in the middle of a tall tree!

A cold wind blew gently across the field, dusting the ground.

In the distance, Yin gently tilted his head to her side, and smiled exaggeratedly on her face.

"Ama, it's been hiding ... it's not bad ..."

Hearing this, in the distance, there was a layer of cold sweat on the forehead of the water gate, and he twisted his head stiffly. After his pair of frog pupils glanced at the small hole in the trunk behind him, he couldn't help but shock.

This ... the knife in this guy's hand ... what the **** is going on! ?

Even the deep work of the shoulders and Shima were full of cold sweat, and the voice was heavy.

"It's terrible ... even the old man we can't react to the action of that knife !!"

"If it wasn't for the perception of Fairy Mode ... I'm afraid that blow would be over!"

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