Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 818: The cost of care

On the field, the two eyes stared at each other. The voice had just dropped, and the next moment they disappeared together!

"Oh!" "Oh!" ...

With the position of the two on the field, a burst of smoke and dust suddenly rose!

I saw the two hands wielding their blades and slamming into each other's hands, and a loud and crisp impact sounded immediately on the field!


With the excitement of Jin Ge, I saw Mars splashing, and Shuo Mao and Jun Malu frowned at almost the same time!


Just as soon as they touched, the huge force coming from his hand made Shuo Mao almost loosen the blade in his hand, and his body flew back with the blade instantly!

At the same time, Jun Malu, who stood firmly in place, frowned tightly, staring at the bone blade in his hand.

Above the pale and scarlet bone blade, a very conspicuous incomplete knife edge is appearing on it. It seems that this bone blade can no longer withstand an attack with the normal power just now.

Thinking of this, Jun Malu couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, looking indifferently to Shuo Mao, who was getting serious, his voice calmed down.

"The one who can easily cut my bones off, you are still the first ... to quote your name, Muye Ninja!"

Hearing this, Shuo Mao's face couldn't help but a sigh of smile appeared softly.

"The pace of change in the age of ninjas is really fast ... I never expected that young ninjas like you now have such incredible strength, unfortunately ... we are standing in opposition!"

Speaking of this, I saw that his eyes gradually became dignified, and he looked at Jun Malu earnestly, and said in a deep voice.

"I'm Shumu Mao, and I hope that the last battle that will bury you will make you happy ..."

The moment he heard Shuo Mao's remarks, Jun Malu's pupils shrank inconceivably!

I saw him raising his head in amazement, staring at Shuo Mao seriously, his voice still murmured calmly.

"I didn't expect it to be the legendary White Leaf White Teeth!"

"Thank you very much for your compliment, but unfortunately, but I am not a ninja ... and ..."

Speaking of this, I saw Jun Malu slowly stretch his hand to the neck, and said slowly.

"I don't think you have the strength to kill me ..."

The moment when his voice fell.

"Click!" "Click!" ...

There was a strange sound on the field, which sounded creepy!

Shuo Mao's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly, before he could think about what Jun Malu said before.

I saw Jun Malu's hand reaching towards the neck gradually became scarlet.

A spine bone that was thicker than all the bone blades he had held before was mixed with a trace of blood, and he was pulled straight out of the neck!

The spine is unfolded as high as Jun Ma Lu, and the vertebrae on both sides are spread to the sides, and a living big pupa rises, exuding **** evil spirits!

Jun Malu clasped the bone blade in his hand without hesitation, and rushed to Shuo Mao far away in no time!


"Oh!" "Oh!" ...

The next moment, the violent impact sounded continuously on the venue!

Mars is flickering constantly, the bright white blade and the pale huge bone blade seem completely disproportionate, but they are able to withstand Jun Maru's slashing again and again!

In the distance, Kakashi has opened the forehead on his forehead, the scarlet writing wheel stares wide, and he looks surprised at the battle on the field!

In his sight, there were only two dark shadows on the battlefield in front of each other, and the huge blade that set off a rapids from time to time.

"This guy ... can be as good as his father ...!?"

Kakashi murmured slightly.

at this time!

"Dance of Tang Song!"

On the field, Jun Malu, who had been fighting fiercely with Shuo Mao, flashed his eyes and shouted calmly.

With his words fall.

The next moment, the surface of his body suddenly looked like an erupting hedgehog, and suddenly drew countless fine bone spurs from inside and outside!

His arms, chests, and even legs were covered with sharp bone spurs, all growing in the direction of Shuo Mao!

Facing the spurs suddenly blasting towards himself, Shuo Mao's eyes could not help but suddenly flinch, but his body formed an instinctual response. At the moment when the crisis came, he flashed back instantly!

However, for this situation, Jun Malu's face did not change at all, and he took a step forward, his body followed closely, and the huge bone in his hand was cut directly towards Shuo Mao!

Seeing this scene, Kakashi's face was tightened!

Shuo Mao, however, was long-term battlefield, but his eyes were frozen and he did not hesitate to dodge at this time. Without any hesitation, his right hand immediately gripped the broken blade and sang in a loud voice.

"Flag wood stream. Machine front!"


I saw that at this moment, the broken blade in Shuo Mao's hand quickly reversed!

Holding the ninja upside down, even in this momentary moment, he didn't even have time to turn around, but just cut it off by feeling!


With the sound of a broken body, I saw that the blade in the hands of Shuo Mao first struck Jun Malu's chest!

The bones that pierced the body of Jun Maru did not have the hardness of the last spine blade. In the face of Shuo Mao's blade, all of them were broken at once, and they could hardly offset the strength!

Shuo Mao's eyes were calm, he breathed out a breath, and the experience of wandering through death many times made him faced with this situation!

Desperate, anti-kill, this is the main theme of Shuo Mao as a ninja!


Jun Malu's eyes widened, some unbelievably staring at the blood wound on his chest!

"How ... how is that possible?"


He no longer had the strength to grasp the huge bone blade in his hand, and let it fall to the ground, and that Qingxiu's face was now confused.

"It even ... fall down here ..."

Jun Malu slowly fell to the ground while at the same time ~ ~ but kept wondering.

"Obviously ... I had an advantage before ... but how could this be !?"

"Is this the legendary strength of the white leaves of wood leaves !?"

At this moment, the word repentance appeared for the first time in Jun Malu's heart.

He shouldn't relax his vigilance just now, if there was a mistake when he chased Shuo Mao just now!

He can still stand there now, and continue to be loyal to Lord Blue Dye and Lord Oshimaru!

His body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, Jun Malu's face gradually turned pale, and the wiping wound on his chest was bleeding like a spray!

"Unfortunately, you are a very talented ninja ... but it's a pity to meet me ..."

Shuo Mao's eyes were calm and his voice was flat.

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