Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 803: Fright and doubt

Accompanying Kakashi's voice fell.

After learning the information Parker said, the two extremely vigilant in their hearts had to grit their teeth sharply, and quickly flashed towards the tower!

"Oh!" "Oh!" ...

Parker's short body jumped forward. When he approached the tower, his body trembled involuntarily.

I saw Parker twist his dog's head, and the expression on the whole dog's face seemed to be crying, trembling.

"No ... yes ..."

"Kakashi ... the smell in my nose tells me that guy is in this tower ..."

Hearing this, the rushing Kay and Kakashi both sank, but neither of them hesitated, Kakashi hurriedly sank.

"Don't worry, Parker, just go to the top of the tower right away. Lord Naruto is preparing a seal there. We must convey this news to Lord Naruto in advance!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Parker was walking with short legs and no hesitation, as if he was a flood beast under his body, and he hurried to the top of the tower!

Just a few breaths, the two and several ninja dogs quickly climbed to the top of the tower!

When Kakashi and Kay jumped up to the top of the tower, the figure in front of them was shocked at the same time.


Kakashi's one-eyed eye suddenly widened, staring at Shuo Mao beside the water gate!

The same is true for Kai, his jaw is going to fall in surprise, looking at Dai not far away, the unofficial face on his face is full of mistakes, looking like a stiff stone like crying and laughing!

After Kakashi reacted instantly, he still hesitated and wondered.

"Father ... you ... how can you ..."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and quickly stopped what was about to be said, his face was a little dignified, slowly.

"It's too late, if Father and Dai are here, the next step is better!"

I saw that his eyes sank, he quickly looked at the water gate not far away, and sank.

"Master Watergate, there is something bad to tell you!"

Upon hearing his words, Watergate's expression sank slightly, his eyes moved slightly, as if guessing, glancing at Kakashi slowly.

"What do you want to say, Kakashi ..."

Kakashi didn't hesitate, and immediately spoke of Parker's trace of silver.

After listening to Kakashi's words, Watergate, Shuo Mao, Dai, and the seal ninja around him couldn't help but look shocked!

Watergate's face was so dignified that he murmured slightly.


"I'm still wondering why Kakashi arrived here ..."

Shuo Mao on the other side and Dai looked at each other, then glanced down at the high tower, the expression on his face was very ugly.

Just then, Kakashi was deep in her voice.

"Now we need to decide immediately what to do next !?"

"So far we are not sure if the other party has found us!"

"If the other party has discovered our existence and has been preparing something secretly ... believe me ... this result may be the worst ..."

After listening to Kakashi's words, Watergate's expression was very solemn, but he nodded and sank.

"Kakashi is right, now we have completely stood on the passive disadvantage, if the other party ..."

Speaking of this, Watergate's eyes flashed a thick worries, then quickly replaced by calmness, and continued to groan.

"If the other party's goal is this China-Ninja exam, now we have lost the opportunity to pre-set traps in advance, and ... no matter what the other party wants to do, we will be tied!

"After all ... in the middle of the Ninja exam is underway ... is the next generation of Ninja Village outstanding five ninjas!"

Hearing the words of Watergate, the seal ninja on the side could not help but look very ugly.

Wushouzhu was even tighter with his fists, his slightly muddy eyes staring down, as if he had seen through, Shen channeled.


Just then.

The expression on Parker's dog's face changed slightly, and he saw it move in small steps on top of the tower, then raised his black nose gently, and sniffed gently.

Kakashi aside, noticed its movement, and couldn't help but stunned his expression slightly.

"Did you find anything, Parker !?"

Kakashi's words immediately attracted the attention of people around him, and Watergate's eyes lightened slightly. He looked at Parker with some expectation, as if looking forward to its answer.

I saw Parker gently raise his front paws to stop everyone's words.

Seeing its movement, everyone quickly took a breath and looked at Parker nervously.

Whether it is able to find the position of the other party, or confirm whether the other party now finds their party, these results are in the hearts of everyone who is here now look forward to!

As everyone looked at Parker nervously, they were surprised at the sudden expression on his dog's face.

"Strange ... the smell on that guy has faded!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room stared at him, staring at Parker for unknown reasons!

Kay on the side was already squatting on the ground, almost lying in front of Parker, waiting nervously for its explanation!

Parker sniffed again, then slightly affirmed his thoughts, and then said to everyone in a deep voice.

"If I feel right ... that guy doesn't seem to be inside this tower now!"

Hearing these words, even the calm and calm Watergate couldn't help but clenched his fists excitedly, his face flashed fortunately!

And Kakashi and Kay's eyes flashed a surprise, Kay asked quickly.

"Hey, Parker, can you really be sure !? But don't get it wrong!"

In response to this, Parker frowned at Kay, who was in front of him, and raised his front paw gently, pressed it on Kay's face, and sank.

"Don't underestimate the pride of our Ninja dogs, physical stupid!"

Speaking of this ~ ~ it is frowning, then slowly, like a little old man thinking about something carefully.

"Although that guy's breath faded, I still don't understand ..."

"It was obvious that the guy had appeared in this tower before, and ... if the guy left from here, there should be a scented road left!"

It glanced at the nervous expressions slowly.

"But ... the guy just disappeared out of thin air, the smell disappeared directly from here, which I can't understand!"

After listening to its words, the original relaxed expression of the crowd was raised again!

At this moment, Practicing Watergate's eyes slightly, she cried.

"Since this is the case, senior Dai and Shuo Mao went to that position under Park's leadership to check the reason, and I immediately started enchanting here!"

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