Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 780: Escape

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Hearing the words of silver, the water gate in the distance could not help but look extremely ugly.

"Master Zuo ... have you heard what this guy said ..."

In this regard, located on the shoulder of the water gate, deep indecision can not help but look dignified, and groaned.

"Well, the old man understood it ... I'm afraid the purpose of this guy is not just the whole ninja ..."

Speaking of this, I saw Shen Zuo's old frog face crumpled together, turning his head to look at the water gate, his voice was solemn.

"You have also heard, Xiaoshuimen, Xuye Palace seems to have a capability to enable ordinary people to obtain a powerful force comparable to that of a ninja ..."

Shen Zuo sighed slightly, his voice hoarse.

"If this news comes out, you should know what the consequences will be, Xiaoshuimen."

Hearing the words, Watergate could not help expressing his solemn expression, slowly said.

"If the news comes out, the balance that Ninja has maintained for a long time will be completely broken ..."

"At that time, I don't know how many people will be chasing this unpaid power ... the ninja world will also collapse ..."

Deeply focused and nodded, Shen said.

"You're right, Watergate, so we must communicate the strength and motivation of this guy in front of us, otherwise, the Ninja world will inevitably fall into chaos because of the virtual night palace!"

Hearing this, Watergate's eyes were full of anxiety, and he couldn't help but groan.

"But adult, if you don't solve him right now ..."

Before his words were finished, he was interrupted by Shen Zuo. I saw Shen Zuo looking at him with a complex expression, and said with a deep voice.

"Xiao Shuimen, you should know that with our current strength alone, we can't completely defeat him. If we stay here, it will only make the result worse!"

Hearing this, Practicing Watergate's face was also stunned, and then a heavy, half a stunned, he sank.

"I see, Master!"

When Watergate finished speaking, he could not help but glance at the silver in the distance.

He noticed the solemn gaze of Watergate, a smile twitched at the corner of Silver Mouth, squinted his eyes slightly, and laughed softly.

"What's wrong, have you given up ... Bo Feng Shui Men?"

Hearing his words, Watergate's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice calmed down.

"Tell me your name, the guy in Xiyagong ... if I see you someday, I will take your life!"

Hearing this, Yin did not care, looked at him with a chuckle and whispered softly.

"Ichimaru silver ..."

"But it's been a long time since you said it's another day. Do you think you have the ability to escape the situation you are now?"

In this regard, Watergate's face was calm and deep.

"This kind of thing naturally does not require you to say more, Ichimaru."

"Sooner or later, I will get the account of the Konoha ninja who died in your hand, and I will get it back for them!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw that Shuimen quickly formed a seal of surgery.

At this moment, Silver's eyes were a little froze, his wrists flipped quickly, and he murmured softly.

"Do you want to escape easily?"

Along with his voice, I saw that the killing gun in his hand suddenly shot out, approaching the water gate quickly at a speed that exceeded human dynamic vision!

It's like slow motion, the sharp blade tip quickly approaches the water gate!

At this moment, the seal in the hands of Watergate was only halfway. At the moment of the electric light flint, I saw the deep fairy who was originally on the shoulder of Watergate suddenly jumped out, and the old voice shouted.

"Forbearance. Frogs roar!"

I saw him open his mouth and shouted loudly towards the front!


With the bright voice spreading in the forest instantly, I saw a transparent audio barrier suddenly standing in front of the water gate, blocking the attack of the silver **** gun for a moment!


Almost as soon as the sound wall shattered, the water gate in it disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, the smile on Silver's face could not help but converge slightly, his narrowed eyes opened a slight gap, glanced at the deep work full of cold sweat still on the forehead, murmured.

"It's just a fake immortal who dares to block my actions ..."

As he said, he slowly pointed the blade of the slayer into the deep work.

Seeing this, the deep work was that the entire skin suddenly became cold, and his face was a little ugly, and his two claws were immediately closed.



Almost when his body had just turned into a white smoke, suddenly the long sharp decisive gun suddenly penetrated the white smoke, piercing the ground like a tofu!

Seeing that Watergate escaped so easily in front of her eyes, there was no expression of anger in Yin's face.

On the contrary, he seemed to be very satisfied with the ending, and a smile was slowly rising from the corner of his mouth.

This contrasting behavior is very different from what he had shown before the waterfront.

At this moment, Silver stood on a messy forest floor, and gave a slight glance at the original position of the water gate, slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, and chuckled.

"Well, it is worthy of being a genius ninja who can use space ninjutsu. Even if I want to kill him, it is very difficult ..."

Just as Yin's voice fell, suddenly, without warning, a magnetic voice filled the field.

"If you really want to do it, I don't think it will be a difficult thing with the power of killing guns ..."

Hearing this voice, a smile flickered in Yin's narrowed eyes, and he turned his head slightly to look into the dark depths of the forest and chuckled.

"The ability to kill the gun is less and less. Even I can't waste it ..."

"And ... The purpose of the mission issued by Captain Blue Ran this time is not to kill the Five Shadows of this generation. Otherwise, if you shot it directly, wouldn't it be easy to solve ..."

With the words of silver fell.

"Patter!" "Patter!" "Patter!" ...

The dark part of the forest ~ ~ A tall figure slowly walked from it to the light, which is exactly the blue dye that stood before the death forest.

After hearing Yin's words, Lan Ran's face appeared a faint smile, softly.

"You're right, as long as Ninja Village continues to exist, the teachings of the ninja are still spread throughout the world, regardless of the existence of the movie, it will naturally be replaced by someone in the future."

"In this case, it would be better to use these ready-made shadows to complete our layout."

In this regard, Ichimaru had a smile on his face, but could not help but inquire about Lanran a little curiously.

"Captain Blue Ran, why do you care so much about the five big forbearance villages just because you need enough resources to transform into a virtual army?"

Hearing the words of silver, blue-stained eyes blinked slightly, glanced at silver with a smile, and whispered softly.

"What's wrong, silver, do you think it's bad to do this?"

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