Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 805: Guess, kid.

"Kak ... kakashi, hurry ... get out of here !!"

Parker shivered violently, curled up in Kakashi's and Kay's arms, staring at the big dog's eyes and trembling.

Kakashi looked dignified and repeated over and over again.

"Calm down, Parker!"

"The enemy is not here at this time, calm down!"

However, even with Kakashi's emphasis, Parker was still full of fear, and the fighting spirit of the entire dog seemed to be broken at that moment!

Shuo Mao and Dai looked dignified, glanced at the trembling Parker in Kakashi's arms.

"Get out of here first, Kakashi!"

"If the reason that Parker became this is precisely because of the guy who was here before, staying here is nothing more than continuing to increase Parker's burden!"

After hearing what Shuo Mao and Dai said, Kakashi nodded quickly.

Just a few people and Parker had just arrived here, and they were quickly away from here!

And just a few people were on the platform of the arena.

The sturdy Naruto who was bound all around looked at the surrounding field with a boring oblique glance, and just saw Kakashi and others with dignified faces!

The moment he saw Kakashi appearing on the examination room, Naruto's blue eyes suddenly widened, and he stood up in surprise.

"Mr. Kakashi !?"

When she heard Naruto's sudden appearance, the expression of Sakura on the side slightly changed, and she followed Naruto's gaze in wonder, but she could not see anything, she could not help softly.

"Nothing, Naruto, are you too nervous, how could Teacher Kakashi appear here?"

After hearing Sakura's words, Naruto's brow could not help but raise her head and scratched her head.

"I must have read it right. It was indeed Teacher Kakashi, but he seemed to have something in a hurry ..."

In this regard, Sakura seemed to remember something, her eyes were slightly dim, and she whispered softly.

"It would be nice if Teacher Kakashi could be here at the time ... if he was there ... Sasuke would not ..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't continue to talk anymore, and couldn't help covering her face gently, tears slowly flowing from her fingers.

Seeing Sakura's appearance, Naruto could not help but also looked slightly dim, but stretched out her hand, but could not help but just patted her shoulder gently.

I saw him gently raise his head, looked around, and finally stayed in the direction of Sasuke's infirmary, his lips moved slightly, his expression froze, and murmured.

"Sasuke ..."

And at this moment.

In the quiet room outside the arena, the white room was filled with a weird atmosphere, and from time to time someone heard a painful sorrow.

The scent of a hospital alone was floating in the air.

At the bed near a window, a teenager with long black hair and pale face was lying quietly on the bed with a dark look on his face.

The injuries on the rest of his body were not serious, just simple bruising.

However, in the tightly wound left arm, the control power was no longer felt as before.

Whether it is Chakra or strength, everything can no longer be felt from that arm ...

I saw him slowly open his eyes.

However, those eyes that were full of firmness and faint self-confidence in the past can only feel a gloom and numbness.

He twisted his head slightly, his dim eyes glanced at his left arm, which didn't feel much.

There was no anger in the eyes, no sorrow, and some were just deeply numb, like an empty soul, without color.

"You are sure ... just a helpless waste ..."

Sasuke's deadly negative eyes had no wavering, his lips moved slightly, and there was no sign of a sudden murmur.

The voice is very subtle, but it is like a heavy destiny, deeply engraved in his soul at this moment, allowing him to recognize his powerlessness ...

However, just as his words fell.

"Oh, guess what I saw, a guy who has completely given up on himself ... hee ... it's funny ..."

"It's a pity ... if you come later, maybe you can see more exciting content or maybe ..."


A frivolous and random joke sounded slowly at Sasuke's place, just like a strange muffled thunder burst into Sasuke's heart!

However, even the appearance of this voice is so weird.

But Sasuke's eyes just got slightly colder, and when he saw his eyes twisted slightly, he glanced around his body, his voice was very calm.


Hearing Sasuke's words, the voice seemed to be silent, and then said in doubt.

"Yeah, is it so calm, kid !?"

"It doesn't look like you in Guitong Maru's mouth, but I remember that guy said that when you saw him, you were so scared that you didn't dare to move. Are you right, kid? "

At the instant of hearing these words, Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly, and even the mind filled with negative emotions could not recall the terrible memory of the previous moment!

Sasuke opened her mouth slightly, her pupils contracted, and her voice changed slightly.

"You ... with that guy ...!?"

The moment his voice fell.

"Hmm ..."

With a weird sound, all of a sudden, in Sasuke's lying sight, a strange body appeared as if out of him!

The figure with a short silver hair was just like Sasuke's body, and the half of the body that was protruded covered Sasuke's body, facing him face to face!

"Yes, I do exist like that guy, so ... are you surprised, Uchiha's little ghost !?"

I saw Zuo Jin's pale face with a weird smirk. UU read the book and pressed Sasuke's shoulder tightly with his arms to stop all his movements, while slowly whispering.

Seeing this horrible scene, even Sasuke, who had lost hope to the world the moment before, could not help but widen his eyes, and looked at the nearness with horror.

Seeing Sasuke's complexion complexion, Zuojin could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth, chuckling.

"Ama, this lovely expression really makes me want to move ..."

"After all ... it's just a little ghost with the blood of Uchiha's family ..."

"If it wasn't for that adult ..."

I saw a slight stun in the eyes of the near eyes, pale palms sticking to Sasuke's face, a strange chuckle, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, smirking at Sasuke.

"Guess ... kid ... what will I do to you?"

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