Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 821: Counterattack

"Prohibition ......!?"

At this moment, the sound coming out of Jun Malu's mouth was like the harsh sound of the rubbing of gold stones, very dumb!

Speaking of this, the corner of his mouth suddenly grinned suddenly, revealing the expression that Jun Malu would never show in the past.

Above the pale bone mask that gradually formed covering half of his cheeks, bright crimson patterns slowly gathered on it, like an invisible hand depicting an ancient and sinister totem !!

"are you joking...."

With the fall of this cold voice, I saw Jun Malu under the other half of his face slightly blocked by his hands, and his yellow eyes suddenly stared at Shuo Mao with cruelty and coldness!


His legs were slightly bent, his soles slammed on the ground, and his body suddenly burst out like a cannonball with a half bow!

At this time, Jun Maru's body was covered with a layer of bone covered with crimson blood, fitted to shoulders, elbows, knees, etc., as if it had grown on his body. Contradiction!

And on his face, he was wearing a half-wobble mask. From a distance, he was like a mad dog with a bone, and rushed to Shuo Mao crazyly!

"This guy ... was it really about to die before !? How could such a power suddenly burst out!"

Even Shuo Mao, after feeling the terrible and turbulent momentum of Jun Malu, could not help but tighten his face, and watched vigilantly!

"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" ...

Jun Malu's pale figure approached quickly and continuously, while Shuo Mao re-pulled the broken blade on the ground and clung tightly!

Just as Jun Malu's half-bowd body approached Shuo Mao's side, he saw that he suddenly leaped suddenly, his right hand tensed backward, and a spiral bone awl formed in his right arm Above!

The next moment, I saw he suddenly threw it forward, looking like he wanted to make a huge impact on Shuo Mao!

Seeing this scene, Shuo Mao also felt a stretch of face, afraid to easily resist the opponent's power at this time, and quickly set the blade between his hands, trying to resist this powerful attack!

However, it is clear that Shuo Mao guessed Jun Malu's purpose at this time.

I saw the huge bone cone passing by in front of Shuo Mao, and it seemed that the bone cone attacking him had turned sharply and hit the ground directly!


The sharp, large bone cone did not stagnate at all, pierced the solid ground straight, and poked into the ground all at once!

The sharp air flow passing in front of his face made Shuo Mao understand that the other party would never have such a situation because of a mistake.

Sure enough, just when he was about to take a closer look at what the other party wanted to do.

"But don't compare me to that guy before, oh ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, with a harsh and arrogant laughter, suddenly, the ground on which Shuo Mao was standing trembled violently!

Feeling the violent shaking on the ground, Shuo Mao's complexion suddenly changed, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe looking at the ground and startled.

"this is!?"


Suddenly, his pupils shrunk slightly!

With a clear sound, I saw a huge pale bone spur suddenly burst out from under his feet!

Seeing this, Shuo Mao immediately reacted to what was going on. He couldn't help but look gloomy, ugly to the extreme, without any hesitation of time, quickly jumped into the air!


Immediately after that, several large bone spurs penetrated the ground again, and went towards Shuo Mao's thorns!

In this regard, Shuo Mao quickly controlled his body, constantly dodging like a zygomatic bone, constantly emerging from the ground and piercing his bone spurs!

Just when he had just escaped one of the bone spurs, and his body was just relaxing!

"It's you guy who wants to destroy this body !?"

Suddenly, a weird voice mixed with sneer appeared suddenly behind him!

His face changed quickly, but when he had just dodged.


I saw that the sharp huge bone cone in Jun Malu's hand suddenly penetrated Shuo Mao's shoulder, and Shuo Mao hummed, and turned his head to look behind him.

The sight that appeared behind him made him look horrified.

I saw among the huge bone spurs straying behind him, one of them closest to him.

Jun Maru's body is like it is fused with it, the entire front half is protruded, and the bone cone on the right arm penetrates deeply into Shuo Mao's body!

Shuo Mao's body shook, and his voice was a bit heavy and low.

"how is this possible...!"

Regarding his disbelief, Jun Malu just raised a smirk slightly at the corner of his mouth, staring at him with strange yellow eyes, and shouted with madness.

"Is this all your strength !? It's really disappointing .... I haven't used any strength ..."

"Come on ... don't yell ..."

"If it doesn't make me happy, I will kill you mercilessly!"

As he spoke, he saw that he also licked the corner of his mouth slightly with his tongue. The pale face was covered by that weird mask, and looked strange.

Shuo Mao didn't hesitate at all. His long-term combat experience made him very experienced and quickly took a step forward, and quickly fled from the penetration of the bone cone.

After flashing away from Jun Malu's attack range, his eyes froze slightly, his hand interrupted the blade and slashed back, slashing directly on the huge bone spur that Jun Malu merged!


With a violent impact, Mars was splashing, and the seemingly solid bone spurs also broke an opening under the sharp edge.

However, at this moment, Jun Malu, who was originally standing on the bone spur, has disappeared without a trace!

Without stopping in the slightest, after seeing Jun Malu's figure in his eyes, Shuo Mao, regardless of the shoulder injury that had been penetrated, was sturdy, and flickered towards a sparse spur.

His speed is very fast ~ ~ It doesn't look like he is injured.

Just as he was about to flash away from the spur forest, Kakashi in the distance was anxious.

"Be careful behind!"

Upon hearing this reminder, Shuo Mao's eyes shrank, without even turning his head, and the short blade in his hand was directly behind him, slashing away!


With a crisp sound, I saw Jun Malu holding her right arm and steadily blocking the slashing of the blade on the broken blade. The body was covered with pale bones and looked at him proudly, disdainfully.

"There is only this power !?"

He slammed a violent blow, and only struck Shuo Mao instantly with the help of repressive power!

After that, he glanced at the bone cone in his hand, a corner of his mouth, and a strange voice.

"That intensity is barely okay ..."

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